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By Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian (Reporter)
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What Did an Official Ground Zero Photographer shoot that Led to his Wife’s Murder?

Wednesday, July 6, 2016 3:53
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(Before It's News)


HOURS after planes flew into the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, Kurt Sonnenfeld was given unrestricted access to ground zero.

Sonnenfeld was working for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, an organisation tied to the US Department of Homeland Security and charged with co-ordinating first response to disasters.

Armed with camera gear, the 39-year-old was asked to film everything he saw. His documented evidence was supposed to form part of a report about what happened, but he never handed back the footage.

His life began to unravel spectacularly in the following months and years, culminating in the death of his wife.

She was found dead on a couch in the Denver home the pair shared with a bullet wound to the back of the head.

Fifteen years later, the now-54-year-old is on the run in Argentina. The US government wants him back in the country. Officially, they say he’s wanted over the murder of his wife, but he believes it’s something far more sinister.

He says they want to silence him over what he saw beneath World Trade Center 6, evidence he is convinced paints the Bush Administration as big players in the deadliest attack on American soil.



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Total 2 comments
  • No planes hit the Twin Towers. Period. Since we know that, we can conclude that the American Government/American Media were both involved in the attack and the creation of a false narrative. Foreign governments all know this as well. This means that Terrorists run any and every country that doesn’t point out this fraud. This and more truth on who really runs the World can be found at VETERANS TODAY. Luciferians run the Governments/Media/Financial Institutions………..and everything else of importance in this World.

    • mitch51

      No planes hit the twin towers. No one was killed at Sandy Hook. We haven’t been to the moon. Obama time-travels to Mars. Boston didn’t really happen, all that blood was fake. Orlando didn’t happen, that was fake too.

      Apollo, welcome to BINNERLAND!! You fit right in!!!

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