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This allegations are growing by the day, just how long will it take to lock that criminal up? Take a listen to what this Ex Congressman just said.
We have The New York Post and we have Fox News, but after that we are in a wilderness of deception. No one knows where the truth lies.
The revelation making the rounds again about Obama, how he sneaked through $221 million to his terrorist friends the Palestinian Authority during the last hours of his presidency, makes it elaborately clear that he was always in it for himself and for his pals.
For eight years Israel was betrayed and America was duped by a charmer.
I remember a movie that starred Tony Curtis in “The Great Impostor.” But there have been others like it, like Matt Damon in “The Talented Mr. Ripley” — about men skilled in the art of deception. Through guile, a ready smile, a quick tongue, they charm their way up the ladder from one bamboozled household to the next.
Their papers are never in order, but they manage. They manage to reach the top. Both Curtis (whose film was based on a true story) and Damon did not know a thing about medicine or airplanes but they managed to run hospitals and to fake it as pilots. They got caught. But before that they had everybody fooled.
Sound familiar? Surely not to Progressives who wanted to be fooled or didn’t really care. So long as Obama was their choice he could do no wrong.
But to the rest of America, and the world, the damage bitterly lives on.
He armed Iran to the teeth. The mullahs grow bolder and now Obama’s generosity is President Trump’s problem. Where did Obama get the money to enrich all those terrorists? Came from our pockets – the Constitution be damned, according to Obama and the news media that babied him every single day for eight years.
All by himself Obama proclaimed that he did not even need Congress. He said, “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone” – so forget the rules.
So much, then, for the claim that Obama did not have the Constitutional right to wiretap Trump….which is the hot news of the day.
That assumes that Obama as President cared about the Constitution, taught the Constitution, or ever learned the Constitution.
They say he taught it at the University of Chicago. Who says? The New York Times. So that is reason number one to be skeptical.
Has any former student of his ever come forward – a fellow professor to share the pride?
It’s the same about his place of birth. The reason we don’t know for sure is because we do not know the media for sure. They can’t be trusted.
They covered up for him from one betrayal to another, from one scandal to the next, and that is why we are in this fix.
We are all victims when the truth must fend for itself.
We have The New York Post and we have Fox News, but after that we are in a wilderness of deception.
From today’s Times we hear that Trump has fired 46 Obama leftovers at the Justice department who remained planted to him harm. Well, that’s a start.
But from the establishment news media we do not know about the rapes and murders from the hands of illegal immigrants. Nor about migrants from Arab countries, including Iraq, who arrive first as beggars and next swagger on campus to bully Jewish students.
Nor do they inform us that the Women’s Movement has been compromised and hijacked by Palestinian Arab convicted terrorists. The New York Times won’t tell, and neither will the networks – all of whom remain part of the same hypocrisy that delivered us Barack Hussein Obama.
His schemes went beyond running a hospital. By hook and by crook, he managed to run a country. There was no one to stop him.
The news media knew the score. They had to. No one can be that stupid. But they chose to keep us in the dark.
Was all of it an act? If so, there has never been a hoax quite like this anywhere in the world throughout history.
I’ve gotten endless flak from BIN admins trying to defend Obama against me revealing the truth about Obama and myself…and they’re listen to the wingbats which are counseling them.
I’m also revealing that Obama’s real name is Barry Parks; he’s the son of Jim T. Parks.
People, investigate that by Googling it.
Why is no one recognizing me as Messiah and Jesus’ 2d Coming? Just askin’. It seems strange that that news won’t get out. My being a Buddhist is a plus seeing Jesus himself predicted he’d not return a Christian. Indeed, because all Christians will be corrupted and none will be saved in the end days said Jesus. But “no one knows the day and hour of that news being spread”, not even me, says the Bible, so the truth will hit when it’s ready.
Now to give a short timeline of events leading up to today, let’s look at my youth when I was brought up in the USA and France to a family influenced by Theosophy and schooling such as Rudolf Steiner’s schools. Theosophy’s basic influence is Buddhism from Helena Blavatsky’s Russian background where the influence of Tibetan Buddhism is rife due to the Mongolian Buddhists within the Russian Federation of nations.
My family relative the Royal Count Tolstoy was also a Theosophical spiritualist and corresponded with Gandhi, who also was himself influenced by Buddhism and Theosophy.
