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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today
“There’s no question that those terrorist attacks right next to
the seat of British power were conducted to quickly change
the growing national conversation regarding the GCHQ’s
Trump affair.”
— Veteran Intelligence Analyst
By all insider accounts, the GCHQ scandal was blown up by President Donald Trump for very good reasons.
In fact, the only realistic way for Trump to fulfill his campaign promise to “drain the swamp” — inside the Beltway — is to expose the shadow government that has run the United States of America for many decades.
Why did Trump really disclose the illegal wiretaps by Obama and the U.S. Intelligence Community?
Known variously as both Deep State and the World Shadow Government, the secret entity that exercises complete command and control over the U.S. Federal Government is the slowly being forced out of the shadows.
This inexorable process of uncovering Deep State began many years ago but has seen a dramatic uptick of paradigm-shattering revelations since the election of Trump. His extraordinary lack of political correctness has been quite instrumental in exposing the ongoing sedition and perfidy committed against the American Republic by the U.S. Intelligence Community, as well as law enforcement agencies like the FBI and DHS .
First among those intelligence agencies are the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Defense Intelligence Agency DIA. It is important to note that each of these organizations coordinates very closely with their British counterparts—MI6, MI5 and GCHQ. They also collaborate intimately with all the major MSM organs of propaganda both in the United States and Great Britain.
Key Point: Virtually all of the London-based news outlets have been virulently anti-Trump since he first declared his candidacy. The Telegraph, BBC, Independent, The Guardian, Daily Mail, The Sun, Mirror, among many others have formed a veritable echo chamber of Trump bad news. Not only do these MSM organs of propaganda originate much of that bad news disseminated globally each and every daily news cycle, they are fed copious amounts of intelligence from the GCHQ which inform their “breaking” stories. Just as the C.I.A. effectively owns and operates the MSM throughout the USA, so, too, does the GCHQ closely control the output of the British media. (The C.I.A. And Deep State Conspiracy Finally Exposed)
Given the hard evidence that now exists that proves that Donald Trump’s Trump Tower headquarters has been “wiretapped” for many years, especially during the entire 2016 presidential election cycle, there is now a Congressional mandate to ferret out the facts. All of that evidence now points directly to the UK’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).
The spying on and surveillance of a U.S. presidential candidate for purposes of political gain are both illegal and unprecedented (that we know of), even when contracted out to the GCHQ. Nevertheless, the current narrative, whereby the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies worked directly with the GCHQ in order to have plausible deniability for their unlawful conduct, appears to be exactly what has happened.
Whenever a fake conspiracy gets so out of control as the purposefully fabricated “Russian election hacking” story, it’s liable to ensnare every individual and/or organization that buy into it. And so it has—BIG time!
Because of the patently false accusations, which the Democratic party has been trumpeting in unison across the nation about a non-existent collusion between Trump and Putin to defeat Hillary Clinton, enormous political pressure has been exerted across Deep State to maintain the ridiculous façade of seriousness. As a matter of fact, this anti-Russia campaign has been so intense and unrelenting that it’s no wonder that the GCHQ was drawn into the fiasco. What’s really behind all the fake anti-Russia hysteria?
Some have even posited that it was GCHQ that was acting on behalf of those who forever prosecute the Great Game. For it’s the ever-running Great Game that has predicated all of the deliberately orchestrated Russophobia by the Zionist-controlled British governments over the past 100 plus years. Now that the bigwigs in Cheltenham (location of GCHQ headquarters) have been thoroughly outed for their unparalleled complicity in the interference of a U.S. presidential election, all hell is breaking loose in London. Apparently the agents of Deep State neglected to consider the potential consequences of the Trump “wiretapping” beforehand, as they simply never get caught in the act or otherwise.
As the specter of a transatlantic brawl began to break out in the open[1], the Brits did what they always do so well—perpetrate a shocking terrorist attack to distract the public’s attention. The following mainstream media report shows just how complicit the London press is in the sensationalizing of this false flag terror operation.
