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Admiral Fired For Leaking Obama Bought Mansion in Non-Extradition Country

Monday, January 11, 2016 9:35
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(Before It's News)


Stars and Stripes has reported HUGE news this week! First, on February 20, 2014, I went on the record saying Benghazi would be the scandal that ultimate lands Obama either with a private suite in the Grey Bar Hotel, otherwise known as Leavenworth, or with a fate far worse for his treasonous activity. In a post was titled, Admiral Says Obama Conspired With America’s Enemies to Kidnap Chris Stevens, I said the following:

THIS will be what Obama EVENTUALLY gets locked up for, or flees the country in shame from… but only AFTER ALL the dust FINALLY settles.

A separate article in PJ media reported at the time:

The former diplomats inform PJM the new revelations concentrate in two areas — what Ambassador Chris Stevens was actually doing in Benghazi and the pressure put on General Carter Ham, then in command of U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) and therefore responsible for Libya, not to act to protect jeopardized U.S. personnel.

Stevens’ mission in Benghazi, they will say, was to buy back Stinger missiles from al-Qaeda groups issued to them by the State Department, not by the CIA. Such a mission would usually be a CIA effort, but the intelligence agency had opposed the idea because of the high risk involved in arming “insurgents” with powerful weapons that endanger civilian aircraft.

You may recall from that time, General Hamm, like over 300 other military personal at the highest levels, was relieved of duty by Obama. It has been said that when General Hamm received the stand down order for Benghazi, within minutes of saying screw it and planning to proceeding anyway, he was relieved of his command. 

February 20th was the first time I put it in writing, but ever since the 400 Stinger Missiles being stored in the Benghazi embassy (uh, missiles in an embassy? Hello?) went missing, I’ve been saying that Barack Obama would flee the country when the heat finally gets too hot for him. Those would be the same Stinger missiles that one of them shot down the Chinook carrying 22 members of Seal Team 6, and the investigation into Obama has been stonewalling for some time now. 







AWD News Writes:

A stunning new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that one of the United States Navy’s top commanders was relieved of his command a few hours ago after he sent out an “email/posting” revealing that President Barack Obama was in the process of purchasing a multi-million dollar seaside luxury villa in the United Arab Emirates city (UAE) of Dubai.

According to this report, the Commander of the US Navy’s Carrier Strike Group 15, Rear Admiral Rick Williams, posted a “pointed” query on 8 January [since deleted] to the US Naval Institute’s “Readiness Kill Chain” “recipients/responders” list as to why Navy security and intelligence personal had been dispatched from Naval Support Facility Thurmont (aka Camp David) to Dubai on what he termed an “Obama house hunting mission”.

Within 18 hours of Admiral Williams posting this query, this report continues, the US Navy’s Third Fleet Commander, Vice Admiral Nora Tyson, acting on direct orders from her Commander-In-Chief, President Barack Obama, fired Admiral Williams stating her action was “due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command” because of “allegations of his misuse of government computer equipment”.

When further questioned by Russian Today journalists via email to provide more details about Admiral Williams firing, this report notes, the Pentagon failed to reply—but then began releasing “anonymous” stories to the US press that Admiral Williams had been viewing pornography on his computer.

To such an absurd claim that Admiral Williams (or any US Navy officer or seaman in fact) could view pornography on their computers, SVR analysts in this report note, is an impossibility due to the US Navy/Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI), which not only blocks such sites, but also requires each single user to log in with their own unique password and username and whose records are meticulously kept and reviewed on a daily basis (thanks to Edward Snowden)—and which one would logically think one of the highest ranking officers in the US Navy would surely be aware of.

As to the “Obama house hunting mission” Admiral Williams was making his query about before being fired, this report continues, SVR intelligence “assests” in the UAE identified it as being a luxury seaside villa located in the Palm Jumeirah development of Dubai being offered for sale at the price of $4.9 million (18 million United Arab Emirates Dirham), and which a deposit on it was made this past week by the Washington D.C. based global public affairs company Podesta Group.

