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By Ethan Indigo Smith (Reporter)
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Saturnalia Invasion

Monday, March 27, 2017 11:06
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Dear infected and afflicted,


    We are The Dropouts.  We are Ephraim Gregory Nicholas Romanov Rasputin Moscovitch, fourth generation descendant of the formerly secret Romanov/Rasputin bloodline and Colonel Ryan J. Arlington, former Engineer for a U.S.A. Army unit based in a secret deep underground military base, the location of which will remain secret, for now. 

    Ephraim dropped out of high school and Colonel Arlington went AWOL.  Dropouts all have their personal reasons for dropping out and the shared realization of corruption.  High school dropouts may lack the vocabulary to adequately explain dropping out, but are often the most astute at sensing corruption reasoning dropping out.  The indoctrination of the postmodern public education system restricts thinking and inhibits communication.  Only after dropping out could Ephraim effectively communicate his reasons for doing so, but dropouts know something is wrong, if only intuitively, and even when lacking the ability to explain it, and they make an exit.  Dropouts frequently lack the education, diluted with martial training and the prescribed vocabulary thereof, to be able to properly explain themselves, but dropouts know. 

    The scholastic bureaucracy was built for multiplication of human monoculture and employment of teachers rather than enlightenment of students.  Because of indoctrination rather than instruction, because of the stifling of individuality, Ephraim dropped out.  All dropouts know something is wrong, intuitively or exactly, and perform the only moral act at their disposal, leave.

    Colonel Ryan J. Arlington dropped out from the upper echelon of the global military industrial complex, much later in life and from a much higher position than Ephraim, but because of corruption the same.  The Colonel was a high level operative whose clearance was so high, he didn’t have an official clearance, nor did he have a rank or serial number, nor was his unit named, nor is their base known publicly.  The unit operates so secretively there is no official record of it or The Colonel at all.  For The Colonel to dropout he had to go AWOL and live on the lamb permanently, while Ephraim had to face the stigma of being constantly labeled uneducated and unofficial.  Being a dropout requires one actively surmount such obstacles.  Dropouts cannot be lazy, contrary to popular opinion.

    After dropping out, one begins answering questions about the immersion in dehumanization, whether through school or the military.  Dropouts engage their morality and curiosity, these attributes increases so much they have to answer the questions that arise as to corruption, and realizing the overall wrong they have no choice but to cease participation in it as much as humanly possible. 

    Despite our different origins currently we are both being hunted down by the very global military industrial complex to which The Colonel gave over thirty years of his life to, because we are dropouts who know.  We are being hunted because we know secrets, to be specific, we hold the most diabolical series of secrets to ever concern humanity.  Because of the secrets we know about the threats to humanity, our existence is threatened.  Because our existence is threatened in multiplicity, we are revealing our secrets now.      

    Dropouts are far more trustworthy than any insider.  Ruffian copouts, credentialed bowouts and intellectual sellouts, all lie the same, all the time.  Dropouts are unofficial and unaccredited, but honest, we have to be because we are outside their game.  As noted we are being hunted down by killing machines of great capability and have nothing to lose, as most all dropouts.  But more importantly, as dropouts, we have nothing to gain.  Dropouts are consistently more trustworthy and more honest than copouts, sellouts and bowouts because we have nothing to gain.

    People are trained to ignore dropouts.  These same people lend complete trust to official copouts, bowouts and sellouts and are repeatedly tricked.  People revere collegiate and corporate credentials, and extensive militaristic ties and corporate experience, but these aren’t evidence of honesty, but commitment to lies.  If you spend any time out from under the wing of institutions, you know it takes honesty to dropout.  No degree reflects honesty, however dropping out indicates plenty of it.  To live outside the box you have to be actively observant and to survive for any length of time you have to be honest.  Dropouts are the realest people on Earth.  Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. were all dropouts.  

    Being a dropout is a serious qualification.  We dropped out because of perpetual corruption and war.  The global military industrial complex, including your local law enforcement, is the only growing industry on the planet.  Becoming a pair of muted boots to step on people at the whim of strangers is the easy way to earn a living with benefits, it’s a copout.  Anybody can work for the biggest industry on the planet, as long as you adopt notions of legality and stomp out any sense of morality, and the same goes for being a corporate bowout or sellout.  

    It takes honesty to dropout.  Signing up with uniformed bullies in support of the global military industrial complex is easy, but it’s a lie.  Dropping out, living life according the Golden Rule, is always difficult, especially in an economy based on indiscreet war, but it’s honest.  The machinery of the war world is set up for copouts, bowouts and sellouts.  And dropouts tend to be the ones most well positioned to be grinded up by their corruption.  And alternatively are usually the only ones who stand up to it.  

