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By The Pirate's Cove (Reporter)
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Bummer: In The Dumps EPA Staff Turning To Alcohol ‘Cause Trump

Monday, April 10, 2017 7:50
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(Before It's News)

Another day, another report of EPA employees having meltdowns

(Heartland) EPA lifers are “in the dumps” about life at the agency under President Trump. The level of anxiety is so high that alcoholism may be on the rise among climate-alarmist lifers, according to one staffer quoted in The Washington Post. If that is true, that’s very good news, because it means the EPA will be getting back to its original — and largely accomplished mission — of cleaning up America’s air, land, and water.

The Washington Post article is about Mike Cox quitting the EPA, and devolves into

“It is pretty bleak,” one staffer, an environmental engineer, said about employee morale.

“It’s in the dumps,” said another.

“Pretty much everybody is updating their resumes. It’s grim,” added a third.

Awwwwwww, too bad. Have fun in the private sector.

Black humor and burying themselves in a project’s scientific minutia will work for some.

“For the rest of us,” added one longtime regional staffer, “there probably will be a significant rise in alcoholism.”

Well, I hope not. Alcohol is bad for the climate, especially beer, which releases CO2. And wine and other alcohols require lots of water and land, and require lots of fossil fuels to take to market.


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