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If it were not for the Independent Media, Hillary Clinton would be President and the tyranny would have instantly come to the surface.
The global elite are trying to make sure that the people never have a voice again. The Independent Media is 3-6 months away from going extinct unless the people rise up, once again like they did to vote for Trump, and stop the globalists in their tracks.
Here is a summary of the challenges, the dangers and what must be done to protect the only source of truth on the planet.
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Based on your perfect record – YIPPEEEEE! i know it won’t happen.
Make America FEEL GOOD again. Going to Pizzahut to celebrate!
Why do you persist in your rant about revolution. This is what the globalist want. An America spring. YOU should ‘wake up’!!!
And I Heard In MY Hearing, “99 bowls of molten lava,” 2016, (possibly 99 volcanoes erupting simultaneously, see youtude channel, dutchsinse, for such updates,, Apb
-And I Heard In My Hearing. “Do they know?” Certainly while you’re enjoying your three year old grands, 2011, “do their parents know? That though they grew up in free territory,” (your children did), “that though you, their parents grew up in free territory,” (I was about ten years old when Dr. King was assassinated in the city of my birth). “They,” (your grands), “will grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America.”
Witnessing the complete cancellation of Western Civilization, is why I equally witnessed a Super Volcano explosion featured as the skies above crystallizing, cracking along huge shods, falling and demolishing everything earth wide, blessed indeed is Jesus who come in the name of the Lord, God, Elohim, get ye to Him, Apb, The RAM, see more here,
It’s just as permeated with evil now a days as mainstream media, just look at BIN. good riddance.
Dear Brother Pizzahut,
Since you are alt-media, we can only hope. You haven’t been right yet as far as any of your FEEEEEER POOOOOORN goes. It would be great to see you off of the Interweb. I have never seen anyone be wrong as much as you. You should get your old job back at Wal-Mart and let the pros like Jeffrey handle this stuff.
Yeah, at least his Bigfoot videos of scrolling text and creepy music aren’t disproven instantly when a date passes like all Dave’s garbage articles.
Remember when he said a battle was going to take place in Chicago that week?
Or the time he said a hoard of black people were on the other side of the Mexican boarder, and we’re about to break through any moment?
Or last year when Russia and China were going to launch an attack by the end of the year?
Or that the UN was about to take over our food supply “in the coming months”.
Anyone that’s reads Dave’s garbage for any reason other than to mock him, is clearly on the lower end of the intelligence spectrum, and deserves all the fear and worry they get from believing Dave’s fear mongering.
Or that 30,000,000 would be dead by Christmas, four years ago? My favorite of all time was when he said aliens were driving Comet Ison, that was a good one. Also, he told us that every Wal-Mart was really a FEMA camp.
This guy is NEVER right about anything, so he is a good barometer as to what is NOT going to happen.
Or when someone emailed him a picture of a truck that was a demo unit for a company that makes rescue vehicles for local agencies like fire departments. He said the logo was the logo for a secret government agency that was about to take over.
The logo was a place holder logo that would be replaced when someone buys the truck. They have a website explaining all this.
Or when he said Hilary Clinton was going to win, and we needed to be ready to battle on streets. Then a week later, he called out left idiots for protesting after Trump won. Even though he was calling for war.
BULLSHIT. Alt news will never die because there will always be people like you that BS so much you will be the next MSM.