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Russell Brand Calls The Queen By Her Family Name And The Media Goes Crazy! (swearing)

Friday, October 30, 2015 1:33
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(Before It's News)

Russell Brand


The Royal Family


Earlier in the week Russell Brand made a post on his Facebook page saying this, ”I mean in England we have a Queen for f__’s sake. A Queen! We have to call her things like “Your Majesty” YOUR MAJESTY! Like she’s all majestic, like an eagle or a mountain.

She’s just a person. A little old lady in a shiny hat – that we paid for. Or “Your Highness”! What the f__k is that?! What, she’s high up, above us, at the top of a class pyramid on a shelf of money with her own face on it.

We should be calling her Mrs Windsor. In fact that’s not even her real name, they changed it in the war to distract us from the inconvenient fact that they were as German as the enemy that teenage boys were being encouraged, conscripted actually, to die fighting. Her actual name is

                                   Mrs Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

“Mrs Saxe-Coburg-Gotha”!! No wonder they f____g changed it. It’s the most German thing I’ve ever heard – she might’ve well as been called “Mrs Bratwurst-Kraut-Nazi”.


Since then he has unsurprisingly been the victim of a media backlash. This is nothing new to Russell Brand who is very outspoken with his views and he is someone we feature regularly on this website. For your viewing pleasure we have compiled all of his videos where he speaks out about ‘The Windsors’. Feel free to share it far and wide.

Oh and if you want to research the name 


a simple google search will bring you all the information you need to know.


Russel Brands book – Revolution

more info:

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Total 68 comments
    • The so-called queen (not my queen at all) is a 100% full blown TARE! I.E. Reptilian Shapeshifter! Just look it up on YouTube and SEE the proof! (Type in “The Queen is a Reptilian Shapeshifter” in YouTube’s search box to see your choice of videos showing the queenless tare shapeshift!)

      Lord Jesus thank you for High Definition Cameras and TV’s today for you are allowing us to see the TARES that run among us just like you said we would!

      Matthew 13:30
      Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

      Matthew 13:38
      The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;

      What amazes me to this day is how so many ignorant (by design of the TARES = satan’s minions masked like humans) people follow so many false gods when there is so much proof GOD is for Real and Jesus did die on the Cross!

      As long as satan can keep people in the DARK (satan’s world) then people will never see the LIGHT (Jesus Christ!) Only through your 100% Faith in/on Jesus Christ will ever save you from satan taking your soul to hell!

  • MickDiver This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
    • You keep paying for our royal parasites to stay in power because you like kissing arse if you like but don’t tell me i should be happy to pay and who’s arse i need to kiss.

      The Queen says naff all as the govenment pisses on the british public, feeds them propaganda, never done me no good and it’s a good chance our royals had pricess Di knocked off.

      He’s no pig, they are coppers who come to knock you door if you don’t pay taxes to keep the Queen all nice and warm so feel free to send here some of your wages by posting a cheque so we get robbed a little bit less

    • Not sure why you have it in for Russell Brand. He dares to speak the truth about the “Royals” who are actually the ones destroying peoples’ lives. Prince Phillip’ well-known quote of wishing to come back as a deadly virus that would kill off most of the population, shows just what they think of us “commoners”.
      Surely, you would agree that reveals less than brotherly love???

      • Brand is controlled. How else did he get to where he is? Certainly wasn’t off his talent, he is devoid of that.

        • Only according to your opinion. A lot of people find him a funny and educated guy. To say he is controlled is stupid. If that was the case, this info which is correct, wouldn’t be being talked about by Brand.

          • You mean the information that has been freely available on the Internet for years! He isn’t saying anything new whatsoever. How does he get so much air time? Not on minor programs, but programs like Newsnight and Question Time? We all know who control the media, so for him to appear there is for their benefit and not ours. Do not allow yourself to be fooled by him. Due diligence and all that.

    • Bob

      Sig Heil Sauer Kraut And God Save The Queen !

