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Voice of #Iran on 8 December Female photographer arrested in Iran.

Thursday, December 15, 2016 9:53
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Voice of #Iran

on 8 December Female photographer arrested in Iran.

Female photographer arrested in southwest Iran

Regarding the rerouting of Karoon River waters, the people of Khoramshar, another city in southwestern Iran, staged a different protest gathering near the Old Khoramshahr Bridge.

Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence agents arrested a number of people following a rally held by the people of Khoramashahr, southwest Iran, on December 8th protesting the rerouting of Karoon River’s water.
One of the individuals arrested by Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) agents is Raheel Mousavi, a 22-year-old photojournalist, apprehended while returning home from work. She has been transferred to an MOIS branch.
MOIS agents severely attacked this young woman during her arrest, injuring her right arm. They confiscated her camera and forced her to remain at home.
It is worth noting coinciding with rallies staged by the people of Ahvaz.

Source;care for Humans in Iran

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