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Ancient Egyptian Culture

Saturday, March 18, 2017 11:26
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Egyptian civilization was one of the longest in the west, from about 3000 BC and lasting until about 300 BC The ancient Greeks considered him too young and inexperienced society compared to the Egyptians. But at the same time the amazing thing about the culture of Egypt is that, despite their rapid growth and development, the Egyptians were able to preserve the past and subject to change relatively little over the centuries. Ancient Egypt is the point where the history of Western art begins. For example, the pyramids and the sphinx are not only symbols of Egypt more, but also the expression of artistic genius as a whole.
Ancient Egyptians Culture
Ancient Egyptian Culture
The profession in ancient Egypt was an important factor in defining social class and social stratification manufacturers could be presented as a pyramid. This “social pyramid” consisted of different lines – the bottom were soldiers, farmers, and builders of the tombs, which were in fact the largest percent of the Egyptian population. Then followed by skilled craftsmen, who did everything from coffins carts using very primitive tools.

 Above were the scribes – the Egyptians only one who could read and write, and so had many types of employment opportunities with their duties ranging from writing letters for townspeople, crop recording, keep accounts for the Egyptian army. The following line included more scholarly scribes on higher positions such as priests, doctors, and engineers.

The position of a priest is not limited to religious rights in the temples. It was an activity they did for at least three months each year during which they never left the temple, but other times they worked as judges and teachers. The interesting fact about the medical profession in ancient Egypt is that it has its own hierarchy.

 The Chief Medical Officer of Egypt was at the top, followed by superintendents and inspectors of doctors, which were doctors. The knowledge of medicinal plants and surgical techniques have been well ahead in ancient Egypt, but also part of Egyptian medicine were magic, charms, and spells, with only psychological effects on patients.

The third part of the most learned scribes – the engineers with their knowledge of mathematics and architecture, were responsible for planning and construction of monuments, temples and pyramids of Egypt so that they were not the actual manufacturers but they were in charge of the government involved.

 The upper class were the high priests and nobles appointed by the pharaoh as his assistants, generals and administrators. Together they formed the government. The closest advisor was the vizier of Pharaoh, and of course the top of the social pyramid was the pharaoh who was considered a god on earth rather than just a king.

The ancient Egyptians prospered under what was one of the longest covering civilizations in recorded history with a record of their achievements dating from about 3000 BC through 300 BC Greek Culture which finally conquered ancient Egypt, through the efforts of Alexander the Great and who was in his own right a highly developed culture, constantly referenced Egypt in its literary and historical texts and provided modern historians with a foundation on which to base future studies.

The evidence most famous and widely, Herodotus devotes an entire chapter in his History of Egypt, worthy of the Greeks was of interest that influence non-Western. The interpretation of Herodotus of the Egyptian culture, as many Greeks probably, was a contrast of admiration for an older civilization than the Greeks own, infused with a rich religious history, anxiety and a foreign culture and yet composed of elements that do not align with the Greek state Democratic.

One of the most remarkable legacies of ancient Egypt, it is the integrity of the culture, they have managed to maintain throughout so many centuries, in spite of rapid growth and development. Although much of our sense of culture ahcievements is based on objects from a particular region, southern Egypt, historians tend to agree on the integral quality of the material therein are made.

Ancient Egypt is the point where many art historians like to focus on a period of art at the beginning because of the amount of resources has left us to study. For this reason, the pyramids and the sphinx overlooking famous are not only symbols of Egypt, but also references to the expression of artistic genius as we have just recognized in the history of Western art.  

A sense of preservation of documentation of past society and sustainable by the ancient Egyptians have allowed us to fully appreciate the level of sophistication in their awareness of their cultural and historical significance. Our ideas in the religious rituals and arts of ancient Egypt are stronger than our knowledge of the social and economic characteristics mainly because it is allowing the archaeological record.  

What nature has preserved in Egypt in the form of monuments and tombs is a culture that extends about five thousand years. It is well established in the collective imagination as a site of architectural and artistic splendor and from one region to the great political history.

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