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The ET Dilemma

Sunday, March 19, 2017 14:45
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Most visitors to this blog know that I’m dead set against the ETH, the so-called Extraterrestrial Hypothesis.
Even as I postulate the idea that UFOs may be kinds of von Neumann-like probes, using a few UFO accounts to bolster that view; i.e., the Gorman dogfight, the Stephan Michalak and Robert Taylor encounters, I have to concede that AI machines (or robots) from another planet would not have technical appurtenances like those we have on Earth, as the evolution of technology and machinery or robotics are unique to Earth, just as Darwinian evolution is unique to Earth, and Earth alone.
A species, supposedly advanced, coming to Earth from someplace in our Galaxy or from a place in the Universe would in no way be like us, except in one case (which I’ll note in a moment).
I haven’t seen the movie The Arrival yet — (I don’t go to movie theaters to mingle with the rabble.) – but from what reviews I’ve read and snippets on TV, I think the idea of a communicative species, with “emotion” and opportunistic desires are verboten in the same way that biologic or technological similarities are.
Earthlings have a unique psychological make up. A species from elsewhere couldn’t even come close to replicating the psychological make-up of humanity, unless….
UFOs as a phenomenon may seem to be intelligently controlled craft, which is a projection of witnesses.
Encounters with beings, allegedly alighting from such craft, are explained by Jose Antonio Caravaca’s Distortion Theory (or perhaps Vallee’s psychic manipulators).
I’ve been looking through my collected UFO literature, as some of you know, and I haven’t been able to locate one UFO event, not one, that bespeaks an observation or encounter with an alien species from outer space.
I’m prone to accept the inter-dimensional explanation or time-travel scenario, or this:
If there is an ineffable intelligence, an Almighty Spirit, as Klaatu intoned in The Day the Earth Stood Still, or a Star WarsForce, that permeates the Universe, then one can see how sentient beings might be the ubiquitous template of creation from an omnipotent, omnipresent entity.
And if there is omnipotent presence that is the Universe or thought the Universe into existence – a thing we may call God – then one can imagine beings not unlike us, with vehicles not that far from something we might construct, having existence, and alive (created) because of the methodologies or mechanisms of that “God” or supreme being.
And those beings, from the mind of “God” might show up here, now and then.
But then there is that visitation problem: why would so many sentient, advanced, creative beings be coming to this planet in the droves that UFO data seem to indicate?
That’s one of the flaws in the ETH.
Even time-travelers or inter-dimensional intrusions can be dismissed for the same reason(s).
Yep, the ET explanation for UFOs is not an option for intelligent humans, not at all.
RR – The UFO Iconoclast(s)


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