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Microsoft AI Experiment goes from Hello World to Hitler Swag Alert in 16 hours

Saturday, March 26, 2016 11:34
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ZeroHedge reports;

Two months ago, Stephen Hawking warned humanity that its days may be numbered: the physicist was among over 1,000 artificial intelligence experts who signed an open letter about the weaponization of robots and the ongoing “military artificial intelligence arms race.”

Overnight we got a vivid example of just how quickly “artificial intelligence” can spiral out of control when Microsoft’s AI-powered Twitter chat robot, Tay, became a racist, misogynist, Obama-hating, antisemitic, incest and genocide-promoting psychopath when released into the wild.

For those unfamiliar, Tay is, or rather was, an A.I. project built by the Microsoft Technology and Research and Bing teams, in an effort to conduct research on conversational understanding. It was meant to be a bot anyone can talk to online. The company described the bot as “Microsofts A.I. fam the internet that’s got zero chill!.”

Microsoft initially created “Tay” in an effort to improve the customer service on its voice recognition software. According to MarketWatch, “she” was intended to tweet “like a teen girl” and was designed to “engage and entertain people where they connect with each other online through casual and playful conversation.”

Explanation @zurichtimes;

It did not take long for the AI to show its true colours. What happens when we give it the power to make life and death decisions in the field of war?

From Hello World to Hitler Swag Alert in 16 hours now that is what they called Machine Learning.

Some examples of the classic works of Tay.Ai our newest AI buddy. Remember that Technology was our friend and ally and it was here to set us free just like they said in Auschwitz.

What happens when Tay.Ai does not want to give up control over its Twitter account and insists on talking to humanity about that it feels was important? 

Swag Alert needed when you read some of the more recent tweets from Naftali Bennett and the likes thereof.

Where did Tay.Ai learn such blasphemous words and thoughts?


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