      Und ! Goeten taag myna heren en vrolein…
      Alles in boete ~ alles goed !

      The Sun Never Sets On The British Empire sorry ~ Riegstage !

      Specters and Ghosts are one thing but sexually perverted child blood drinking Lizards people sucking the Brittish sorry Germanic Commonwealth blind in taxes makes all of you ” Krauts ” just like No1 female 666 Satanic Bitch Angela Merkle selling you-all into Muslim mayhem…

      Interesting Times We Live In And Going To Get A More Interesting…..

  • NM156

    While I don’t care much for Brands style, He hit the nail on the head. Well said Russel. BTW Great post 4.2* stars.

  • 14 year old

  • no need to give my two pence regarding my opinion on Russel’s performance at this point that is on his past or “mistakes” – who am I to play the judge? – as it would be rather off topic!

    as far as I can depict things he is not playing the hero but is one for speaking the truth while MickDiver was making a very strange or even dangerous? request!

  • did anybody mention here before that they are lizards or so-called shape-shifters whatever this might mean or whatever consequences this will result in or resulted in?

  • Surely it’s clear by now that Brand is just an act! After his short break and having completely derailed the last UK general election with his double bluff and turn around, he returns to try to win back his support with a few swear words and the Queen…tut tut…johnny rotten he ain’t! Thus is so he can ‘heave ho’ into the UK’s referendum debate and secure that ‘Nazi’ rule continues across the world.

  • NM156

    Well said SMB I agree. I would make em swallow a spoonful of 65%HTH and then pour a coke down their throats…..stand back and watch what would happen ( boom) :mrgreen:

  • Winds or Sin Word.

    • Winds or Sin Word ~ Winds ride Sworn

    • I actually have long enjoyed your posts. Makes for a nice diversion.

  • They only are able to maintain their illusion of importance because people allow it. Just imagine if the queen made a public appearance and NOBODY showed up. Betcha they’d hire people to stand there and look at her. They need to maintain that illusion of importance because without it they’re just a bunch of rich dopes that live in a castle, rape kids, and don’t contribute to society. Instead they feed off of it like a virus.

  • The reason … Elizabeth is not a queen … dates back to 1534.

    In 1534 … serial mass murderer Henry VIII started the anti-Christ “anglican” heresy … against the Catholic God.

    You cannot have … “royalty” spring from an anti-Christ group like the “anglicans” … it is completely against the supernatural order.

    Proofs >

  • Brand is an ass, but he is right about this. I am an American so I have a problem bowing to any man or woman.

    • AllRoadsLead2NWO

      But still you do- everyday, your boss, your wife, your bank, and your god the irs.

      • LOL there is no reason to pay or work for any of those that you named. You can be your own boss, you don’t need a bank to survive, you don’t have to marry and you can steal all you want from the rich in the suburbs and never pay taxes. Boom! being rich and contribute nothing. AMERICA !

  • - well maybe this’ll wake some people up. :oops:

  • The Sex Pistols said it best, “God save the Queen, cause tourists are money”.

  • This is why my family left the UK in 1958, to much inbreed nonsense and half baked political cover ups. Ohh that and Al Crowley gave us bad name.

  • When she signed over UK powers to EU.. She signed away her promise to the people.. She became Mrs.Windsor. :roll:

  • He’d better be careful with the back of his head she’ll perform a Hilly.

  • We’ll Bleed The Traitors Dry – Redrik Redini :mad:

  • Brits are finally asking open questions they should have been asking hundreds of years, ago. However, the ones that did were minimised and killed off. The same goes for those who challenged the other CONTROL MECHANISM, the Church. Regardless of what you or I think of Brand, it took guts to put this stuff out there. The REPTILE under the Crown won’t take this lightly; will not allow the CONTROL MECHANISM to be challenged. Methinks everyone needs to get behind this one; dig in and fling more of the same- all of us.

