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Get Closer To Your Audiences With A Connected TV App

Sunday, February 21, 2016 12:08
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With the introduction of consumer mobile goods such as smartphones, tablets, and connected TVs, the way that television is watched has already changed dramatically from the passive experience it was in the mid-twentieth century. The old division of “television” and “computer” is now almost meaningless, and this trend shows no signs of reversing, with some experts predicting that by the end of the 2010s, connected televisions will completely dominate the consumer television market. This represents an incredible opportunity for businesses who are willing to push the limits of what is currently possible through the development of a custom connected TV app for iOS and Android-based operating systems, which are all of the major players on the market (such as Apple TV, Kindle, Chromecast).

As the old broadcast-and-receive model evolves into the more dynamic, connected television experience, advertising is dramatically changing too. Instead of a passive audience with tastes and preferences that may or may not necessarily sync with your business’ needs, with a proprietary connected TV app you have the opportunity to make your content and advertising available to a targeted audience that is actively engaged with your brand. This can have enormous benefits, as the use of targeted advertising has been shown to produce an average of 2.7 times more revenue per ad than traditional “blast” methods, and is twice as effective at converting buyers. 

Whether your business already has an Android or iOS based app that needs to be migrated successfully to be compatible with connected TV operating systems, or whether you require the development of a custom, top-tier app from the ground up, seek an experienced, award-winning company like Clearbridge Mobile to handle the app development process. By choosing a company that has a proven track record for creating top-tier, cutting-edge solutions, with dedicated teams of specialists assigned to your project, you are ensuring that your business’ needs are met in the most effective way possible. They would be an excellent choice to handle all of your connected TV mobile development services.

In the twentieth century, television was mainly watched communally, on a single appliance by a single family with very different tastes and preferences. While the living room still remains an integral part of all multimedia advertising and content-delivery strategies, it is important in this new era of content streaming and accessibility to diversify delivery methods to ensure that as many screens—and eyeballs—are reached as possible. Not only are more consumers reached via connected TV apps than in traditional methods, they are also reached more effectively, which leads to increases in revenue and decreases in costs. A trailblazing company such as Clearbridge Mobile can help your business thrive in this new ecosystem. Their innovative, agile team of specialists will also ensure that your company will be ready for the inevitable developments and changes in the future of mobile and connected television so that you won’t be left behind.

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