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The United Nations has launched a far-reaching initiative that could give U.N.-sponsored authorities sway over the biological resources of the high seas—all the waters that lie outside national territories and economic zones.
The potential shift in power involves multi-trillion-dollar issues, such as whether large areas—conceivably, as much as 30 percent– of the world’s international waters should be designated as no-go areas to protect biological diversity; whether and how to require elaborate “environmental impact assessments” for future ocean development projects; and how to divide up the economic benefits from the future development of “marine genetic resources.”
Eden Charles, a diplomat from Trinidad and Tobago who is serving as the chairman for a U.N. preparatory committee that began the discussions this week underlined to Fox News that the talks are at a “very, very preliminary stage.”
Overall, the hoped-for treaty will cover “two-thirds of the oceans, almost half the planet,” says Lisa Speer, a senior official of the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), which is in turn a lead member of a squadron of 33 environmentalist groups banded together as the High Seas Alliance to lobby for protectionist measures during the talks.
UN Resolution;
Development of an international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction
What we had here was the United Nations explicitly saying that national jurisdiction was obsolete and welcome to your new reality. Just as the EU will be enforcing border controls above and beyond national jurisdiction so too will land rights be determined by the UN beyond national jurisdiction. They were keeping the words nice and simple for the fluoridated masses.
Physical barriers are the only way Hungary can secure its borders, according to the country’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Péter Szijjártó, and Budapest still maintains its opposition to refugee distribution quotas.
Szijjártó highlighted that his country takes no pleasure from building its fences and continued to defend Viktor Orbán’s decision to authorise their construction. “We had no other choice than to build those physical barriers.” A move, he added, that has benefitted Germany. The minister explained that Hungary has so far spent 25% of its gross national product on securing its borders with Croatia and Serbia so that “no more irregular migrants reach Germany”.