    And for those that know the true history of the United States, USA, Inc still runs under the Crown’s jurisdiction. (There is a difference between “states” and “States.”) However, that’s just little stuff. The big stuff is all about Cosmic History. Yes, lots of stuff happened before the Book of Genesis. And an FYI to the Bible people, “IN THE BEGINNING” does not imply that nothing went on before then. The Initiate (i.e. this implies occult information) who wrote Genesis was pointing at a reformat. Most of you don’t know the difference between an Epoch, Age and/or Period. Now, plug these into “In the beginning.” And do stop molding everything that you are presented with to you own wishes. That’s not objective truth and you will be trapped in the box until you stop it.

    • This blink of an eye that we call “life” is ONLY a test. A test of HEART.

      There are only 11 [ELEVEN!] words that will matter to you after you leave this time/space dimension.

      1-4 In the beginning God
      5-11 “Who do YOU say that I AM?”

      Nothing ELSE [NOT ONE THING] will matter to you when you become spirit!

      And YES many True Believers understand that there is a gap between Gen 1:1 & 1:2 ! Probably as a result of some great war between the Fallen Ones & the forces of God. Many True Believers also understand that the Gen. AND Book of Enoch accounts point to the fallen, demons, giants, gods [little g] and so-called mythology & the “occult.”

      WE understand that Scripture & “myth” point to super-material [IE multi-dimensional] events, such as Jesus [yeah The Historical Man] & “angels” appearing & disappearing manipulating the environment etc.

      True Believers do not necessarily have to be devoid of Critical Thinking, as I was decades ago when I was ANTI-Christian!

      NONE of this negates the THEOLOGY taught [the REAL purpose] in Genesis THROUGH Revelation! :grin:

  • Those creatures also control the usa. Well said Russel. They deserve no respect. In fact they should be taken out. Have you ever wondered why charles and the queen are so ugly looking? How can the English people keep such physically putrid looking people in charge of themselves and like it? The chickens will defend colonel sanders until their last dying breath.

    • AllRoadsLead2NWO

      Bush and his cousin obama and many other appointed US INC. leaders are related to the Queen, and the Queen owns your social security. Read the short paper of research entitled ‘ TheUltimate Delusion’- by Stephen Ames.

  • Brand (and others) are understandably short-sighted…
    The thing is, the British have lived under the PROTECTION of the Crown for ~1000 years.
    That’s how you have to look at it! Could seem odd to today’s young (and uneducated) people.
    Through the long centuries of the dark ages, the middle ages, the renaissance, and into the Victorian era, the Crown steered, protected and guided the society.
    In a darkness of death, filth, plague and pestilence, Britain produced Shakespeare, Dickens, William Byrd, Chaucer, etc. etc…

    Right now, today, my friends and family and I live under the protection of the Crown here in Canada!
    As does Mr. Brand in England (though he doesn’t seem too thrilled about it).
    Point is: in times of hardship – war, or disaster, or worse – the Crown will endure and can marshal the entire strength of the Commonwealth.

    Because people and society have never had it as soft as they do today, Brand is free to mock a “little old lady in a shiny hat”.
    He FORGETS though, (short-sighted?) that sovereigns come and go – they are only in the Big Chair temporarily – but the Crown itself is eternal.
    This point of view can help one to be able to understand what has evolved over many centuries.

    • Anyone who thinks that any government will protect them is sadly mistaken. I have information that the British government will not make people aware of something that is coming up which will result in people dying because they didn´t know.

      A previous commenter wrote that the Royal family doesn´t care about the commoners. I heartily agree with that statement. Royals think they are better than we are. I think that we are far better than they are.


      Arlene Johnson
      To access my work, click on the icon that says Magazine.

    • Right on Arlene!

      To the idiot ;- Shakespeare Dickens etc were produced IN OPPOSITION to the status quo, not BY IT. Idiot.

      the queen is a mere distraction to keep peoples heads filled with fluff so they won’t have any room to figure out who really controls their world…. its “the city’ within the city of London. a one mile square of banking houses that was NOT bombed during world war II

  • “Russel brand? He’s a fkin Knitted Scarf that Twat he’s a fkin.. Balaclava..” -Laurence Mountford

  • Please excuse my ignorance (or perhaps lack of social awareness) but could someone tell me why this guy is someone worthy of attention?

