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World Transformation: 7 Paradigm-Shifting Humanitarian Solutions

Tuesday, March 21, 2017 13:19
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(Before It's News)

March 22nd, 2017

By Paul A. Philips

Guest writer for Wake Up World

World transformation involves replacing old paradigm theories and practices that have held back humanity’s progress since time immemorial. To be an effective replacement, the new paradigm approaches with their innovative theories and practices need first and foremost to offer definitive humanitarian solutions for the co-creation of a world that makes a difference for everyone.

In light of this need for world transformation, here are 7 old-to-new paradigm-shifting humanitarian solutions.

1. Organizations

Old paradigm: Parasitical, hierarchical, controlling pyramids, emphasising competitiveness.

New paradigm: Essentially, no hierarchy, decentralized organizations, emphasising co-operation.

In the current old paradigm, the organizational classes whom make up the hierarchical controlling ‘power pyramids’ have a number of common patterns:

  • The very top of the controlling pyramid is parasitical, while those supporting the system at the bottom are slaves.

  • Those individuals at the very top, such as those in banks and mega-corporations, may exhibit behavioural patterns related to psychopathy, as the parasitical control system resonates with psychopaths, who are known to do well in business.
  • Information flows from the top down on a need-to-know basis.
  • The select few at the top propagating orders, rules, dictates etc, to which the rest of the members in the pyramid must follow, makes this organization a consciousness and soul-destroying set up.

In contrast, as a humanitarian solution to the old, the new paradigm:

  • Focuses on equality
  • Works as a team
  • Thus, eliminates the parasitical predatory pyramid with its psychopaths and power trippers.
  • Stops orders getting followed blindly. Communication, truth and transparency are keys.
  • Focuses on natural law as opposed to the potentially destructive man’s law. (More on this later…)


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