    War results in more war.  The drug war builds prisons instead of schools, motivates contraband gangs and reduces the quality of life, pushing half of society to conclude narcotic escape is a decent choice, even if it risks prison time, or poisoning.  In the same way war leads to buildup of terrible war machines, terrorists and terrorism, copout countries.  All war destroys the environment.  All war enslaves all people.  All war is war on humanity and entirety.  Similar such exploits inspired Jesus to curse the military industrial complex in his father’s house two-thousand years ago.  Dropouts reject corrupt tradition, and toss tables, and that’s what we’re here to do.   

    They are lying to you.  That’s what Jesus said too.  Practically everything you know is a lie.  And practically every lie is related to the concealment of the bloody web of war, to hide horrors and inspire enlistment.  Practically everything you thought was education and valuable tradition, is simply part of a model to compel you to like what you do; stay in your place in the pyramid system holding down the many for the benefit of the few.  And even though practically everything you know is a lie and all the lies weaved by the oligarchies for the last couple thousand years have been to keep the many below, enslaved and ignorant, the lies are all mitigated to unimportant tangents, inconsequential relative to the secrets of our current quandary.  The military industrial complex has run the world for thousands of years and it’s all lies.  But the secrets we’re revealing now are much bigger than humanity’s prolonged subjugation to martial rule and the lies to maintain such. 

    Ephraim is a dropout from a family of royal exiles, the direct descendant of Olga Romanov and Gregory Rasputin.  Because of his birthright, he was given secrets.  Because of the Colonel’s military experience he learned secrets as well.  When put together, the information formed an understanding of the world more complete than any before, of a situation more complex than any before.  

    Ephraim’s main secret, which trivialized the millennia long rule of the global military industrial complex, has been kept secret for millennia by very powerful cabals and kingdoms, including the Romanovs.  The secret has been implemented by royalty, religious cults, aristocracies, corporations and factions endlessly throughout history to control people and benefit from that control and has in fact been used to instill the order of the military industrial complex too.  The secret however is not a political trick, it’s a biological tick. 

    The secret is a fluke, the human fluke and its parasitic behavior modification of mankind.  The human fluke has been our constant companion, always reducing the human narrative.  Nearly everyone has been infected at one point or another and somewhere in the neighborhood of eighty-five percent of the world are hosts to a parasite at any given time.  The parasitic predicament has influenced individuals and collectives since the beginning.  Practically all children are exposed to it and many never rid themselves of the affliction, some live their entire life knowing nothing but a steady stream of unconsciousness, hosts acting out parasitic impulses.  Mankind’s subjection to parasitic behavior modification has shaped the world.

    There are numerous human flukes resulting in infections of varying severity.  Yet all the human flukes live in one of two ways, resulting in one of two extremes of modified behavior.  The slightly more common type is the bacterial dependent fluke, the other is the fungal dependent fluke.  They cocoon themselves within bacterial or fungal clusters and attach to the human nervous system to obtain nutrients and modify our behavior.  The bacterial dependent infestations result in tolerant, passive behavior, like sheep.  The fungal infections result in scheming, aggressive behavior, like coyotes. 

    This parasitic predicament, like everything in nature, becomes balanced, and in this case in an eloquent dis-symbiosis favoring the parasites.  The different parasites develop interdependent balance with the bacterial and fungal clusters as well as their hosts, and more complexly, they relate to each other through modifying the behavior of the host.  The parasitically guided interaction between people made sheepish or coyote-like is traditionally viewed as some sort of right wing/left wing political constant, but is actually the result of biological duress.  The flukes result in evil or total toleration of outright evil.  The behavior of about eighty-five percent of us originates not from normal processes, but is a fluke. 

    The flukes are frequently mistaken for tumors, or cysts, or meningitis by both ignorant and insistent physicians.  They normally attach themselves to the spinal cord or major nerves around the neck and through the bacterial or fungal clusters leech sustenance and eventually basically control their human hosts through insistent primordial parasitic impulses they employ through tapping into nerve endings.

    The tolerant, passive and bullied, those who seek to be controlled in order to survive are host to bacterial dependent flukes.  The authoritarian and selfish, those who place themselves above all else with reckless abandon, those who seek to control in order to survive, are host to fungal dependent flukes.  The flukes, despite being among the lowest life forms in the universe, simply seek to survive and control their hosts simply as a means to do so, but in the process degrade the human condition individually and collectively. 