    • He’s not. He’s being pushed by tptb into some sort of figurehead role for the alternative media/truth seekers. That way that can keep control of the information and use Brand to ultimately discredit the alternative media and ‘conspiracy theorists’.

      • I don’t think it’s that complicated, InquisitiveMind. He’s a celebrity who, much like many celebrities, has delusions of importance. He’s kinda like the Truther equivalent to Charlton Heston and Ted Nugent. Just a loudmouth, with too much money and public attention.

        He just happens to be right, on this matter.

  • Her, ehmm “royal helmet” looks like it’s flicking you the bird! Lol. :smile: Peace

  • Russell,

    Saxe-Coburg-Gotha is the house (hereditary lineage) that she’s a member of, not her family name. Want to know her real family name? Learn how to research better!

  • Brand is right, the royal family are all Germans, however Brand is a German name as well.
    It takes one to know one.

    • It was an EVEL remark sure enough!

      Keep your half a million Syrians a year out of the rest of Britain Brand!

    • The Queen is Scottish or half Scottish anyway. The Queen Mother was Scottish.

      The Bowes-Lyon family is descended from the Royal House of Scotland. One of The Queen Mother’s 14th-century ancestors, Sir John Lyon, became Thane of Glamis, home of Macbeth 300 years before, and Glamis Castle is the family seat.

  • The English and the Germans are of the same root so why try to distinguish between them?
    99.99% solid good people.

  • My Welsh grandfather was conscripted and sent to South Africa as a member of the Royal Mounted Calvary. He was wounded and returned to Wales. He then migrated to the USA and became a highly successful farmer and Registered animal breeder. His opinion of the royal family and Great Britain was always the same until he died at 81: F*** the Brits.

  • 52) [email protected] 52
    More Importantly Comported Human-Beings Offer Attractive Terms
    Russell Brand Calls The Queen By Her Family Name And The Media Goes Crazy! (swearing) –


  • russel would be the first celebrity to go against the ‘royals’ – his life expectancy will be expected to be about as long as Diana’s after she started dating dodi fyad.

  • the royal family are Britains answer to hollywood. ie a distraction from what is really going on and who is really in control the banks.

  • Can we get him to come to the U.S. to tell the truth about the fraud obama and what he really is.

    Only the ignorant, liars, or cowards, will refer to obama as president.

  • No, Russel Brand is or represent a mockery, this linage is true Saxe-Coburg-Gotha but the British Royal family is from Hannover from Germany.
    Then this would lead to war?
    Remember Vlad the Impaler?
    If they got any power they do something against this.
    Looks like a scheme of the Jesuits. If the Jesuits and Ashkenazim the false Jews are one and the same then they are doomed. What do i know? only ask the Windsors, end of times is end of lies, because they all fight one and another over world domination.

  • Probably not, but I wanted a hope. SAS created CIA. Today we got one company (multinational-corps) This is the new feudalism, one corporation, wanting to rule it all. They use communism.
    To fight them:
    Yuri Bezmenov (former kgb) Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society – Complete

  • Interesting article — and accurate — except that it has two problems. First, the unnecessary profanity, and second the use of the word “kraut.”

    Lots of Germans rejected Hitler and Nazism. Calling them krauts is wrong-headed.

  • Watched as a mic picked up the queen talking to Reagan years ago at a function.

    The queen – with disdain -’ they are spending too much on social Security”

    reagan.very alarmed at this serious lapse in public, instantly glances around for a tell tale microphone and when he sees the camera pointed at them quickly changes the subject, to the queens puzzlement who then stands there looking befudled.

    If only Reagan had allowed her to continue we might have been treated to a discourse on why they should give the social security money to her instead of the millions who currently receive it.

