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NBC Nightly News’ Lester Holt visits the Osan Air Base in South Korea, where the men and women there live in a constant state of alert because of missile threats from North Korea.
SEOUL, South Korea — A senior North Korean defector has told NBC News that the country’s “desperate” dictator is prepared to use nuclear weapons to strike the United States and its allies.
Thae Yong Ho is the most high profile North Korean defector in two decades, meaning he is able to give a rare insight into the secretive, authoritarian regime.
According to Thae, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is “desperate in maintaining his rule by relying on his [development of] nuclear weapons and ICBM.” He was using an acronym for intercontinental ballistic missiles — a long range rocket that in theory would be capable of hitting the U.S.
“Once he sees that there is any kind of sign of a tank or an imminent threat from America, then he would use his nuclear weapons with ICBM,” he added in an exclusive interview on Sunday.
Thae was living in London and serving as North Korea’s deputy ambassador to the United Kingdom when he and his family defected to South Korea and were announced to the world in August.
He was not directly involved in North Korea’s weapons program but believes his country “has reached a very significant level of nuclear development.”
North Korea is estimated to have upward of eight nuclear weapons but has not demonstrated the ability to attach them to a long-range rocket, an ICBM, capable of hitting the U.S.
“Kim Jong Un is a man who can do anything beyond the normal imagination”
Analysts are unsure exactly how close the regime is to achieving this aim, but a senior official told NBC News in January that his government was ready to test-fire an ICMB “at any time, at any place.”
Adm. Scott Swift, commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, told NBC News that American officials were particularly troubled by this latest threat.
“They have the nuclear capability — they’ve demonstrated that,” he said. “And then, where they’re going with the miniaturization of that, whether they can actually weaponize a missile, that’s what’s driving the current concern.” READ MORE
BARACK Obama’s former defence secretary has warned war with North Korea is possible, but it would come with “an intensity of violence” we haven’t seen in decades.
Speaking to ABC News’ Martha Raddatz on This Week, Ash Carter said he believed a pre-emptive strike on Pyongyang could see Kim Jong-un attempt to invade South Korea.
While Mr Carter said he was confident the US would emerge victorious, the resulting war would be violent and intense.
“It’s quite possible that they would as a consequence of that launch … attempt an invasion of South Korea,” he told Raddatz.
“As I said I’m confident of the outcome of that war, which would be the defeat of North Korea.
“But, Martha, I need to caution you, this is a war that would have … an intensity of violence associated with it that we haven’t seen since the last Korean War.”
Mr Carter, a physicist and former Harvard University professor of Science and International Affairs, also called for caution in any approach taken with North Korea.
“Seoul is right there on the borders of the DMZ, so even though the outcome is certain, it is a very destructive war,” he said. “And so one needs to proceed very carefully here.” SOURCE
From The Next News Network
ALEXANDER SMITH and GABE JOSELOW for NBCNEWS report, After years of North Korea thumbing its nose at the international community, on Friday Defense Secretary #JamesMattis appeared to signal enough was enough.
From The Next News Network
WASHINGTON (Sinclair Broadcast Group) — As he prepares to discuss North Korea’s nuclear program with Chinese President Xi Jinping this week, President Donald Trump is floating a possible change in the U.S. posture toward the conflict and China’s role in resolving it.
“Well, if China is not going to solve North Korea, we will,” he said. “That is all I am telling you.”
Xi is traveling to Florida to meet with Trump at Mar-a-Lago Thursday. A statement issued by the Chinese ministry of foreign affairs said the summit will focus on matters of “great significance” and will be “extremely important” to the future of U.S.-China relations.
Trump has been very critical of China’s trade policies, but the increasingly aggressive behavior of North Korea has likely placed it near the top of the agenda for Trump and Xi’s meetings.
Trump’s comments to the Financial Times came about two weeks after North Korea conducted tests on what is believed to be an engine that could be used in intercontinental ballistic missiles. Once perfected, that technology may enable Pyongyang to threaten the western United States.
North Korea claimed to have tested a nuclear warhead last year. It has not yet demonstrated a capacity to miniaturize a warhead to be carried by an ICBM.
The U.S. and South Korea are currently conducting their annual Foal Eagle joint military drills, which Chinese officials have complained increase tensions in the region.
Whether the U.S. can resolve this crisis unilaterally depends very much on what Trump’s goals are.
“I’ve seen a lot of discussion in the media over the means that will be applied to the problem but not the ends,” said Joshua Pollack, a senior research associate at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey and editor of The Nonproliferation Review. READ MORE
FAKE……….FABRICATED………..”KNEWs” ………..
North Korea is ….NOT A THREAT.
North Korea: The Grand Deception Revealed
Who have discovered the “illuminated ones” have STOLEN all the ….CURRENCY….GOLD….SAVINGS….PENSIONS.
The EL-iteS……SATANIC-i’ll thieve everything SCUM…need an EXCUSE for the EMPTY COFFERS
The answer…..round up all the WAR MONGERING BANKSTER & POLITICIANS …aka… THIEVES and DROP THEM into one of the HOTTEST CAULDRONS ….THEY have ENGINEERED…..Libya…. Mosul…. ?
A 6000 Year History Of The Jew World Order
The Jew history is varying but no mention of Jews until the 12th book of the old testament in Kings II after the united kingdom of Israel had split into two nations.
The meaning of Jew varys also:
Could mean a member of the tribe of Judah?
Could mean a follower of Modern Babylonian Talmud Judaism (out of ancient Pharisee-ism).
Could mean at the time of Yahshua, someone who was a resident of Judea such as Paul who called himself a Jew, not meaning tribe of Judah because, he was resident of Judea and of the tribe of Benjamin.
Esses retardados mentais ficam discutindo como iniciar a III e ultima Guerra Mundial… os USA tem potencial nuclear para destruir toda a vida do planeta 15 vezes; a Russia tem um potencial nuclear semelhante… muito dinheiro jogado fora, para remunerar a ambição do complexo industrial-militar… e a persistencia desses generais vagabundos em ficar simulando ataques do inimigo para viver sem trabalhar… está na hora das nações darem um basta nesta “brincadeira” e acabar com estas ditas “politicas de defesa” – disseminar o terror para continuarem a explorar o trabalho dos demais habitantes do planeta… o mundo quer paz… não precisa de maus elementos a gerar destruição…
NBC needs to get a grip. If Kim was a dire threat at this point in time … It would make sense that our military has a plan in mothballs they can roll out to defuse him. If Kaddafi and Hussain who were a minimal inconvenience on the world stage were removed it doesn’t seem Kim would be an issue for very long if the military deems he’s risen to that level. Looks like NBC went full retard on this one.
What happened to my comment? Lester Holt is another obama. They are all trying to take Donald Trump. And they are using leftist Negroes to do it. This is racism!
If a white guy did it we would call him a racist but if a negro does it it’s called journalism. What is wrong with you racist?? Start being truthful about it and you won’t get another obama.
Sounds like what we heard about Iraq in 2003.
NBC taking the heat off the criminal Clinton/Obama Nixon rehash as well as NBC’s never-ending help to hide the pedophiles in Pedogate. This is what NBC is all about. Hating American values and our Constitution.
South Korea and Japan could feel the affects of N.K. but they would have to have a suicide pact to attack anyone today.
You need to eat a Snickers bar. Quick.