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Why Do You Let Strangers Molest You at Sports Stadiums, Theme Parks and Concerts?

Thursday, December 29, 2016 22:03
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Why do we patronize institutions that treat us like criminals and violate our civil liberties. I have attended my last college and professional sporting event. I will not go theme parks and concerts and permit another man to touch my private parts in the name of security. Why do you? If we stopped attending, they would stop molesting us.

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Total 7 comments
  • After 15 years in the television/film industry I could give a rat’s A$$!

  • I never get touched only wanded where ever I go.

    • While and after you are wanded, every cell and your DNA are altered by this attack on you.

  • my question, why do you waste your money going to sporting events and concerts?

  • I know a guy that works for TSA and even he is SHOCKED at what they gotta do and what he sees the other agents do. This is mind boggling but wouldn’t be too far from the sexual DEVIANTS you put in as your leaders.

    He says they are being taught an even WORSE procedure they must now do to you SHEEP.

    Sodomites are even being imported to your country by the millions by your sexually deviant leaders. Many of these “importations” are into pedophilia also.

    Wake up! You are going to have your Kevin McCarthy moment (the smoking pod) and will go into SHOCK for you weaker ones. Your nightmare is about to BEGIN!!!

    You are being ruled by SODOMITES!! :twisted:

  • They will continue to go and be abused because they are un-American. They will call themselves men and allow scum to fondle their wives, their children and themselves how weak how disgusting, how shameful.

  • I quit flying and attending these retarded events as to do so allows your control by the enemy.
    You have voted to continue being violated for no reason while the known perps of terror (the Us
    government and Israel) are allowed to roam free without inspection or question. Hillary commits
    hundreds of felonies and is free, you don’t pay your traffic fines and end up in jail. Got it?

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