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By soulpowertothenthdegree
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Decorum and Manners

Friday, May 1, 2015 15:58
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(Before It's News)

I think the amount of negativity surrounding various contributions is reprehensible.  There is a need to denigrate and facilitate hatred and bigotry when responding to certain contributors who take time to add information to your website.  While I was taught manners by my parents and I am just as annonymous as the rest, I do not use this forum  as a way to put down others for their opinions with flippant remarks.  I think there should be more of an effort on the part of the editors to keep this from occuring.    If there is an opinion to be voiced that is fine, but my mother taught me that if you do not have something nice to say, keep your mouth shut.   The same should be said for annoymous replies,  if you have nothing nice to write or you do not care for the information being posted, leave and go write your own information,  being annonymous does not mean say whatever idiotic comments you want without fear of retribution.  Cowards have no place to hide.




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