The London establishment knows that the disclosures outlining the GCHQ’s direct involvement in the affairs of a U.S. presidential candidate, who is now the sitting POTUS, does not bode well for Anglo-American relations. Because half the U.S. electorate enthusiastically voted for Donald Trump, the Brits know that such radioactive divulgences will profoundly alter the special relationship that the USA supposedly has with the UK. Therefore, the GCHQ did what it has never felt compelled to do in its history—TPTB went into crisp denial mode. As follows: Is the GCHQ “unprecedented denial” really an admission of guilt?
By engaging in such outright interference in a US election, the British Intelligence Community was in the spotlight like never before. The London establishment leaders certainly determined the necessity to “change the national conversation”, particularly the chatter in Parliament, in a decisive manner; hence, the surprise terror attack was carried out yesterday, Wednesday, March 22, 2017.
Not only did the public discourse regarding the GCHQ scandal cease immediately, a much more conducive environment has been created for PM Theresa May to trigger article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. Like all false flag operations, the Westminster Bridge terror attack has various goals which are seemingly unrelated. The fear-mongering associated with such terror events always serves to make the populace, and especially the public servants, much more compliant.
The Prime Minister knows that there is a festering discontent among the manipulated Bremain minority that wanted to stay in the European Union. Although much smaller than the Brexit majority, they have been very vocal in this dismay. In fact, only the County of London voted against Brexit throughout all of England proper (See map below.). In the wake of the London attacks, there is likely to be very little resistance going forward to finalizing Brexit. That the terror attacks were executed so close to both “Houses of Parliament” well demonstrated how very vulnerable the MPs and government officials really are.
The other goals associated with this terrorist event concern the ever-expanding national security state. Great Britain has established the most intensive nationwide security apparatus in the world–bar none. And yet those who are in charge of imposing this Orwellian model are still determined to go further. Truly, George Orwell was writing prophetically about Great Britain when he authored his dystopian novel and classic Nineteen Eighty-Four.
The global elites know full well that the Global Economic & Financial System is on the verge of collapse and that the banksters in London are the primary culprits. Hence, they feel compelled to put into place all of the controls and safeguards, laws and technology necessary to preclude a replay of the French Revolution … … … in London.
The Millennium Report
March 23, 2017
Editor’s Note
When the top FOX News commentator — Judge Andrew Napolitano — is abruptly suspended from this news platform, it’s most likely the case of speaking truth to power in public. Truly, the extreme reaction by Deep State to such a journalistic ‘transgression’ is a sure sign that the good judge got it right during prime time. Did Deep State Order Fox News to Fire Judge Napolitano for Exposing GCHQ Spying on Trump?
Recommended Reading
Trump Wiretapping Mystery Solved: G C H Q
[1] NYT Headlines Should Read ‘Trump Never Apologized To The UK Because The Spying Allegations Are True’
THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today
Just sharing a new site i found. Loving it so far. Refreshing actually.
That site is full of automatic virus downloads, you have been warned! Tried to run a fake browser window to steal information!
you tell the truth Air Quotes Shill Air Quotes Vï®ù$ Catch me if you can
Are You Worried Your Ideas or Work Will Be Stolen? Copyright
That site is full of published the stolen beforeitsnews beforeitsnews have stolen
steal information! WikiLeaks? you have been warned Vï®ù$
A angel suddenly appears and it looks hurt, and your the only person
But this time Parliament was targeted, this time the plan wasn’t to kill as many people as possible, the nutcase drove over the people on the way to Parliament, to attempt to get inside. This time the politicians put themselves in the picture when usually its innocent people.
false flag…that was quick, cuz you can never let a good terrorist attack slip by without crying conspiracy or false flag.
Happened on 3/22.
322 skull & bones
Three days before the attack, hundreds of armed police staged terror drill in London. Anyone still wants to tell me this was not a Mossad false flag?
