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Paul Singer Backs Rubio

Saturday, October 31, 2015 6:51
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(Before It's News)

By Hunter Wallace

A big Jewish donor has come off the sidelines and is now officially backing Rubio as his horse:

“One of the wealthiest and most influential Republican donors in the country is throwing his support to Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, a decision that could swing millions of dollars in contributions behind Mr. Rubio at a critical point in the Republican nominating battle.

The decision by the donor, Paul Singer, a billionaire New York investor, is a signal victory for Mr. Rubio in his battle with his rival Jeb Bush for the affections of major Republican patrons and the party’s business wing …

Mr. Rubio has aggressively embraced the cause of wealthy pro-Israel donors like Mr. Adelson, whom the senator is said to call frequently, and Mr. Singer, who both serve on the board of the Republican Jewish Coalition, an umbrella group for Republican Jewish donors and officials. Mr. Bush has been less attentive, in the view of some of these donors: Last spring, he refused to freeze out his longtime family friend James A. Baker III, the former secretary of state, after Mr. Baker spoke at the conference of a liberal Jewish group.”

We have already seen that Norman Braman is Rubio’s political patron. Rubio has been cucking and traveling all over the country to win the support of this crowd for a long time now. He is also known to be Sheldon Adelson’s favorite. Singer’s move could tip the balance.


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