My wife and I studied Tibetan language and culture at Paris University for five years in the mid-80s..
But when still a child, when I reached 15 years old, I was attracted to the religious life and sought to find a master to teach me meditation or yoga.
This brought me to Tibetan Buddhism which I practised for many years as a religious Buddhist starting from 1970.
In the late 90s, I sought to pass on my knowledge on Internet and particularly my research upon Kalachakra the deity-teachings which announce the Apocalypse within Tibetan Buddhism.
My work on Internet suddenly screeched to a halt though when Obama started running for president in early 2007 because I saw on Internet a school registration to Obama’s name stating his faith as Muslim: that was a signal of a red flag to me.
Indeed, that set up a red alert signal to me and during the whole of 2007 I dedicated myself solely to fighting against Obama’s election.
To achieve that, I sought to find the most powerful anti-Obama video that I could find on You Tube so as to go and find people to share my convictions with.
Through that same logic I tried to find all kinds of venues, forums, blogs, videos, articles’ comments on Internet etc…so as to criticise and block Obama but I ended up on the video with most views and most comments that deals with the birther issue: Obama Citizenship: I Invented the Internet (Ep. 6: October Surprise)
Obama Citizenship: I Invented The Internet (Ep. 6: October Surprise)
Briefly, my logic during the first years of Obama’s power was that I wasn’t interested in being the Messiah.
Indeed, I am a Buddhist and very content with that. I have no wish to be Christian seeing I’m an ex-Christian.
I have famous people in my family that are Christians.
I have 2 ancestors who were the Pope’s Chamberlain: Baron Wilhelm Wedel-Jarlsberg and Count Christopher de Paus (he’s of Royal Count Tolstoy’s branch of our family).
I’m Buddhist and have rejected Christianity as an evil faith: Tibetan Tantric Buddhism is the highest form of culture in the world and Buddhism hasn’t made war and therefore isn’t evil in making war like Christianity has.
My family was into evil ways when it was Christian – and when it was Anarchist as Tolstoy is the great Anarchist/Communist hero, (who is world-famous).
How did I get pressured against my will to be the Messiah?
Well, I had set my goal on revealing that Obama was the Antichrist of Christianity: indeed, I had the ironclad proof because the lottery draw of 666 cursed Obama the day of his celebration of victory.
I thought of myself as a messenger dropping in on Christians and telling them who their Antichrist was.
I thought of it as “delivery” end times prophecy. We live in the age of drop-off, home-delivery, through Amazon or Domino’s Pizza.
Indeed, Christianity is alien to me. So I wouldn’t want to even be caught dead being the Christian Messiah. I had the idea I’d just drop off the message – like a mailman – and MOVE ON to other stuff (my mission as a Buddhist fits with the King of Shambhala prophecy of the world’s saviour and not with the Christian prophecy of the “Messiah”).
But Christians went overboard when I showed up with that message for them.
Indeed, they more or less grabbed me and dragged me inside for an in-depth soul-searching conversation and scan of my innermost soul. But I got fed up with the spiritual moments with them….as I’ll explain now.
Off the bat indeed, they went BEZERK and harrassed me with questions about who I was and what my beliefs were. It was a mix of fear and awe at me. Very scary.
They were interviewing me for the job of Messiah in fact (and they weren’t liking what they were seeing me as, because to them in their book, Buddhism meant “blasphemous heresy”.).
I got so fed up of them ‘killing the messenger’, that I got mad and said: “Like the message or not I’m the Messenger. I never said I’m the Messiah, it’s you who keep hammering away that I must be the Messiah.” So I said: “Seeing you don’t like me being Buddhist etc… well tough luck for you, I’m the Messiah whether you like it or not because my message is ironclad and I’ll ram it down your stupid ugly Christian throats by force if need be.”
This message which is pretty simple is so hard to grasp, that people in the comments just can’t get their heads around it.
The problem with the Christians was that they were killing the messenger (they’re hateful anti-Buddhist bigots at the core).
The people in the comments here are stuck in Christian-towards-heathen oppositions that block out all rational thinking.
And I didn’t want them to ‘kill the messenger’ and for me to take that sitting down. The backward fundie-style Christians who were killing the message I was bringing, were evidently ugly people who were not worthy of any intellectual exchange.
