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By Ivan Dimitrijevic
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What Type of Content Does the Online Audience Find Most Engaging

Tuesday, December 8, 2015 5:33
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Subscriptions, shares, likes and views, whether we like to admit it or not, these things have great importance. If you want to be a minor celebrity or a successful business owner, you need to work on your relevance, and the best way to measure your relevance is via online engagement. Sure you can buy these numbers, by paying for online campaigns, but without quality content, people will see through the disguise. Truth be told, if you have an engaging piece of content, a bit of paid online campaign can’t hurt, that way it will warrant some sort of attention. However, a viral spike will only happen naturally, if people truly deem your content “share worthy”.  The following article, will focus on explaining how to generate content with higher viral potential.   

Written Content

Written content can be incredibly engaging, but you need to do it right. People still read news, and even written tutorials, also audience loves when they are engaged via good sense of humour. In other words, written content warrants just as much efforts and attention to details, as any other type of content in order to become popular. Blog posts for example need to use powerful words like: best, awesome, amazing, incredible etc. They also need good pictures, gifs, and videos, to be even more interesting or humorous.  

It is worth mentioning that even if your website doesn’t primarily deals in written continent, like online store for example, you’ll still going to need it.  Furthermore, even if content won’t spread like wildfire, since it is niche related, it still needs to be engaging, and useful for readers that way it can generate more traffic on your website. Since these websites do not specialize in creating written content a great deal of writing services is outsourced to freelancers. Freelancers are not necessarily bad writers, but for the purpose of increasing engagement, it’s better to outsource content writing services to the professionals.

The professional writers at RightlyWritten have some great suggestions when it comes to creating written content for your website. They stressed the importance of having both short and long content, and pointed out why both types are to be used. For example, longer content tends to get a better position in the SERPS in the long run, it can provide detailed information and you can use it to show your expertise. Short content is good for frequent website updates, providing quick solutions, inspiring customers to buy products, and is easier to read for mobile users.


Infographics are becoming more popular each day. They can use bullet points to summarize or convey important ideas efficiently. Additionally, they have pictures and icons, which boosts the power of retention, so the content itself is more memorable. It is ideal to introduce an infographic as a part of an informative article. You can either find an existing infographic online, or create one yourself. There are many websites with templates for infographics, and they all have a user-friendly interface, so that anyone can figure out how to make one. Alternatively, just like with written content, you can outsource the infographic design work to someone else.     


Pictures that go viral and are incredibly engaging, are either funny memes or pictures of celebrities, but as long as they are high quality and convey a point, they leave a good impression on the viewer. If you want to boost your customer engagement, then photos can help a great deal.  Just make sure you use a high definition camera, to make your product look more enticing. It would also be wise to use photo editing applications, to run your picture through various filters and enhance its quality even further.


Videos are the most engaging type of content there is, and every website that wants to improve its ranking should have videos on it. Anyone who visits your website will most likely click on the video and go through the text after watching it. Videos create curiosity, and the text is there to further clarify certain points or cover things in more detail. When creating videos, you’ll need high definition footage and a quality audio feed, since a sloppy job in this area will leave a terrible first impression. You can create commercials or tutorial videos, since these have the greatest viral potential and viewers can easily remember them. Once again, for newly fledged entrepreneurs, it is better to outsource these services to ensure that you have some good video content, and use text to fill out the details.

As you can see, all of these items are best used together. Any website with a higher domain authority relies on all of these features when it comes to maintaining its relevance.  


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