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Current job Openings in Woodbridge,Ontario Canada

Wednesday, September 23, 2015 4:13
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(Before It's News)

Current job Openings in Woodbridge,Ontario at Lombardi Media Corporation. Found in 1986 by michael lombardi mba, Lombardi Media Corporation is holding company that owns a group of businesses concentrated in publishing, digital media, customer contact services, consumer goods, direct marketing and product fulfillment. Some of Lombardi media holdings are Lombardi Publishing Corporation, Doctors Health Press Inc.,Lombardi Direct Marketing Inc.,Numero Uno Web Solutions Inc.,Everest Web Solutions Pvt Ltd.3C Contact Services Inc. and Agein Corporation. 

Lombardi’s values are founded on the customers we serve, and the staff we hire to serve those customers. Our businesses are built on the strength of our staff, and they grow dependent on how successful we are at helping our customers achieve their goals.

Why Work at Lombardi Media Corp?

Being a Lombardi Media employee means having the opportunity to be something more than an employee. As an employee of Lombardi, you will be part of a bright, talented group of experts who are specialized in there fields. The benefits of working at Lombardi Media Corporation are you get to work with really, really smart people.Employees feel like their work has a big impact on the world.

 If you’re ready for the challenge… if you’ve got the smarts, the drive and determination to succeed, then we want to meet you.

For more information on  Current job Openings at Lombardi Media Corporation 

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