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Wyoming Republican Party Elects New Leadership- meet the Challenges

Thursday, April 16, 2015 6:51
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WIBR/WARN Radio and Internet ministry is “an Prophetic end time, teaching, preaching, and warning agency”. Our shows are heard via Satellite, Warn Radio network, and world wide via the Internet.

Wyoming Republican Party Elects New Leadership meet the challenges: Federalism, Cronyism, Big Government, Corruption, and destruction of the Constitutional foundation that belies everything we do in America!

Energy business in Wyoming

Energy business in Wyoming and the Wyoming Republican Party

Wyoming State Political Machine, that is the Republicans met and elected leaders to take them into the next two year term. It is relevant that the local elections are important. The reason is, the national elections do not make much of a difference anymore. In fact, we have these national elections who allow people into office that have no qualms about certain things like: Border control, immigration, open immigration, blanket and radical Gay agenda’s, signing laws into action without congress, and much more. I speak pointedly about our current sitting President, now for two terms and his cronies who back him; Pres. Barack Obama. What we have seen with this President for two terms is lawlessness at the highest levels and with no input by major elected officials [Congress], he has legislated policies run by political hired hacks at the various departments of our government. Like the IRS, Environmental Protection Agency, CIA, Homeland security; as they push forward with Gun Control, and much more.

It it not that I dislike all the President’s policies, in fact his bombing of ISIS is one thing; while ridiculed by those who may want an army in Syria and Iraq; did help those at Kobane. The popularity of Pres. Obama was everywhere at Kobani when the Kurds, Peshmerga, FSA, and others fought and won against ISIS. They even named their babies after Obama! But the bombing saved lives and helped to defeat ISIS at the campaign of Kobani! The Kurds stood up against ISIS and also stood to help Christians, Yazidis, and other minorities survive against the Daesh. I have written extensively on this and covered it from the start. Search our site for more on this.

Yet what I am saying in all this is that local leaders and those who support them had better take their American and Patriotic heritage seriously because Federalism out of Washington is eroding States rights. As States sell themselves down the road for Big government Federal dollars, the bite of individualism in States withers. More and more we see and feel the encroachment of Big Government; one that is very powerful and corrupt! It is to this end that the Republican Party better be more than just another political machine that wastes it’ s time on cronyism and special interests.

The Dictionary defines Cronyism as: partiality to long-standing friends, especially by appointing them to positions of authority, regardless of their qualifications

It is here that the local states stand as the only defense in this nation today against a national dictatorship or a lopsided one party system where now Democrats and Republicans have different names, but smell the same. The same special interest, liberal, left wing, socialist campaign, using the guise of Democracy to get what they want. This is done while they lip service the constitution and move forward to obtain what they really want.

The Democrat dream here is found at the behest and in spite of Republicans and the public. Now, don’t mistake me; there are Democrat’s and Republican’s who are not like this. Just because I may not have spotted them in the jungle of deception in DC, doesn’t mean they are not there! But we have seen through Pres. Obama, Pelosi, and Reed how they pushed through Obama Care [Affordable Health Care Act]. We all heard “sign it into law, then you can read it” was their mantra concerning the largest dose of Big government controls ever! Simply put, they want to run the country, they see themselves as the only ones who have the truth, and they are willing to legislate what they want; by proxy or by someone in the White House who just has to sign into law what he wants. All the while the Republican and Democratic leaders in Congress do nothing to stop him.

WIBR/WARN Radio Commentary: on Political Machines, Republicans, and the Democrat dream

Here is the Press Release on the Wyoming Republican Party Elects New Leadership

wyo-state-flagApril 13, 2015


On April 11, 2015, the Wyoming Republican Party met in Casper, Wyoming, to elect new leadership. The leadership team will serve for a two-year term. The newly elected leadership team includes:

Chairman: Matt Micheli

Vice Chairman: Chris Smith

Secretary: Charles Curley

Newly elected Chairman, Matt Micheli, said, “I am humbled and honored to serve as the Republican Party State Chair. Wyoming is a great state and we have so many good people here. I know that as Republicans, we will all work together to build a better Wyoming and a better America.”

Also, the party elected seven additional voting members to serve on the State

Republican Executive Committee.

Region 1: Keren Meister-Emerich – Delegate, Kerry Powers -Alternate

Region 2: Island Richards – Delegate, Karl Allred – Alternate

Region 3: Margaret Tueller – Delegate, JuliAnne Forrest -Alternate

Region 4: John Brown – Delegate, Kathy Russell – Alternate

Region 5: Fred Frandson – Delegate, Rob DiLorenzo -Alternate

Region 6: Marilyn Connolly – Delegate, Janet Mader -Alternate

Region 7: Corey Steinmetz – Delegate, Wade Dennis – Alternate

The newly elected Vice Chair, Chris Smith said, “The entire leadership team would like to thank the outgoing Chair Tammy Hooper and the entire prior Executive Committee. They have labored many hours and worked tirelessly to serve our State and our Country.”

PO Box 984, Cheyenne, WY 82003

1821 Carey Avenue  Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001

Phone: (307)-234-9166  Email: [email protected]  Web:

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