(Before It's News)
A readers has drawn my attention to a cottage industry on
youtube which claims that many leading celebrities are
transgendered. Apparently this is a common Illuminati practice.
Some like Serena Williams and Michele Obama are plausible.
Bruce Willis, Johnny Depp etc. seem like a stretch.
(Disclaimer: We present this for discussion purposes. I reserve judgment.)
A TransVestigation of the Hollywood Elite: Have we not noticed what’s right in front of us?
by Anonymous
Most of you have likely had your eyes opened in some way that has led you to believe there is more going on than we are told about.
As an American woman, I know there is another world behind the curtain, but I’ve always kind of enjoyed looking at the curtain. We are given such sparkly things to watch. All of our entertainment features such tall and strong but beautiful women, and the men, with such gentle caring eyes–they seem so intuitive, and they have big biceps, too! And they look just a bit different–they have a certain STAR SOMETHING.
But, there may be a bigger difference between people on TV and us ordinary folks besides good looks, huge personalities and amazing talent.
Some of these famous people may actually be TRANSSEXUALS and TRANSVESTITES.
I know, I know. This could be the whackiest, flakiest, most ridiculous conspiracy theory ever seen. You might be having a good laugh. And maybe a few of you have suspected that maybe there are a few possibilities. There were rumors as far back as the 80s about Jamie Lee Curtis, and even recent rumors about both Justin Beiber and the US First Lady, Michelle Obama.
But what if this is more pervasive than we ever thought? What if the man behind the curtain was trying to condition us to accept androgyny as our ideal of the “handsome woman” or the “beautiful man”?
After all, with the internet, we can see photos of celebrities, politicians, and other TV personalities from the time they were children. It would be nearly impossible to pull that off in this day and age. That is what I was thinking, too, until I found out some amateur bloggers and YouTubers had dedicated much work to this issue. Again, you may not find this compelling or even plausible, but it may plant a seed of skepticism in your mind.
In these videos, YouTubers not only raise suspicions that these famous people are trannies, they also explain the following:
· Gender Reassignment of your prepubescent child is a service to your Master, in Illuminati families. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are doing it right out in the open. After the child’s surgery, they have lifelong hormone treatments to maintain their new gender.
· A gender reassignment is as acceptable as a murder, in terms of sacrificing your child,
· Once a gender reassignment is done, that child will become famous, or in the limelight, to help further the trans-agenda of the New World Order.
· Pregnancies of these females is faked via a silicone baby bump or other costuming. Eg. Amal Clooney.
· Although it is possible to achieve a more masculine or feminine look through hormone therapy (both sex and growth hormones), plastic surgery, gym training and posture/voice coaching, one cannot change their skeletal structure. Male or female hands will always look different, as will their hip to waist ratio, and shoulder to head ratio.
Please have a look at some of the videos I found on YouTube:
Sandra Bullock – In this video, the narrator examines early videos of Sandra Bullock, America’s Sweetheart, and provides an argument that her anatomical structure cannot be that of a woman.
Bradley Cooper –
Could America’s most handsome man actually be a woman? In this video, the narrator believes almost everyone is a SECRET ILLUMINATI TRANNY! But could he be right in even a few of the cases?
She’s thin, she’s fashionable, she’s a Human Rights attorney, and she’s married to George Clooney, America’s standard for masculinity. But this narrator thinks she is a dude and George was blackmailed into marrying her as some sort of service to the Illuminati. At the 2:20 mark, watch her give “testimony” to the United Nations. Kind of creepy. What do you think?
Are transsexual TV stars and others hiding in plain sight? Have they become our standard for beauty and masculinity? Are we being conditioned to accept transgendered humans as not only normal, but even more normal and beautiful than non-transgender, or “cis-gender” humans.
It certainly led me to conduct my ownTransVestigation, even if I am still unsure.
Me thinks Laura Ingram, Ann Coulter as well?