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Pedogate: Deep State Ramps up PSYOP to Destroy PizzaGate Truth Movement

Saturday, March 25, 2017 16:07
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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today



Why the de facto capital
of the European Union
permits such depraved
and threatening street art



PEDOGATE IN BRUSSELS — Why the de facto capital of the European Union permits such depraved and threatening street art

The Millennium Report

This is a story that has to be read, and especially viewed, to be believed.

It takes place in Brussels, Belgium, the de facto capital of the European Union (EU), which makes it all the more unbelievable.

For those who are uninitiated in the back story of either Pizzagate or Pedogate, the following 3 articles ought to be read and/or viewed if this commentary is to make any sense whatsoever. (*WARNING — DISTURBING IMAGERY*)

Brussels Becomes Europe’s Capital For Public Pedogate Artwork

Brussels residents upset over shocking, gory street art

PEDOGATE: Shockingly Violent Artwork In Brussels Sends A Message From Global Elites

Many of the paintings (photos of) in each of the preceding posts are as shocking as they are without precedent in a public space.  Likewise, the painting portrayals are as horrifying as they are threatening…to someone, somewhere who fully understands the implicit message.

Who did it and who commissioned it?

Of course, the real $64,000 question here is: Exactly who commissioned who to create this unparalleled and sinister street art?

There are only two possible answers to this extremely important question during these times marked by Pizzagate in Washington, D.C. and Pedogate worldwide.

Answer #1:

Because the EU is now experiencing so many threats to its very existence, it could be that the threats are being issued by its Brussels headquarters to all concerned.  In the wake of Brexit and the Trump election, nationalist movements are all the rage across Europe and beyond.  Previous concerns about a Grexit, and now serious talk of Frexit and Nexit, only greatly compound the ultra-serious problem of the EU’s continuity.

Given this worsening predicament, it’s quite likely that the NWO globalist cabal, which fabricated the doomed EU project, is directly responsible for secretly commissioning the outrageous artwork.  Those clandestine Eurozone overlords may be using the highly publicized and gory street art as a way of intimidating the EU leadership.  More specifically, it is the European Commission, Council of the European Union, and European Council, as well as the European Parliament, who might be targeted.  More specifically, it’s the various national representatives in favor of EU dissolution who are the most vulnerable to such a campaign of terror and intimidation.

What better way to send a terrifying missive to all of the national governments and individual reps not to even think about leaving the EU reservation.  Particularly in light of 2017 elections happening in France, and the stolen election that recently took place in the Netherlands, does this appear to be the deliberate plan.  As the members of Parliament go back to their respective countries, they would be obviously compelled to tow the EU line.  Why?

Because either the reps are themselves compromised by Pedogate, which is why the EU Parliament was located in the Pedogate capital of the world—Brussels.  Or, because the violent artwork serves as a stunning reminder of what will happen to anyone who advocates for their nation’s exit via a national referendum.

However, it is Brussels, Belgium that has become the locus of intense pedophobic and pedophilia activity for many decades.  Over the centuries, some of the castles and chateaux surrounding Belgium came to be known as full-time child torture and murder factories.  Now we know why so many children go missing in Brussels every year.

Given the unique role that pedophobia/pedophilia plays as the primary control mechanism of the Global Control Matrix, it should come as no surprise that Brussels was chosen as the de facto capital of the European Union.  How easy it is to lure so many leaders from all over Europe into criminal behavior they had no inclination toward.
Source:  P E D O G A T E: A Global Child Exploitation Crime Syndicate

The Bottom Line: Any and all attempts to leave the EU reservation will be met with overwhelming force and, for those responsible, conducted on pain of death—a most gruesome death as per the Brussels paintings.

Answer #2

The much less likely scenario is that this building art was strategically placed in each location as a direct threat to prime Pedogate perpetrators, as in higher-ups on the totem pole of the global pedophilia crime syndicate.   In this case, the menacing art may have been put in place to show the perps that they are but a moment away from being outed–BIG time.  Just like the Pizzagate perps were exposed in a way never seen in American history.

