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by Ancient Code
Did you know? The stone blocks used in the inner parts of the Great Pyramid were made from limestone, which contains small amounts of crystals and metals which are believed to be two important properties that allowed maximum power transmission. Furthermore, the shafts built inside the Great pyramid were made of granite which is a slightly radioactive substance permitting the ionization of the air inside the air shafts of the Great Pyramid; similar characteristics can be found in a conductive insulating cable.
What was the true purpose of the Great Pyramid of Giza? Was it created as merely a tomb? Was it constructed by the ancient Egyptians to store grain? Ort is it possible there is a third, fascinating theory that could explain once and forever the true purpose of the Great Pyramid?
According to many people, the great Nikola Tesla may have uncovered the true purpose of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Ancient Egyptians may have laid the foundations for a technology that thousands of years later was recognized –at least partially— by Nikola Tesla.
Beyond its imposing magnificence, the Great Pyramid of Giza could hold more secrets than we ever imagined.
It has been accepted for years that ancient civilizations employed very advanced technologies, such as electrochemistry, electromagnetics, metallurgy, chemistry, physics, mathematics, etc., thousands of years before these were ‘invented’ by modern society. Evidence of these technologies is present in ancient Egypt as well as Sumer and other ancient cultures around the globe.
However, the great Pyramid fo Giza is perhaps one of the greatest ‘technologies’ invented by our ancestor’s thousands of years ago.
The outer coating of the Giza pyramid was composed of white limestone, which happens to have great insulating properties. The outer casing of the Great Pyramid of Giza was covered by ‘white tufa limestone,’ put together in such a way that nothing could fit in between the stones. It is noteworthy to mention that the ‘white tufa limestone’ used in the outer casing of the Great Pyramid of Giza does not contain magnesium and has very high insulating properties. It is believed that this sophisticated insulation property allowed the ancient Egyptians to fully control the release of energy from within the Pyramid.
Even more interesting is the composition of the interior of the Great Pyramid. As it turns out, the stone blocks used in the inner parts of the Great Pyramid were made from another form of limestone, which contains small amounts of crystals and metals which are believed to be two important properties that allowed maximum power transmission.
Furthermore, the shafts built inside the Great pyramid were made of granite and is a slightly radioactive substance permitting the ionization of the air inside the air shafts of the Great Pyramid; similar characteristics can be found in a conductive insulating cable.
While the idea that the Great Pyramid of Egypt were used as giant power plant generating free, wireless energy, is firmly rejected by mainstream scholars, this theory could explain numerous enigmas about the Pyramid itself and the sophisticated society that settled at the Nile River thousands of years ago.
The Pyramids at the Giza plateau rise above the limestone layers located underneath (Aquifers), and the spaces in between them are filled with great amounts of water, and these layers of rock are capable of transmitting energy upwards as they carry the underground water to the surface. This means that the high volume flow of water that passes through these underground cavities is capable of producing an electrical current; known as physio-electricity. Physio-electricity can be defined as ‘Electricity obtained from the natural physical movements with the help of certain harnessing devices can be termed as physio-electricity. For example, energy from walking, energy from flowing stream of a river (Nile river flowing through aquifers.’ (Source)
image by Julian-Faylona
Every Day is Earth Day
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It was not the Egyptians that built them, much much older, that is the secret. But the real truth to us is what is destroyed today + – 20 years, then you can figure out who our dark master is. Or of, not exactly like he is beloved.
As Canderson said, the Egyptians didn’t build them. They were built by a much older high-tech civilisation that was wiped out in a catastrophic flood where tyhe only artifacts that remained were megalithic consstructions which teh flood could not destroy. Once the survivors were able to regroup, increase in number and move back to the coastal areas, they came across the pyramids. They had no idea what they were for, and so they just renovated them.
So when Khufu says it took him 24 years to build the great pyramid, that’s just a boastful exaggeration. It took him 24 years to just put on the casing stones and wall off the entrance in the process. Think about it: no builder would ever construct any building where you didn’t at least have an entrance. That tells you right away that Cheops could NOT have built the whole pyramid.
That’s why Al Mamun had to bust his way in in the 8th century, and all he found in there was what’s in there now: just a stone box. Even that creepy niche in the queen’s chamber had obviously contained some kind of statue, but Al Mamun, who was looking for treasure, found nothing of value.
When I visited TGP in March 2013 the first impression I got was that this thing was OLD. Very old. Not some 5,500 years old but 10x that minimum. The stone blocks are chest-high and the size of a car, weighing up to 70 tons that they had cut, shaped, and transported from 600 km away. Millions of them. The weirdness of the internal layout is the most disconcerting thing. You walk in through the hole that Al Mamun made when he busted in. This is normal height, then turn left and crawl into a shaft that’s about 1 x 1 meter going steeply upwards. This opens up to the grand gallery 8 m high, and a passage going into the queen’s chamber. You go up the grand gallery and again you have to go into a horizontal shaft 1 x 1 m, which opens up to standing height for about 2 m then another 1 x 1 meter shaft and you enter the king’s chamber. I made it a point to feel the inside of the stone box, only to find that it’s perfectly smooth all the way to the corners. A lot smoother and more perfect than it looks in pictures. I made a point to stay inside there as long as possible. I didn’t get any unusual mystical sensation, I was just seriously creeped out by the whole thing. The Ministry of Antiquities employee there immediately addressed me in English, and grubbed a cigarette off me. Like how did he know I smoke when I had my pack hidden in my sweatpants? How did he know I speak English? There was also a very strange young woman there doing some kind of new-agey dancy ritual while humming to herself. I hung out with the guy for a while, until a huge group of Danish tourists came in. I couldn’t breathe and had to get out. When I did, I was gasping for air; a beaten man.
An Egyptian friend of mine, who’s a Coptic Christian from Cairo but ironically enough never visited the pyramids told me that the Egyptians could not have built the pyramids because whoever did so was intelligent, whereas “whoever is in charge of Egypt today is 100% idiot.” His exact words.