    Being severely skinny is indicative of fungal dependent flukes.  Hosts to bacterial dependent flukes tend to bloat, otherwise there are no immediate discernible physical symptoms.  There are many alchemical antidotes however most the diagnosis procedures and treatments are unnecessarily risky.  Alchemical cures involve calculations of quantity, potency and frequency of dose pertaining to the particular individual and the particular fluke.  Mercury, cyanide and large quantities of gold are active ingredients in these remedies.  In appropriate dilution the concoctions kill the parasites and leave the host unharmed.  If the dilutions are miscalculated the host can be killed. 

    There are holistic cures too, secretively exchanged among nomads and monks for millennia.  The parasites cannot thrive or long survive in a host with a vegan diet.  Massive amounts of almonds and apricots eaten will eventually kill the flukes.  In stomach acid the combination produces therapeutic cyanide which kills parasites.  Certain extracts of wormwood, tobacco and cloves can kill the flukes too, however we are unsure of the exact quantities, modes of delivery and time periods required for effectiveness.  Practicing yoga or tai chi hasten the results of these holistic cures, but even still the apricots and almonds cure requires up to three months of eating as many almonds and apricots as you can along with vegan diet.

    There is one practical cure.  And it was long ago made contraband and is mostly still.  The most practical cure is the consumption of marijuana.  It’s safe, works quickly and is inexpensive, relieving the host of the parasite in weeks, while just one dose is capable of loosening the parasitic grip on the nervous system.  The primary reason marijuana is globally prohibited is because of this, because it kills flukes.  And those in the know who use and foster the parasitic predicament for their own parasitic gains made it so.  Adding to the complexity of the dis-symbiotic relationship of the fluke and man are the occult who know and manipulate the infected.  They have tried to restrict knowledge of all curatives and access to the most reasonable one; marijuana.  The global drug war began with the prohibition of marijuana and hemp.  Most realize this was to protect business interests, make the rich richer and in turn keep poor people poor, but most don’t realize there was much, much more. 

    Parasitic behavioral modification has influenced all of history.  People announce deductive reasoning for their actions, why they think the way they do and yet frequently, eighty-five percent of the time, foreign biological impulses are controlling their motivations.  Their reasoning, however complicated, is just vocalization of fungal or bacterial impulses controlling them.  Scientists are well aware of parasitic behavior modification in the animal world, but most refuse to consider the possibility of human flukes.  Others will openly acknowledge various such infections, but won’t address it further.  They can’t. 

    Of all the scientifically acknowledged behavior modifying parasites, toxoplasma gondii is the most researched and understood.  Toxoplasma gondii depends on felines to reproduce and uses rats to gain access to cats in this mortal dis-symbiosis.  It supposedly doesn’t harm cats, but rats host to toxoplasma gondii lose all sense of self-preservation and mortal danger.  The toxoplasma gondii infested rats bowout to cats, no longer afraid of the scent of feline danger.  The rat likely has its own personal, logical reasons for making an introduction to the cat, that if it were capable of explaining it would, but the toxoplasma gondii is in control.  And the cat kills the rat according to the toxoplasma gondii plan, so it can reproduce in the feline digestive tract. 

    Grasshoppers infested with spinochordodes tellinii must individually conclude it’s sensible to jump into water, but it’s the worm’s plan, in order to burst forth from out the drowning grasshopper and swim away.  And ants taken over by ophiocordyceps unilateralis believe, in whatever capacity ants believe a thing, that they are deciding to ascend to the top of the stalk, but it is only so the parasite can have a nice place to spore out from within the ant.  

    Human hosts subject to parasitic behavior modification have eloquent rationale for upholding political principles and being fascist enslavers or obedient slaves to fascists, but the real reason people act dominant or submissive is totally biological, not political or logical.  Healthy people don’t act like that.  Most of us are hosts, in a parasitic predicament more elaborate than that of the rat, the cat and toxoplasma gondii.

    Toxoplasma gondii does infect people and has been known to make old ladies snap and lure young children to play catch in traffic.  It can however only reproduce in felines and because of this, it’s theorized, it tricks its host that is not a cat, to lose its most primal fears, so the host kills itself, so it can get out of the dead thing and hopefully into a cat.  In the case of the rat their primal fear is the scent of feline urine, the cat and sure death.  People infected with toxoplasma gondii frequently take part in risky and destructive behavior and maybe rationalize it’s for adrenaline or adventure, but in reality it’s so that they die and the parasite is released, all according to the parasite’s plan.  Humans, sheep, bovines or whatever else becomes host to toxoplasma gondii are all affected in one way or another.  Fungal dependent parasites, like toxoplasma gondii and the fungal dependent human flukes, increase the production of testosterone as well as removing instinctual fears.  Bacterially infected hosts are drawn to that testosterone, in submission.  

