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3 Factors That Could Send Silver Prices Higher in 2015/16

Wednesday, July 15, 2015 4:08
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Silver may be looking at a fourth consecutive year of declines, but the silver price forecast for the rest of 2015 and 2016 looks bullish. At least according to a number of major key indicators.

Silver Will Shine When the Stock Market Corrects

Are silver’s high-flying days gone? Trading near $15.50 an ounce, silver prices have been essentially flat since the beginning of 2015. While silver is not performing as well as it did during the halcyon days of 2009-2011 (when it soared approximately 440% to $49.00 per ounce), silver continues to be one of the best long-term plays out there. And, it could add significant value to your portfolio.

For starters, precious metals like silver and gold are considered a great hedge against economic and political uncertainty. The more it looked like Greece would default on its loans and be kicked out of the eurozone, the more silver prices rallied.

Continue Reading>> 3 Factors That Could Send Silver Prices Higher in 2015/16

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