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LexisNexis PatentAdvisor helps attorneys improve their patent prosecution outcomes by providing customized, actionable data and patent prosecution analytics.
PatentAdvisor™ is patent analysis software backed by the extensive data capabilities of LexisNexis. The software recently underwent a major interface revamp which makes it easier than ever to use. With at-a-glance statistics and highly customizable filters, PatentAdvisor enables attorneys to improve their patent prosecution outcomes
PatentAdvisor has aggregate data on tech centers, art units, examiners and patents at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Access to this information enables you to compare an entire patent portfolio or a single patent to USPTO average, including examiner allowance rates and the average number of office actions. You can even create additional metrics, like the percentage of applications where an examiner interview was conducted. When you drill down to the individual patent level, you ensure greater precision and success in your patent prosecution. It also helps you identify your at-risk patents so you can adjust your strategy when needed.
PatentAdvisor also helps you discover and define key performance indicators (KPIs). Learn how much time and resources it takes to move a patent through the USPTO system. Easily create a briefcase of all of your patents by uploading a spreadsheet or list of application numbers. You can then use patent analytics to compare the performance of different entities, law firms, individual attorneys, corporate portfolios or competitor portfolios.
Finally, you can also create custom alerts based on predefined prosecution events or any criteria or condition you choose. Trigger alerts when you have been assigned to a low-allowance examiner, when the number of RCEs exceeds a specific threshold, when your likelihood of winning on appeal is high and many other prosecution conditions.
How to Get It
Learn how you can help your clients improve patent prosecution outcomes with a free trial of PatentAdvisor.
LexisNexis PatentAdvisor® Helps Attorneys Improve Patent Prosecution Outcomes was originally published on