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Ceres Mysterious Lights Still “Baffle” NASA Scientists

Wednesday, June 10, 2015 18:12
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(Before It's News)

The first images from the NASA’s Dawn Spacecraft has returned the second orbits first image of the “Mysterious Bright Lights” that seem to have baffled scientists at NASA and around the globe.  Some think it may be Ice while others think it may be a salt deposit.  Only time will tell as the spacecraft orbits get closer and closer to the surface.

YouTube User:  WhatsUpInTheSky37


Today one of the first images of the second round of imaging were released to the public and boy did they show another amazing shot of the Dwarf Planet!   This pass was from 2700 miles and the resolution of each pixel is 1400 feet which has returned a facinating image.  I also show some of the originals from the first orbit.  I will include a link to the new one and the page to look for new ones..

NASA Image:
DAWN Images:

Enhanced Images:

Full Image Enhanced:

Thank you for taking your time to read this article and even if you do not agree with my findings I still hope that you enjoyed the video!  A thank you is also in store to everyone who has helped with the spacial images and has spent their time researching these taboo subjects so we can all move forward with more information and understanding.  If you have a space image or something else related that you would like analyzed feel free to email me at [email protected] or visit for more contact information and more space anomalies. 

Will Farrar – [email protected] –

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