    The human flukes are dependent on primates to reproduce, only unlike toxoplasma gondii they remain within their hosts indefinitely, they don’t need to leave and when one dies, another takes its place.  The parasitic predicament, this dis-symbiosis of man, comes together in a way more intricate than perhaps any other similar system on the planet, of parasite with host, parasite with complimenting fungi or bacteria, the afflicted hosts acting out parasitic impulses among collectives with one aggressive group and another passive group in modified interaction, and finally the occult groups, parasitic themselves through fostering the parasites among the majority and restricting the cure in order to control the infected collective. 

    As dropouts in a war world of infected and afflicted we have limited medical education and do not know every specific of the parasite’s lifecycle.  However the important things to know are that through it people are subjugated to do and accept corrupt inhuman evils and most importantly; the cure is marijuana. 

    Exposure to fecal matter is the most common mode of transmission, mostly through the consumption of undercooked flesh it is theorized, though contact with a human host is possible mode of transmission.  The specifics of the mode of transmission and how they reproduce is unknown and inconsequential.  Avoiding or at least charring meat is recommended.  But the most important things to remember are the parasites make people unreasonably aggressive or inhumanly passive, the occult foster the parasitic predicament and the most practical cure is marijuana.  Marijuana literally frees your mind.

    The parasites are everywhere and yet there is a threat to mankind greater than the parasitic predicament.  The most affronting threat pertains to global environmental destruction.  The destruction is everywhere, worst though, in our fragile atmosphere.  The sun used to be a mellow golden color and now it appears whiter due to radioactive particulate causing atmospheric breakdown.  Atmospheric turbulence, global warming and drought are all caused by the inability of the atmosphere to release heat due to congestion of radioactive particulate. 

    The global military industrial complex began a geoengineering or restoration experiment in 1999.  The degradation of the atmosphere is in part the result of the expulsion of chemicals and gasses, but primarily is due to saturation of radioactive particulate.  The wave emitting particulate is at the root of atmospheric destruction, now notable in the appearance of the sun.

    The geoengineering project injects negatively charged particulate into the atmosphere to attract the positively charged radioactive particulate which then potentially begins to fall out of the atmosphere.  The injection of particulate to reduce the problem of the atmospheric radioactivity limits access to vitamin D, as well as doses everything with radioactive fallout.  Lacking vitamin D degrades our immune systems making us more susceptible to sickness, including parasitic behavior modification. 

    The operation to fortify the atmosphere with negatively charged particulate is the final act to salvage the unsustainable nuclear experiment and the wave emitting particulate destroying our atmosphere.  Instead of announcement on the atmospheric degradation and change, the military industrial complex instituted the secret program to counteract the degradation. 

    The secret of the parasitic predicament and the occult who foster is almost laughable compared to the secrets the Colonel was burdened with, beginning with the radioactive atmospheric degradation.  The degradation of the atmosphere is just one threat brought on by nuclear experimentation.  Thermonuclear war of course is another.  But the real story of nuclear experimentation, the real, most immediate resulting threat, has never been revealed publicly, until now.      

    In the beginning, the U.S.A. gathered together some of the wildest scientific minds in history and eventually set off the first nuclear detonation in New Mexico, July 1, 1945.  Then two more bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.  World war was won and world history was forever altered.  The experiment was so dangerous, the forces so outrageous that the scientists debated on whether or not the first detonation would set off a chain reaction igniting the atmosphere, killing all life on Earth.  Of course they went ahead anyway. 

    The first detonation did not start a chain reaction setting the atmosphere afire.  It did however start a chain reaction that began the atmospheric degradation we see today.  It also set off another more dangerous chain reaction involving subjects very much beyond the pale of our traditional comprehension. 

    The first nuclear detonation occurred in the New Mexico desert valley accurately named the Jornada del Muerte, meaning the route of the dead man.  The code name for the test was Trinity and the bomb itself was known as The Gadget.  In July, 1945 we all began the journey of death -in secret.  And on August 6 and 9, the most horrific nuclear experiments imaginable took place, the bombings of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Then the whole world knew of the Journada Del Muerte. 

    A few people survived both bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, having gone from one city to escape the other.  Around 70,000 human spirits were instantly vanquished in Hiroshima and nearly that many in Nagasaki, though it’s impossible to know an exact figure, for most people were disappeared, atomized.  Many more hundreds of thousands died from burns, injuries and cancers after the bombings.  July 16, 1945 is a date that will live in infamy.  It is the day everything changed, when Pandora’s Box was pried open and humanity set forth on the journey of the dead man and the vaporizing of cities in August showed using Pandora in the worst way imaginable. 

