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Tepco to inject cement instead of frozen water wall

Sunday, June 12, 2016 3:54
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Related to this article.. Underground temperature never go down regardless of frozen wall beside common fuel pool [URL]

On 6/2/2016, Tepco reported to NRA (Nuclear Regulation Authority) that they need to inject cement to “frozen” water wall and NRA admitted it.

The feasibility of frozen water wall project was questioned since before the beginning. In the meeting of NRA, Tepco admitted the temperature remains nearly 10 ℃ at 4 “freezing” points to cause no improvement to stop contaminated groundwater. It has been in freezing operation for over 2 months.

These 4 points are situated between the reactor buildings and the sea. The volume of contaminated water to be pumped up has not been decreased regardless of the frozen water wall.

Tepco states the temperature remains over 0 ℃ because of the high speed of groundwater. They inject cement to slower the water.

Iori Mochizuki

The post Tepco to inject cement instead of frozen water wall appeared first on Fukushima Diary.


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