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Have you been bullied and ripped off by Red Energy, they suck! An open letter to an Australian “privatised” company

Saturday, March 4, 2017 12:50
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Hi Ashleigh
Thankyou for your email.

Just to be clear then, it will cost me 100 dollars to have someone come to my property for less than a minute, at 6000 dollars an hour. However this isn’t satisfactory for that sum (hourly rate) i don’t get to set an appointment and have to take a full day from work costing me upwards of 500 dollars so i can sit around waiting for your fellow employee who i believe is contracted at about 1 dollar per premises (please correct me if i’m wrong).

Your company does all this while using the assets I and others paid for through my taxes over many years that a government in power for perhaps less than 5 or 6 years and a prime minister who i probably didn’t vote for sells physical property including the power lines, vehicles, infrastructure etc. that we spent a lifetime funding.

Of course though since privatisation the price of power has dropped with all the competition like they said, How did that work out for us?


Electricity privatisation ‘a dismal failure’

Electricity privatisation ‘a dismal failure’

By a staff reporter

Prominent Australian economist Professor John Quiggin has launched a scathing attack on energy sector privatisation, concluding that it has failed to deliver promised benefits for consumers.

In the study commissioned by the Electricity Trades Union, Professor Quiggin examined 20 years of pro-privatisation reform in his report, “Electricity Privatisation in Australia: A Record of Failure”, which included a detailed economic examination of the outcomes of power sales in Victoria and South Australia.

His research has revealed that many of the claimed benefits of privatisation have not been supported, with key finding including:

– price rises have been highest in states with privatised electricity networks;

– customer dissatisfaction jumped, with complaints to the energy ombudsman in privatised States leaping from 500 to over 50,000 per annum;

– resources have been diverted away from operational functions to management and marketing, resulting in higher costs and poorer service;

– reliability has declined across a wide range of measures in Victoria;

– promised increases to investment efficiency have not occurred;

– real labour productivity has reduced as employment and training of tradespeople was gutted and numbers of managerial and sales staff exploded;

– private owners are receiving unjustifiably high rates of return based on the low investment risk; and

– consumers in privatised states bear the cost of approximately 10 per cent per annum interest on private owners‟ debt, compared to substantially lower government borrowing costs of three per cent.

But of course they have better infrastructure and safer power supply, oh, except the latest power outages have been unprecedented, and who pays for all the billions in lost productivity and product (freezers etc) the insurance company, no, we do by higher insurance rates and taxes for the governments part in the clean up. individuals wear the lost work time and productivity there with machines that aren’t running.

An unprecedented power outage across South Australia has stopped production at major miners BHP Billiton and OZ Minerals and left one steelmaker struggling to prevent molten steel from hardening and damaging its factory.

Parasitic shake downs of customers has not seemed to increase the quality of the deteriorating infrastructure that was at least in part responsible for hundreds of thousands of situations like this as peoples freezers thawed. Did anyone account for the added possibility of bacterial diseases from all the rotting meat in peoples bins and getting dug up by dogs.

Who cares when you clear 100 bucks on a minutes contract with some poor sucker in broken hill that detests you and your shareholders.

The treatment of your customers is reprehensible, and i have nothing but disgust for the company you represent. These types of companies are parasites that feed off the productivity of others.

While i waste, my time waiting for your oh so important company there are people in the real world that could be benefiting from my skills and experience in the area of my profession.
This experience would be repeated every day by dog owners, people concerned with privacy, and security. All those people sitting home waiting for your company to come around and extort 100 dollars from your precious customers your employer claims to care so much about.

Finally of course there is the 20 percent off tragedy which is basically a poor tax used to bully those that are struggling with rent or other essentials and are then left with a choice of whether to save 100 dollars from the electricity bill or leave the kids hungry for another fortnight.

I don’t expect these are decisions your bosses are concerned with when they clear around 5000 dollars an hour for a job that was created by the taxpayers you are ripping off.

I don’t feel like ive been unreasonable as my previous communication shows, I have to trust you every bill, can I really rip you off? I have sent you photos of the meter, asked to be informed within a week of when you will be reading the bill so I can open the gate, you even have my phone number, name , address and ID, Would you feel comfortable if I had that information about you and your employers?

My only option apparently is to leave my house unsecured while I’m away working and hope for the best.

Oh hang on, I do have one option. I can change providers and choose another parasite company in exchange. Maybe I’ll be able to pick up the poor tax off someone else’s bill disguised as a discount?

So please don’t bother me anymore, Origin can take the reading, I assume you trust each other?

I’ll also be complaining about your parasitic business model to anyone who will listen and publish my correspondence with you guys online, in addition I’ll be doing some research on your company and the senior employees to find out a bit more about you people, but I expect your all clean as a whistle? Right?

I did the same to the commonwealth bank when they tried to bully me and my family  I only hope you guys are as interesting as Narev, by the way I pay no interest on my, what was a 15000 dollar credit card debt, amazing eh, and it turned out Narev was a thief, now let’s see what I can find.

Your Sincerely Mark

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