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By Mikes Backyard
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What is a Liner Plant?

Monday, October 31, 2016 0:36
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Almost all people who want to start their own Backyard Nursery start out with liners they purchase from other growers.  Every day in the Backyard Growers Business Center, folks are buying and selling all sizes of plants; unrooted cuttings, rooted cuttings, liners, stock plants and even seeds!

Liners will typically range in size from a 36 cell tray up to a 288 cell tray, with 50 and 72 being most commonly used by wholesale nurseries. In general it is a term used to describe a young plant that will be re-potted into a larger container for finishing.

So if you are just starting out, you can purchase liner plants wholesale, pot them up and sell them for $5.97 on Facebook or Craigslist and make a profit to get you on your way to building your own backyard nursery!

Here is an ad on the buy/sell board today:


10 – August Beauty Gardenias – Gardenia jasminoides ‘August Beauty’ – Zone 7 – 9 $1.25

10 – Fashion Azalea (Rhododendron ‘Fashion’) Zone 6-9 $1.25

5 – Dwarf Bufordii Holly (ilex cornuta burfordii compacta) Zone 7-9  $1.25

15 Japanese Boxwood – Buxus microphylla – Zone 5 – 9 $1.25

10 – Rose Creek Abelia – Abelia x grandiflora ‘Rose Creek’ – Zone 6-9 $1.25

That’s amazing! $1.25 for a liner that you can stick in a pot and sell for $5.97 retail!

Inside the Business Center, liners cost as little as $0.65! I’ve bought liners from members of the Business Center, potted them up, and turned around and sold them $5.97!

So, lets say you join the Business Center for $7.00. You get in there and buy 10 Lynwood Gold Forsythia for $0.65 each. A few days later your liners arrive in the mail (or by UPS), packaged up all nice and neat. You immediately pot 8 of them up, snap a few pictures of them, and list them for sale on Craigslist for $5.97 each.


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