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This is the second part of Two Part Video Series.
Here was Part One: ”Canada and England: A Tale of Two Parliament Terror Hoaxes Powered By Freemason Air Ambulance Service”
For the record I saw this as a hoax as soon as it happened. Many of us here on YT knew that London was on the NWO hit list again. They give London the Head Master or more appropriately the Grand Master of all Masonic Ritualistic Hoaxes.
I covered the Brussels Bombing Puff of Smoke Hoax in depth exactly a year ago from this Hoax. The Brussels Bombing and the Freemason Cat With Nines Lives Mason Wells so far on YouTube is one of my favorite Crisis Actors.
As soon as I saw British Tory MP Tobias Ellwood photo-op’d on camera giving the ‘fallen/stabbed’ police officer CPR… I knew that it was Game On.
Part Two covers a 15 minute rant on the Freemasons by yours truly, a couple of viewers comments, YouTube dumbing down my numbers, International Water Day and a lady being dumped into the Thames River from the Westminster Bridge, the 1989 San Francisco Earthquake, earthquakes in general and the absolute craziness of how these hoaxes are being manufactured by some very bad Illuminati directors, screen writers and crisis actors.
“Your Majesty, London Has Indeed Fallen…”
Canada and England: A Tale of Two Parliament Terror Hoaxes Powered By Freemason Air Ambulance Service