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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: [email protected] (Reporter)
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To Shield Obama, Comey’s FBI and Lynch’s DOJ Hide FBI Surveillance Recordings of Blagojevich Talking with Obama, Jarret, and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to Conduct Kangaroo Court Prosecution of Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich

Thursday, December 8, 2016 1:22
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(Before It's News)

The Difference Between Rod Blagojevich and Hillary Clinton 

Trump Thumps the Media Establishment 

A Critique of Davis Leonhardt’s Piece “Trump Reassures the Media (For Now)” 

Irony, Absurdity and Tragedy

To Shield Obama, Comey’s FBI and Lynch’s DOJ Hide FBI Surveillance Recordings of Blagojevich Talking with Obama, Jarret, and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to Conduct Kangaroo Court Prosecution of Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich


Please remember our corrupt judicial establishment refused to allow Blagojevich to introduce into evidence any and all recordings made by FBI surveillance between himself, Obama, Jarret and Emanuel.  Not only that, but they refused to even allow him to subpoena Obama, Jarret, or Emanuel so that none of these officials could get caught in demonstrable lies and then be prosecuted for perjury.  Later, when Blagojevich demanded his interview with the FBI be taped, they refused and then later accused him of perjury while having refused him the right to have his testimony recorded. 


Meanwhile, the FBI and DOJ allow Clinton to commit every type of crime from treason to espionage, racketeering, destruction of evidence, destruction of government documents, theft of government documents, obstruction of justice and perjury.  How is it she gets away with this  murder?  Blagojevich merely says, “This seat is golden and I want to get something for it.”  Jesse Jackson Jr.’s supporters later offer an unsolicited campaign contribution for Blagojevich of only $1.5 million and Blagojevich gets slammed with a 14 year prison sentence. Clinton has stuffed her coffers with over $2 billion for engaging in RICO crimes that even allowed Russia to buy up US uranium mining rights as half of her donations were from people and countries seeking to buy influence through the US State Department.  This clearly shows how corrupt the FBI, DOJ and Barak Obama all are.  When will Judicial Watch get their FOIA requested documents?  How is it that once again crimes are hidden as was Obama using a false name while emailing Clinton to hide the fact that she and he both knew they were breaking the law?  Why is it we Americans allow our government to create a two-tiered justice system that allows the real criminals to continue their crime sprees?  Americans, please remember it was Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch who exposed the Clinton email scam and her destruction of tens of thousands of documents on her illegal private server after the documents were subpoenaed by the FBI to hide her ongoing criminal racketeering operation  known as the Clinton Foundation.


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DECEMBER 05, 2016


(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch ic taken as part of the FBI’s criminal investigation of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.  The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:16-cv-01888)).


In 2008, Blagojevich sought political favors in exchange for deciding who to appoint to the U.S. Senate seat vacated by then-President-Elect Obama.  Among the persons Blagojevich approached were the President-elect and his intermediaries.  Obama reportedly declined to make a deal.  Blagojevich then turned to supporters of Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr., offering the U.S. Senate seat in return for a $1.5 million “campaign contribution.”  Blagojevich broke off negotiations with Rep. Jackson’s supporters when he learned that he was being wiretapped by federal investigators.


Over the course of two criminal trials in 2010 and 2011, Blagojevich was convicted of 18 separate offenses and, in December 2011, was sentenced to 168 months in jail.  In 2015, an appellate court overturned five of Blagojevich’s convictions and affirmed the remainder.  On August 12, 2016, Blagojevich was resentenced to the same, 68-month jail term he had received previously.


Judicial Watch had asked the FBI to produce the 302s, pursuant to FOIA, in June 2011.  The FBI confirmed the records’ existence in 2012, but denied the request, asserting that the 302s were exempt from disclosure under FOIA Exemption 7(A) because Blagojevich’s criminal case was still ongoing at the time.  Judicial Watch filed suit to try to obtain the 302s in May 2016, after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review Blagojevich’s convictions.  It closed that initial lawsuit while Blagojevich was being resentenced.  Judicial Watch refiled its lawsuit after Blagojevich was resentenced.


Judicial Watch’s lawsuit asks the court to order the interview reports’ release, noting:

[U]nder the circumstances it cannot be said that release of the requested records could reasonably be expected to interfere with whatever is left of Blagojevich’s criminal prosecution.  The public should not be forced to wait any longer to review the FBI 302s of President Obama, former White House Chief of Staff and now City of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, or Senior Advisor to the President Valerie Jarrett while Blagojevich pursues his second, plainly futile appeal.


“The FBI interviewed Barack Obama eight years ago about the selling of his Senate seat.  The American people should finally get to see these FBI interview reports,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.  “The public has a right to know precisely how Obama and his senior White House advisors Emanuel and Jarrett responded to Blagojevich’s corrupt attempts sell Obama’s Senate seat.”




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