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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Death Stare! You’ll Be Shocked to Hear What Diplomats Were Told to Avoid With Tillerson (Video)

Monday, April 3, 2017 2:33
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BROOKE SEIPEL for The Hill reports, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has remained relatively removed from President Trump’s administration and his own department, a new report by The Washington Post says, adding that many diplomats have yet to meet him and some have been told to avoid eye contact.

Rex Tillerson. Rex Wayne Tillerson (born March 23, 1952) is an American energy executive, civil engineer, and diplomat who is the 69th and current United States Secretary of State, serving since February 1, 2017.

A report in the Washington Post about Rex Tillerson caused a flurry of speculation on Twitter that the secretary of state may be a vampire, a basilisk or perhaps even Medusa. 

The Post reported that some career diplomats working under Tillerson “have been instructed not to speak to him directly ― or even make eye contact.” The report also said career State Department workers “swap paranoid stories about Tillerson that often turn out to be untrue,” so the veracity of the forbidden eye contact rule is unclear.

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Total 2 comments
  • What bullshit. Tillerson is a businessman – he’s on a mission for the President of the U.S. and that’s it. Crazy article.

  • Boo

    Looks like we have a bunch of psychotics working at the State Department. They need to be let go and replaced with adults who would make normal employees incorporating fortitude and common sense.

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