So that’s how I got suckered into being the Christian Messiah because all the Christians were rejecting me WHOLESALE.
Because of the cluelessly low level of the Christians who were attacking me, I decided to do it my way. I didn’t need those backwards. I just went out and proclaimed the Apocalypse.
But more obstacles lay further along the road.
To retrack the evennts: I went to Wikipedia to edit the pages about the ‘Antichrist’, about ’666′, about the ‘Hideous Beast’, about the ‘Apocalypse’, the ‘Revelation’ etc….
Well, Wikipedia’s people flipped their coils so fast when I got there that it made my head spin.
They banned me from editing and warned me to stop trying to edit that 666 had turned up the day of Obama’s celebration of his victory.
They came to my personal email to warn me they’d monitor what I wrote on Internet and that they’d make a special website to smear and slander me at But the incredible thing is that the words they told me then, back in 2008 or 2009, they actually went through with. They faithfully monitored my posts throughout Internet (I’d like to request Team Trump to investigate how they did that. Did they put mics and moniroting devices on my computer etc… It looks like this was governement spying. This could be a major investigation like WIkileaks so I’d request Trump to send me his staff to find out what’s going on.)
They set up the said wikidot website and they MAINTAINED IT TILL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We’re talking about severe mentally challenged people here. They did all this because I’m saying Obama’s the Antichrist. This is a case of the “lady protesting a bit too much”.
Why are they so nervous that I say Obama’s the Antichrist? They’re hiding SOMETHING….
I took that into my stride at first. But I realized that they would have to be overcome by force because they were really riled up in a bad way.
I realized that I had determined foes facing me and during these years I’ve seen now that they were not taking me lightly at all.
I also realized that they were many and that they were in this fight ttill it’s bitter end. They didn’t see this battle as a small one and for me to win was not acceptable for them.
That’s when I realized that this was really the Apocalypse, because such a rallying of forces was only possible by one single person and that was the Antichrist, aka Satan-in-Person.
After a lot of floundering around on Internet, and fighting Obama through the birth issue battle, I found BeforeItsNews which is a haven of peace and calm amidst the raging realm of Internet. Internet does not allow anyone to speak freely and gangs of Nazis troll it continuously and effortlessly.
BIN’s the only place on Internet where ordinary thinking is more or less proscribed. Commonplace, prejudiced thinking is not practised at all BIN. The only thinking that’s accepted there is out-of-the-box, creative, special thinking.
I obviously fit in immediately, seeing I was fleeing the middle-ages thinking of Christians, of Leftist/Communists and backward inbred, homo dorks of all stripes, kinds and form. Obama really draws evil to him. I was searching for any place in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD where I could freely say Obama’s the Antichrist and put forth my proof of that without being targeted by Jihadist-style, medieval people.
Obama Minions were threatening me and hounding me throughout Internet.
To make a long story short, I set up making articles regularly, building myself a fan-base which is impressive now, spreading the news and hounding down Obama seeing the Bible announces his final defeat and the Apocalypse.
Now is the time.
also see here for me…. Mentally ill and criminal trolls have been heckling me for years because they object to the fact I’m the Messiah and nothing they say, can change that truth because I alone reveal that the lottery in Obama’s homestate drew 666 (the Mark of the Beast aka the Number of the Antichrist) the day after his election. Wikipedia says that to troll is a pathological behaviour. Ignore the trolls: they’re crazy.
I’m a person of high spiritual realization (University Tibetan culture/language studies, 8-month meditation retreat, foremost Buddhist Kalachakra authority). My family is a royal family (our relative Count Leo Tolstoy is the highest/ most ancient royal aristocratic lineage in Russia. We have family-relatives who were Papal Chamberlains such as Baron Wilhelm Wedel-Jarlsberg and Count Christopher de Paus) from Norway, and among others my grandmother’s aunt Else Werring was the Royal Norwegian Palace’s “Mistress of the Robes” (the hostess/organizer of the royal palace’s events) for 27 years, until 1985.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio has just started blasting Obama with the full force, so now Team Trump, Larry Klaymann and Orly Taitz and us all will have to sue Obama together for stealing our lives by his forged birth certificate. Follow me in revealing the Antichrist Obama and his forged birth certificate which proves his High Treason.