This scenario would be similar to the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth when they put up a massive video billboard right across from The New York Times Building.  The same video was replayed day after day which showed Building #7 being taken down by way of a perfectly controlled demolition during the early evening of September 11, 2001. Notwithstanding that the NYT was most definitely in on the cover-up, they again had an excellent vantage point to see firsthand the 9/11 inside job via original video footage.


It’s impossible to say for certain why this major psyop was conducted in the capital of Belgium.  Nonetheless, this CIA-coordinated black operation has served to wake up many to the pervasive malevolence and sheer terror associated with PedogatePizzagate, and it’s many organized offshoots of criminal pederasty, pedophilia and pedophobia.

PEDOGATE: Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened for Deep State and the C.I.A.

Now it can be better understood as to why the Internet news realm has been so bombarded with MSM and Alt Media articles today with Pizzagate news.  In the most viral MSM news reports, Infowars’ Alex Jones has uncharacteristically apologized for outing Comet Ping Pong’s James Alefantis—Pizzagate’s first major villain along with John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Chairman.[1]

Now why, pray tell, did that happen on the same day as the first annual Pedogate protest in Washington, D.C. at Lafayette Park?

The MSM very purposefully launched this anti-Pizzagate truth campaign the day before the Washington demonstration today, Saturday, March 25, 2017.[2]  In other words, Alex Jones’s feet were held to the fire (perhaps by Podesta’s lawyers) in order to compel him to retract all of his previous statements about Comet Ping Pong Pizza and its owner James Alefantis.  WOW ! ! !

Not only that, but former Huffington Post writer David Seaman was also mercilessly smeared in a highly unusual piece just posted by The Daily Beast as follows.  Hence, there is currently a very organized and coordinated effort underway by Deep State to forever undermine both Pizzagate and Pedogate truth.  And, they will not stop until they feel the movement has been sufficiently neutralized.

HUGE Hit Piece by The Daily Beast on Pizzagate Investigative Journalist — MSM Stifles Pedogate Truth With a Vengeance

The word needs to really get out about this stealthy plot to take down the worldwide Pedogate truth movement.  The lives and welfare of so many children the world over are now at stake.

The Millennium Report
March 25, 2017

Editor’s Note

As usual there was some calculated MSM coverage of this Belgium scandal which tried to explain these public painting placements as the result of extremely bad judgment.  It was also intimated that they reflected current ultra-liberal European values where anything goes, anytime.  Of course, in view of the continental disaster area that the Eurozone has been transformed into — socially and politically — these explanations may seem plausible at first glance.  However, only by reading the original news accounts reported by the Belgian press will they be seen as the transparently disingenuous reports that they were.  In this way they provided cover for the Pedogate co-conspirators and their true intentions.


[1] Pizzagate / Pedogate Protest Happening Right Now In Washington, D.C.

[2] Dear Alex Jones: When all the Pizzagate children are brutally killed, who will give voice to their stifled sacrifices?


PEDOGATE IN BRUSSELS: Why the de facto capital of the European Union permits such depraved and threatening street art | SOTN: Alternative News & Commentary

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today

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Total 12 comments
  • Man

    so I thought that comet pizza evidence was so solid that people went to court.

    I guess extra helium is added to the hot air conspiracy and it is now fully blown up to anything that is creepy art, is part of pizzagate.

    Ofcourse when you see that kind of art; the first thought is: I need to screw kids now. This isn’t Tumblr you are talking about…

    • It seems that The Millennium Report is incessantly being trolled by a commenter named “Man”.

      Are the TMR posts here at BIN so influential that one guy named “Man” sits on his computer all day so that he can prove our stories wrong? Or is this just the way that CIA Internet contractors operate?

      You know when “Man” shows up 3 times on the same BIN article that TMR is getting very close to the root.

      But the real question here — for all the readers — is this: Why would this guy “Man” ALWAYS take the side of the NWO criminal cabal that has only waged war on people everywhere for centuries?

      In the case above, the same commenter “Man” ALWAYS takes the side of the pedophiles and pederasts over the countless innocent children who are kidnapped and trafficked and abused and killed. This has been proven thousands of time with convictions, btw, so there’s no gray area about the existence of a global child exploitation crime syndicate. Again, “Man” ALWAYS advocates for the [MURDERING] pedophiles!

      Now exactly why is that… … … “Man”?