There are those who do not want you to know about this place.
No your just a little b!tch that runs it, spamming the sh!t out of it.
Sh!t gets annoying.
Get hits off your content, not off blasting the same comment on your competitor.
R0me wants more control and they’re going to get it, one way or another either with real terr0r or false terr0r.
Click the link above before it becomes illegal. That’s right ILLEGAL; Canada as of just a couple of days ago has made it no ILLEGAL to criticize I$lam, no surprise really Canada is run by the Je$uits.
Check out the city of 0ttawa’s 666 l0g0–_il.html (scroll down on web page)
Apparently it could be a distraction to the general public due the wiretapping controversies, however ”The Season of Sacrifice” begins on March 19th or March 22nd to May 1st lasting a period of 40 days including after false flags attacks would resume by Dark Cults committing evil rituals by using particular dates.
We the light of the world must share the message(s).
Please visit for more info. or any other alternatives who could prove such events etc.
How does a guy with criminal convictions (prison sentences) for extrmely violent conduct get to work as an english language school teacher in Saudi Arabia ? did he have a degree in english language or literature???? Some how I don’t think so……was he fluent in classical Arabic ???? nope !…..did he have an “Islamic degree” in Quranic studies ???? uh uh no way Jose !*
Hillary Clinton’s email to her current campaign manager John Podesta dated August 17, 2014 implicates Qatar and Saudi Arabia as the main “logistical and financial” supporters of the Islamic State
Exactly the impetus for all other western (or eastern) governments to introduce more “gestapo” like martial law paramilitary policing methods and “minority report” type of legislation.
A Manchurian candidate patsy …..a disturbed individual once again groomed by intelligence operatives and then released in order to create carnage…anger outrage and fear ….so the governments can offer even more “security measures” to protect the public and infringe even more on civil liberties….
The attack in Westminster came 2 days after a Terror Attack “training” exercise IN WESTMINSTER !
The smoking gun as it were is the fact that in the training exercise for some strange reason they decided that the Terror scenario was that a group of attackers had hijacked a cruise boat on the Thames just next to the Palace of Westminster….. ??????????
HELLO !!!! WAKEY WAKEY !!!!………. for the last year we have seen nothing but sociopaths getting behind the wheel of cars and trucks and driving them at pedestrians…….so who in their right “security” training mind would think …….. ”oh the most likely attack scenario would be for someone to hijack a boat as opposed to driving a car at people and then stabbing them”
Obviously if they had staged a realistic terror training attack scenario they would have used the “monster truck” scenario…..but then that would have given the entire game away…
what better way to throw a spanner in the works than when the Scottish parliament is about to bad mouth “big-time” the British government..the Palace of Westminster and the Houses of Parliament…than all of a sudden the underlying meme becomes…..anyone who “disses” the Houses of Parliament (Westminster) is attacking Westminster and therefore is siding with the terrorists…..and Scottish MP’s who want to break up the union are seen to be attacking Westminster and are therefore terrorists…..
(The Scottish parliament suspended its debate on a new independence referendum after MSPs complained it was still sitting more than an hour after the Westminster attacks.)
NB: Of course this is all just hypothesis/conjecture/conspiracy theory…….
“How does a guy with criminal convictions (prison sentences) for extrmely violent conduct get to work as an english language school teacher in Saudi Arabia”
Convert to Islam and your previous minuses are plus factors in spreading Whabbi Islam.
You can’t beat a good mannequin under a bus.
any attack is a False Flag on BIN
I swear I could fart and BIN would call it a false flag.
FAKE NEWS! False Flag mya$$! Ask the American’s wife whose husband that got hurled over a 20′ wall and plummeted to his death if it was a False Flag. Anything for a FN Click huh? Loser.
Note: following their links, the Millenium report doesn’t present evidence of GHCQ involvement in Trump campaign surveillance. They simply repeat the Napolitano story, taking it at face value.