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Terror victim’s son blames online incitement for father’s death

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 6:38
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Terror victim’s son blames online incitement for father’s death The son of an Israeli-American man who died Tuesday two weeks after being shot and stabbed in a Jerusalem terror attack blamed online incitement for the death of his father. Richard Lakin, a 76-year-old former American school principal and civil rights activist, was shot in the […]

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  • “There were 17 terrorist attacks in Jerusalem and other big cities during the first two weeks of October. Most were carried out by individuals or “lone wolves”—Palestinian youths acting on their own and not members of any militant group. Seven Israelis were killed and 96 injured. Of 22 Palestinian terrorists, nine were killed. Eleven were injured and detained, among them three women.

    Everything today is available on You-Tube, taken by eyewitnesses or security cameras. These videos show how Israeli soldiers and paramedics keep angry people from lynching wounded terrorists:
    Video: An Arab employee of the Israeli telephone company Bezeq rams his car into pedestrians at a Jerusalem bus stop:

    Video: A Palestinian attacks an Israeli police officer with a knife at Damascus Gate in the Old City: watch?v=O3oTgidxXlE

    Typically, international headlines begin with Palestinians being killed while playing down or covering up that they were terrorists who were shot during unprovoked attacks.
    BBC : “Palestinian shot dead after Jerusalem attack kills two”;
    Wall Street Journal :
    “Israeli police shot and killed two Palestinian teenagers…after knife-wielding assailants attacked Israeli soldiers and officers”;
    MSNBC : “NBC team captures Israeli shooting on video.”
    In the latter headline, for instance, there is no indication that the man who was shot tried to stab people (also caught on video). Victims are often described as “unknown” or “pedestrians” or “passers- by,” not as Jewish or Israeli civilians.

    To add insult to injury, Palestinians are manipulating videos and photos of attacks on social media and portraying the terrorists as innocent victims who were “murdered” or “executed” in cold blood. In this way, more and more fuel is being poured on the fire of incitement, which results in more knife attacks against Jews. ”
    (Source: Israel Today, November edition)

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