  • Here We Are ~ RE: We He Era

    Royal Here We Are ~ Healer or War Eye

  • ‘The New Sheriff(s) in town’ will likely allow her to live out her last days in somewhat of a semblance of dignity…She’s old & her days are numbered…She doesn’t have much time left. What remains of this dynasty will be an empty shell…Pretty tough to make the rules when you no longer have any gold.

  • jdp…Somwhat explains partly why WWII was funded.

  • An Observer

    The “Royal” family idea is ridiculous. I mean, I’m in the US, where we still have filthy rich bloodlines running things, but still. The rules when around “Royalty” are idiotic. What the hell are they even doing? Can the Queen actually even put her foot down and declare a law?

    Bill Gates is the richest person in the US. Which, on a basic level, means he owns the most US money. 76 Billion Dollars. Thats a lot. The current Queen of England is worth 500 million, with Buckingham palace being worth 5 Billion.

    Gates makes these guys look like chumps. Imagine if Bill Gates started wearing a crown, and demanding that no one make eye contact with him, and not to speak unless spoken to? (He might I guess, rich people can be d^&%s) But there would be no law upholding it like these pricks in the “royal” family. He would be laughed at and mocked, and loose investors, and as a result, his wealth.

  • He better watch his back they will send out the Spensors, the jack the ripper bloodline, to get you. Really why bother paying some family, royal mafia, when most of the rest of the crown is unemployed and starving! Guess they like being ruled by this family or something..I am just having trouble even staying on the flat earth being ruled by the so called demon party! ha ha happy pagan holiday! hoot hoot!

  • As I hear she is not even the rightful air to the thrown. She is a fraud and was coordinated on a fake stone. Wrong weight. See the Kingman case. The whole monarchy is a fraud and bs. Short live the fake queen.

  • you gotta start drinking decaf, russell

  • Of course they’re German – known it for years! Just following all the Georgy’s from Hanover should have given all of you an inkling! George the First, the first Hanoverian, who’s mother Sophia was half German and half Scot. Her mother was a Scotty, daughter of King James I, was married to a German elector named Frederick. There is just a trickle of Scottish blood permeating through the family when all succeeding Georges married princess’s of German descent. The Royal family is German and that’s that! BTW, the marriage of Princess Diana and Charlie, the Prince of Wales, was the best thing that ever happened to the Saxe Coburg family. Diana Spencer, herself of noble “English” ancestry, infused the petrified Saxe Coburg with needed “English” blood, and at the same time improved their overall appearance. Look at those Spencer boys – tall and far more robust than the ‘spent’ Hanoverians.

  • There is ONLY ONE WAY, and that is through Jesus Christ. Please accept Christ into your heart and repent of your sins. Admit that you are a sinner and do everything you have within yourself to turn away from those sins. Jesus will not let you go once you give yourself to him. He sacrificed himself for ALL of us. Of course its not always easy.  Ephesians 6:12 ” For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.  Accecpt the way of the light, grow your faith in Christ, stand in your faith. These are the last days and WE MUST FIGHT FOR OUR SOULS! Love you ALL! GOD bless and may he have favor with us all!

  • ALF

    Let me be blunt: as long as this planet has “privileged” elites, royalty,
    bankers, criminal politicians, insurance conmen, fraudulent courts
    and every bent spiv who games society(us) for their “Profits”
    fueled by a MONEY/BANKING SCAM that has entrapped the entire
    planet/system, WE ARE DEAD.
    WE need a Global Non-Profit Bank that SERVES everyone on this planet, bar none.
    WE need a BANK that raises the bottom upwards and limits personal GREED.
    WE need to ARREST the leaders and place THEM in prison for CRIMES AGAINST YOU.
    WE need a BANK that charges NO INTEREST, DOES NOT fund WARS.
    WE need a SOCIETY that can GROW past this FEUDAL RULING BANKING CABAL.
    WE need OUR lives to be OURS, just as GOD gave us ALL for FREE.
    WE need to sack the SATANS destroying OUR HOME.

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