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Ricky Jackson, His Two Friends; Decades of Injustice made Right

Monday, April 13, 2015 5:11
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Ricky-Jackson wrongly convicted of murder

Ricky-Jackson wrongly convicted of murder

Ricky Jackson, His Two Friends; Decades of Injustice made Right…The experience made Jackson famous, he was the Longest serving wrongfully convicted prisoner for 39 years in America’s prison system; but he is free.

This is the WIBR/WARN Radio feel good post, great news, and all around amazing situation that a man by the name of Ricky Jackson went through. His two buddies; Wiley and Ronnie Bridgeman were in the same boat. All three were target by police and an eye witness who later; some 39 years later admitted he had lied about the whole thing. He was put under pressure by police to target these three.  When I first came to read this story; which dates back to 2014 but has current events this year with the monetary award given to Ricky Jackson for his horrendous experience; I could not believe what happened. As I read the story, it was a gut wrenching one. One that every person probably has at one time or another. But in this, Ricky Jackson was finally, unbelievably, and completely exonerated as were his two friends Wiley and Ronnie.

The Christian Science Monitor had the story, which was also found in MSN news. An excerpt of Ricky and what he was going through as false charges labeled him a murderer. The Police had pushed the fact, which was a lie; that Ricky did shoot Harry Franks a money order agent in 1975.  But the real truth could not overcome the lies that the police put forth.  When all was said and done, this left Jackson with a way to devise a strategy so he could survive and somehow eventually become vindicated and set free once again!

“We were trying to devise a strategy,” Jackson says. “Trying to figure a way out of there.”

The biggest challenge was mental. “You had to devise ways of keeping yourself sane,” he says. He read a lot – science fiction, mostly – and prayed. He used his imagination to create a world inside his head, a place he could retreat to that he understood. Jackson knew the three had the truth on their side, but sometimes it felt like the prison walls were made of sturdier stuff.

It is amazing to me that all these years later Ricky came out of our prison system without being stained. Yes, it was bad; but for Ricky he smiles and although in prison all those years; he was an innocent man waiting for justice. He finally got it and in all this Ricky did not lose himself or his heart.

The story is one where even those involved in persecuting Ricky and his two friends Wiley and Ronnie; did not fell guilt. When I read of the prosecutor and those involved, I wanted to hear how it was a travesty of justice. To hear them say they were sorry or something to that effect. What I read was a hard heart and system justice with no remorse that they made mistake. Yet you have to forgive these people although you wonder why people in law enforcement and the prosecutor’s office are so hardened to the real life they end up sending to jail. In Ricky’s case it was a falsified case, a lie, and you wonder you did kill Harry Franks. You wonder, how to make those who did this to Ricky pay. But in the end, you leave it in the hands of the Lord God Almighty whose own justice is and will judge men on that great day of Judgment.

Here are a few video’s of the moments in Ricky’s life where he was set free!

Ricky Jackson freed from prison after 39 years for wrongful murder conviction

Ricky Jackson became a free man after 39 years in prison when Judge Richard McMonagle threw out his conviction on a 1975 murder at a Cleveland grocery store based on a lie by then 12-year-old Eddie Vernon. Vernon recanted his story this week to set Here

CLEVELAND – Wiley Bridgeman and Ricky Jackson, who spent nearly 40 years behind bars for a crime they didn’t commit, were freed Friday morning. The cases against Bridgeman and Jackson were officially dropped in Cuyahoga County Court.

Jackson, 56, was set free first Friday morning after a hearing that only took a few minutes.

Of course, he was all smiles when he left the Cuyahoga County Jail. A group of supporters cheered and hugged him.

This video, Jackson walking out first time in 39 yrs.

1975 court case Justice; when Jackson was set free

Ricky Jackson’s story today is on many news outlets. His triumph today is the triumph of an effort of good people who sought to bring justice to Ricky Jackson and his two friends Wiley and Ronnie.

It was the efforts of the Ohio Innocence Project that worked hard to free these three wrongly convicted men!

The Rosenthal Institute for Justice was established at the UC College of Law thanks to the generosity of Lois and Richard Rosenthal. The primary component of the UC law school’s Rosenthal Institute for Justice is the Ohio Innocence Project, which was founded in 2003. Harnessing the energy and intellect of law students as its driving force, the OIP seeks to identify inmates in Ohio prisons who are actually innocent of the crimes they were convicted of committing. Innocence is often determined by DNA testing, but can include other types of new evidence such as new witnesses, new expert testimony, or evidence of police misconduct. Once an inmate’s innocence has been established through investigation, the OIP sends the case back to court and litigates in the hope of obtaining the inmate’s freedom. Innocence Projects across the country have freed more than 250 wrongfully convicted inmates to date. The Ohio Innocence Project to date has helped 23 individuals obtain their long-sought freedom.

Find out more about the Ohio Innocence Project here.

Ricky Jackson freed

Ricky Jackson freed, longest wrongly convicted prisoner in America

The post Ricky Jackson, His Two Friends; Decades of Injustice made Right appeared first on ».


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