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Inside 3D Printing New York Has an Agenda (and This is What It Is)

Tuesday, March 1, 2016 9:34
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Fours years ago, I remember hitting New York, plastering SolidSmack stickers around town with our Managing Editor Simon Martin, for the very first Inside 3D Printing event in New York. It was small, but larger than expected, with tracks that not only covered the tech, but also the business side of 3D printing.

In it’s fourth year, it’s grown into a huge conference, and is part of an entire week-long event in New York City, 3D Print Week, that has the most pivotal 3D print focused events on startups, VR and business and showcases for art, design and fashion in the industry of 3D printing.

Kicking off 3D Print Week on April 10th, this year’s Inside 3D Printing is going even broader, with dedicated tracks for Business, Manufacturing, Medical, and Metal. They’ve also announced their five keynote speakers, which include:

  • Magnus René, CEO, Arcam Group
  • Jonathan Jaglom, Chief Executive Officer, MakerBot
  • Terry Wohlers, Principal Consultant and President, Wohlers Associates, Inc.
  • Pete Weijmarshausen, CEO, Shapeways
  • Tyler Benster, General Partner, Asimov Ventures

3D Printing is alive and well, and though the surge in tech brings about more 3D print options every day, we’re not likely to see it slow up. “The Additive Manufacturing market is refusing to follow the hype curve predictions, as it continues to experience two digit CAGR year after year. A combination of new materials, new technologies, and new applications are driving this exponential growth,” said Hod Lipson, Professor, Columbia University and Inside 3D Printing Conference Chair.

Metal is the big, new track this year with a VIP panel keynote titled, “The Future of Metal AM: Delivering on the Promise.” Confirmed for the panel are: Geoffrey Doyle, President, FIT West Corp. (Moderator); Ric Fulop, Founder & CEO, Desktop Metal; Winthrop Sheldon, West Region Sales Manager, SLM Solutions; and Terry Wohlers, Principal Consultant and President, Wohlers Associates, Inc.

With the interesting developments in metal fabrication taking place recently, there’s bound to be a bit of insight from these execs and a few exhibitors who are making it happen.

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