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Promoting the necessity of minimum wage laws illustrates the point that liberals have an innate reversion to logic. While this fact is exasperating at best, those who believe that America is supposed to provide everyone a living wage with benefits clearly validates the conviction of some that liberalism is nothing more than a “mental disorder”.
Where in the foundations of US history can anyone base such a ridiculous claim?!? Perhaps liberals have confused what Thomas Jefferson listed in the Declaration of Independence as “certain unalienable Rights” among which included the right to “pursue Happiness.” If so, they should understand that the right to pursue happiness does not guarantee the achievement of happiness. Another Founding Father, James Madison, would agree with this assessment. Like Jefferson, Madison authored a very important US document known as the US Constitution. In explaining the purposes behind the Constitution and our system of government, he stated that the “rage” for things like an “equal division of property” is an “Improper or wicked project.”
If liberals are so mistaken in their belief that equality of wages and living is what this country is based on, perhaps they should reeducate themselves on the stated objectives of socialism/communism.
The Communist Manifesto makes the same claims as those arguing for minimum wage increases and income equality—i.e., government needs to control “greedy big business” to make sure that the wage earner is given his equal share. The Republic that was set up by the Founding Fathers, on the other hand, promoted just the opposite.
What liberals are doing with their support for minimum wage laws and their talk about deserving these things is nothing more than socialism, which eventually leads to communism which has always, without exception, resulted in abject poverty! (Can anyone say North Korea?) Freedom to pursue happiness is freedom. Believing that government should guarantee the achievement of happiness is communism!
Under the Constitution, the National government has only two primary responsibilities: 1) defend us against foreign invasion; and 2) regulate foreign commerce. (Madison, The Federalist Papers, Letter 45) There is not one solitary syllable in the Constitution that authorizes the government to pass minimum wage laws. Such laws are unconstitutional and turn the concept of the pursuit of happiness on its head. What Congress and the President need to be doing under the Constitution is to regulate foreign commerce in a way so as to protect Americans and American businesses from foreign invasion.
The so-called “free trade” agreements such as GATT and NAFTA and now the TPP do just the opposite. Instead of protecting our American industries, it opens the floodgates of a foreign invasion the likes of which we have NEVER seen before in history.
Under those agreements, businesses, which by their very nature have to pursue a profit, are forced to go elsewhere. The communistic factions of the press and the liberal party then attack businesses as greedy and the sheeple swallow this lie hook, line and sinker.
The fact is, no nation has ever achieved and maintained world power with these destructive kinds of “fair trade” agreements. Every nation that has abandoned the protection of its industries has collapsed economically just as we are doing right now!
Liberals, for the most part, have been deceived. The problem is NOT business. The problem is government ignoring their constitutional limitations and responsibilities to protect American business and thereby protecting the American worker!
©February 2014 The Pursuit Of Happiness, Madame Publius™