      • Man

        Dude, you took a news article from october last year. you got nothing. You spout nonsense every time you type.

        How is that CIA coup going or the Purple Revolution?

        where are the pizzagate victims. There are none.

        Why isn’t Rep State Senator Ralph Shortey not mentioned in the Pizzagate affair? He actually had sex in a motel with a teenage boy.

        That guy is more involved with this ‘pizzagate’ than anything you wrote

  • Isn’t this one of the same posters that claimed there were going to be 72 indictments as soon a Sessions was sworn in?

  • raburgeson

    They are arresting people, keep digging, Some of the names are getting bigger. This is just classical cabal counterattack.

    • Man

      which cabal? I guess you know them intimately.

      I mean seriously. Some stupid pictures in Brussels. Brussels! it only has 177.307 people living there.

      You would have thought you would target a bigger city

  • raburgeson

    Cabal I mentioned is collecting black budget money. Placed them selves above the government and the law. They collect for places like the CIA, deep state and others. They are gun running, drug smuggling, human trafficking terrorists. Why wouldn’t they pick Brussels, headquarters of the EU? Pictures center attention to snuff films and SRA style abuse and trafficking victims. Man are you a webbot for the cabal?

  • -Righteously Dividing The Enemy

    Prophecy Links

    And I Heard In My Hearing, “kill all parents by,” Not really remembering the date, 2015 is past, we’re in 09/21/2016, with something in the form of an ELE pending Oct. 2017, get ye to Jesus, even sleep at the alter the Prophet Joel said, Apb

    -Why Doeth The Malls Sit So Solitary Who Where Once Filled With Thieves, Robbers And Mass Victims? For they have forsaken God,

    -So first we have the pizza gate, and only when Alex Jones made his apology did I realize what that was all about, now here’s the pedo-gate, what about the massive elephant like gate that’s in the room that no one want to mention? Jesus verified like in the days of the prophets how mankind have become so or too content with not just sin, but to what Holy Spirits describe, the death rider 1996, as abominations and detestations upon their lives, lands and churches. Outreaching Jesus is all to verify these evils as the LGBTQ and P for pedophile gate into same self marriage, right alone the transgender restrooms, especially in schools. Dangerously, for which this apostle has come to believe the command that all parents be killed by a certain date, 09/21/2016 is actually about. Yet and still, all this wickedness is practice among you, as though it’s some small thing when God has more than destroyed nations into this world predominately because of sexual abnormalities.
    -When He, Elohim cursed you to leave you to your own sins of fornication, this wasn’t a minor of divine leniency, though reaping perversions sown is that you being cursed to death and damnation do nothing convenient, worthwhile. Fundamentally just as unimaginable sick beds now having plagued and killed not just you, but infecting the genome millions are dead this genocide of the human being, even, with millions pending all now you and yours damn inheritance. Though every heart beat on this planet is precious and Jesus died and bled for every one of them, of his being the blessed dead and dying, the second death having no power. Heretofore Jesus is yet crying, come unto me all yet that labor all in vanity, though your sins be scarlet they shall be white as snow, though they be crimson they shall be as wool. Apb, The RAM, see the entire blog here,

    -For God Hath Commended His Love Toward You, That While You’re Yet Sinners, Christ Died (knock, minister after), For You, Roms. 5:8

  • These so called “humans” whom continue to cover up their blatant crimes against Children, well anyone who knows the Holy Bible, whom have read it thoroughly, Chapter by Chapter, Verse by Verse, Line by Line, they know something in which others lack. What is it that they know about those whom HURT Children?

    It is this: Father has saved up for a Latter Rain and a Millstone around the neck of those whom harm the “little ones”, and we all pray for the souls of those to be dammed and sentenced into the Lake of Fire. Here is a message to those who hurt children:

    “Repent now to the LIVING God for these sins in which you have committed against the children. Seek within your hearts, HIS out stretched loving arms of forgiveness and mercy. HE will hear your cry and HE will heal your heart”. Yes, That is right, Forgivness is available for all who repent for their sins. PERIOD. THIS IS THE BEGINNING AND THE End.

  • The louder they are, the more people will know the truth. The MSM just yesterday said Hillry was no pedofile…
    The alternative media will soon get calls from the kids who have grown up and tell their stories.

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