    Incidentally, there was a box set next to the Trinity detonation which supposedly contained a living being of some sort for a top secret experiment.  Some say there was a demon inside it.  Others say the explosion itself released the demon.  The official story states the box contained sensitive testing equipment.  There is no denying the demon that is nuclear, but the literal demonic release is an unsubstantiated rumor.  It was called the demon core and was purposefully mixed up with an accident-prone piece of plutonium also called the demon core.  The same name supposedly covered up the actual demonic experiment.  What is certain is that nuclear experimentation began in a stew of secrets, lies, omissions, whispers, rumors and silenced science, the devil’s favorite tools.

    July, 16, 1945 initiated the nuclear experimentation era, the total war on terra.  Since then thousands of nuclear detonations have occurred; in the atmosphere, on the ground, underground and in the ocean.  Each one of the detonations started chain reactions of entropy we are only beginning to understand.  Now hundreds of nuclear experiment reactors around the world boil water for electricity, with adjacent fuel pools, each requiring constant attention, each so poisonous, just one is capable of altering or destroying entirety.  The waste is so dangerous it can only be made into weaponry, or buried, or blasted off to Jupiter, or put somewhere requiring attention for the next ten thousand generations.  Tons of depleted uranium has been exploded and an unknown tonnage of radioactive waste is now enveloping the planet from releases and routine accidents.  Nuclear experimentation is a war on terra, a war on life itself.   

    J. Robert Oppenheimer was the most prominent scientist to work on the Manhattan Project to create the Gadget.  Oppenheimer opened Pandora’s Box.  Coincidentally his last name, from a region in Germany, eerily means open home.  He opened the box and opened the door to our home.  And not so incidentally, he was a friend of the Rosenburgs, who gave nuclear technology to the Soviets. 

    He famously quoted a Hindu parable after witnessing the fruition of his handiwork, “We knew the world would not be the same.  A few people laughed.  A few people cried.  Most people were silent.  I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture the Bhagavad Gita.  Vishnu is trying to persuade the prince that he should do his duty.  And to impress him takes on his multi-armed form and says, ‘Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.’  I suppose we all thought that.” 

    There is no going back to pre-Pandora Earth.  Japan surrendered and the U.S.A. was proudly the world’s first super power.  The detonations on Hiroshima and Nagasaki got the attention of the world.  Ironically though, the top secret detonation in New Mexico got the attention of others, elsewhere. 


For more:

The Terraist Letters

Ethan Indigo Smith - The Terraist LettersEthan Indigo Smith’s controversial book, The Terraist Letters, humorously contrasts the very serious issues of global nuclear experimentation and global marijuana prohibition. It is a funny and provocative political satire that attempts to brings some sanity to the  most serious subject matter of nuclear experimentation, in a way that only Ethan can.

“Ethan’s work will titillate, irritate, but most importantly, stimulate some serious thought concerning current conventions. Give it a read. Your brain might thank you.” ~ New York Times Best Selling author, Jim Marrs

The Terraist Letters is available here on Amazon.

The Complete Patriot’s Guide

The Complete Patriot's Guide to Oligarchical Collectivism

Ethan Indigo Smith’s book, The Complete Patriot’s Guide to Oligarchical Collectivism: Its Theory and Practice, is an insightful exploration of history, philosophy and contemporary politics of today’s heavily institutionalized society.

An inspiration for positive, peaceful individual action, The Complete Patriot’s Guide is pro-individual in its perspective and, although political, discusses our society and its institutions from neither left-wing nor right-wing perspectives, exploring history, philosophy and contemporary politics relative to the fictional work of George Orwell. Layered with insight, it is in part a literary exploration of the themes of Orwell’s 1984, and provides solutions for individual and collective empowerment.

The Complete Patriot’s Guide to Oligarchical Collectivism is available here on Amazon.

About the author:

Ethan Indigo Smith

Activist, author and Tai Chi teacher Ethan Indigo Smith was born on a farm in Maine and lived in Manhattan for a number of years before migrating west to Mendocino, California. Guided by a keen sense of integrity and humanity, Ethan’s work is both deeply connected and extremely insightful, blending philosophy, politics, activism, spirituality, meditation and a unique sense of humour.

Ethan’s publications include:

For more, visit Ethan on Facebook and check out Ethan’s author page on Amazon.




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