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Was Harry Reid Literally Beaten Into Retiring? Pictures Indicate 2 Separate Beatings

Saturday, March 28, 2015 16:24
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(Before It's News)

From the first day the story about Harry Reid being beaten up by his exercise machine smelled like a cover-up. It never made any sense. Like an abused wife making excuses for bruises, Harry’s “story” never added up to this reporter.  Now he has resigned Rush Limbaugh ends up seeing the same implausibility that Harry’s “exercise machine” could so thoroughly have beaten him up. Independently both Rush and I have a hunch his resignation is related to his “beaten up” appearance.  Harry has not been able to recover in three months from “the beating”.

On looking for pictures of his beaten up appearance was shocked to see in articles about his claimed “exercise machine” injury had pictures of radically different injuries!

Why is that?  Well Reid has had “beatings like” injuries before, and those prior “exercise” injuries left pictures around that news companies reused making it look like he has had impossibly different injuries from the same accident.  The picture on left with right eye is the current claimed “exercise machine” injury which broke many ribs and facial bones.

Do you know of anyone who has ever received multiple broken bones in the rib cage and face from an exercise machine?  I do not know of anyone that

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