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By Paranormal Crucible
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Aliens Attack Forestry Worker In Scotland

Monday, April 3, 2017 5:05
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The mystery of what happened to a forestry worker called Robert Taylor on a chilly November morning more than 30 years ago is one that has baffled all who have examined the case, including the police, who keep the file open and consider it “unexplained”.

He arrived for work as normal in his company-owned pick-up truck with his Irish red setter Larah and started to walk down the path into the woods. 

But as he rounded the path into a clearing he was absolutely astonished to see what he later described as a “large dome-shaped object” of about 20-30ft circumference hovering 15ft above the surface of the grass.

He said that parts of it seemed to disappear around the edges, it would seem to dematerialize so he could see the trees behind it, then solidify again.

As he watched it, what resembled two WWII sea mines dropped from beneath the object and rolled towards him. Just before they reached him a burning smell, like burning brake lines, flooded the area and he heard a loud swishing noise. 

The “mines” rolled across the grass and rods came out of them, which attached themselves to his hips and began to pull him towards the object.

At this point he lost consciousness, he didn’t know for how long but thought it could only have been for one or two minutes. 

When he came to the objects were gone and there were marks and holes on the ground, more than 20 circular or triangular indentations in the grass. Robert also had a nasty graze on his forehead and another one on his chin, and an incredible thirst.

Watch The Report Here:

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