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Rihanna’s “Better Have My Money” Promotes the Elite’s Obsession With Torture

Sunday, July 12, 2015 2:41
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(Before It's News)

by Vigilant Citizen

Rihanna’s “Better Have My Money” purposely pushes limits and purposely pushes them in a specific direction. The video is a continuation of mass media’s agenda of glorifying death, torture and dehumanization. We’ll look at the twisted messages behind “Better Have My Money”.

Since the launch of Vigilant Citizen in 2008, Rihanna has been a part of the picture. In fact, one of the first articles I ever wrote was about Rihanna’s Umbrella, and nothing has really changed since then. More than 7 years later, Rihanna is still being used to push the occult elite’s agenda … because that’s what industry pawns do. With Better Have my Money, Rihanna truly confirms that popular culture has turned into a depraved, toxic wasteland that purposely exposes young minds to death, murder, and torture. But it is not simply about exposing the youth to these things, it is about glorifying them, making them cool, fashionable, desirable and trendy.

Considering that the occult elite is not ashamed of torturing people for all kinds of purposes (see the horrific revelations of the CIA torture report and the entire MK Ultra system), it is not surprising that they are looking to sell their love of human misery to the youth. One might say “This has nothing to do with Rihanna, it is just a fun video”. But actually, yes, it does. In Better Have My Money, Rihanna re-enacts actual torture techniques used by psychopathic entities and makes them appear cool. I mean, when you torture people on a yacht while there’s party music in the background, it’s cool, right? Right? Torture is cool? Oh, and sexy, too.


It’s Not Really About Her Money

If you listen to Better Have My Money without being exposed to the video, it is easy to assume that the song is about someone owing Rihanna money that she wants back. If someone has ever owed you money, and tried to weasel their way out of paying you back, you probably relate to the catchy chorus of the song: “better have my money”.
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