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3 Jerusalemite Palestinians banned from Al-Aqsa for 6 months,

Friday, February 3, 2017 8:41
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3 Jerusalemite Palestinians banned from Al-Aqsa for 6 months, 2 sentenced to
Feb. 3, 2017 1:25 P.M. (Updated: Feb. 3, 2017 4:44 P.M.)

JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Israeli police on Thursday released three Palestinian
youths from detention in occupied East Jerusalem on the condition of being
banned from entering the Al-Aqsa mosque for 6 months.

According to local sources, Thaer Abu Sbeih, Mahmoud Abed al-Latif and Rawhi
al-Kalghasi were released by the Israeli police on the condition of being
banned from the Muslim holy site, while Abu Sbeih was additionally charged a
fine of 1,000 Shekels (approximately $265).

It remained unclear why the three had been detained, and how long they were
detained for.

An Israeli police spokesperson was not immediately available for comment.

Meanwhile, the Israeli central court sentenced two Palestinains from
Jerusalem to prison, according to the Jerusalem Committee for Detainees’

One of the youths, Ismail Mahmoud Rushfi al-Karaki, 18, was sentenced to 34
months in jail. The teenager was detained on April 17th, 2016 by a group of
undercover Israeli forces and was convicted of throwing Molotov cocktails.

The court also sentenced Muhammad Moussa Abassi, 25, from the occupied East
Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan to three-and-a-half years in jail and
imposed a fine on him of 5,000 shekels (approximately $1,331) after
convicting him of throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at Israeli forces.


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