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By Nitima@Offbeat Spirituality
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Positive Thinking & Meditation

Friday, April 7, 2017 18:04
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Positive thinking is overrated.
Let me give you an example – do you remind your name to yourself every day? “No”, right? Because you are so sure of it. You have been hearing it ever since you remember. You have developed a personality around it, and act according to it. That’s the surely you name has brought into your life.

So why not be sure of everything? Every task, situation, relationship – why not have the confidence that you have the power to sought it through? Why not practice spirituality at work and become the most awesome version of yours?

Searching ‘Positive Thinking’ on Google gives 2,96,00,000 results. More the interpretations, more the confusion over it. Let’s simplify:

  1. Positive thinking is the art of believing that everything is perfectly like as it is supposed to be. It doesn’t mean you keep on reminding yourself that. It means, you believe that.
  2. It is constant meditation. Being positive means to be in touch with your inner being and taking even the minutest decisions like ‘what to wear’ or ‘how to lose weight’ (in my case J) with peace. Playing meditation music in the mornings helps to build the mood.
  3. It reduces influx of stray thoughts, and keeps your mind focussed.
  4. It induces creativity. With a calmer mind, you observe more, and become less judgemental.

Nothing else, but a lot more. Keep on discovering!

And if you get, read these simple rules to make life better, happy & light. Send your comments at [email protected]

Shine on :-)


Bio: An avid coffee drinker, Nitima can get high just on the perspective of writing. Though she hasn’t taken any formal training in it but takes pride in the quality of work she produces. She’s one lunatic who grew-up dreaming about Ogilvy and now living to understand his style in much detail. Offbeat Spirituality is all about her passion towards life which she chases like it’s the last bus of the night.

To know more about her journey so far, visit Writing Routes ( – mirror of her work, especially maintained for letting her clients show-off their names! You are on Facebook? Well, so is Writing Routes (!/pages/Writing-Routes/111030498955708). If you’ve some time to spare, I would really love to hear your opinion on my writings.


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