Important to note about the Podesta Group, this report notes, is that its leader is Tony Podesta, who aside from being one of the most powerful oligarchs in the US, is a close personal friend of President Obama too.

Equally important to note about the Podesta Group’s purchasing of this Dubai luxury seaside mansion for President Obama, this report says, is that is being legally represented in this purchase by the equally powerful Washington D.C. based global law firm DLA Piper—both of whom have long been identified as being the nexus power brokers behind Saudi Arabia’s massive multi-million dollar “PR machine” operating behind the scenes corrupting the entire United States political establishment.

To if Saudi Arabia itself is behind the purchase of this luxury seaside villa in Dubai for President Obama this report doesn’t state—but to the cost of it being to high after it cost the job of one of America’s top Naval Commanders is beyond dispute.


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Total 110 comments
  • last year he bought a nice retirement home in southern california on a golf course for himself and his family perhaps that was just to throw americans off to his real plan of retiring in the islamic middle east next year

    • DK

      His Salary is $400,000 the house was $4.5 million, either way this is buying well above his income level and in this case by Mortgage. The odds are when he leaves office he will be spending a lot of time with his lawyers, that income he never had will just not be enough.

      • PeoplePower

        Admiral Was Possibly Fired For Leaking Day Of The Dollar Collapse

        13 + 6 = January 19, 2016, which could possibly be the day they launch a massive false flag cyber attack to cover up the collapse of dollar. (See explanation below)

        [Epiphany - Three Kings Day, Theophany]
        Theophaneia meaning  ”Vision of God’, also known as Three Kings’ Day, is a Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God in his Son as human in Jesus Christ.  

        The traditional date for the feast is January 6 and commemorates the  baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River, seen as his manifestation to the world as the Son of God.

        Eastern churches following the Julian Calender observe the Theophany feast on what for most countries is January 19, because of the 13-day difference today between that calendar and the generally used Gregorian calendar.

        The number 13 is very signifigant to the Illuminati or ‘illuminated Ones’ aka (13 Ruling Crime Families) is a ritualistic organization that has been around since the Christian crusades. It has a special way of looking at numbers that we should all know about and uses the numbers for ritualistic witchcraft.

        Thirteen is simultaneously a lucky and unlucky number. It is considered to be a bad omen because the Knights Templars were arrested on October 13, 1307. However it is also the number of reincarnation and everlasting life.  The highest possible magnification of the number 13.

        There are 13 members in covens and satanic cults – 12 regular members and one high priest.  This is a mirroring of 12 jurors + 1 judge = 13. There are 13 high occult families that run the world. (Fritz Springmeier Illuminati Bloodlines)
        The number 19 is magickal. Lunar cycles are synchronized with Gregorian calendar every 19 years.

        Exposed: David Bowie fake staged hoax death, dies at 69.

        The number 69 and its usage by the Freemason Illuminati/Luciferian crowd.  Ronald Reagan’s association with the number 33 and being age 69 when he was first elected President of the United States.  

        These numbers and the manner in which they have been used predict the “raising ceremony” of the coming Antichrist/Lucifer.  The number 69 has always been used, and what it represents to the “enlightened ones” who are planning a New World Order for their “supernatural world leader”!

        Just as the Washington Monument (Phallus) inside the circle represents sexual union in the place of dead spirits (hell), the number 69 is representative of the exact same thing as well.  The overall plan of Satan is to bring WORLD UNION to all nations under a New Global World Government over which his “chosen one” will rule.  The number “69” and its usage is very evident in Satan’s plan to accomplish this very thing right in plain view of all with “eyes to see”.

        Is NASA involved in the “69 game” of calling for the birth of Antichrist/Lucifer?  The 69th Mission of NASA lifted off of runway “33”!  You should be able to understand how all these “spiritual numbers” of the Illuminati/Luciferian indoctrinated crowd believe in the “magi-ck” of these numbers to bring forth their soon to be exalted leader.

        • Good on you for mentioning Three Kings Day. :)

          When I saw David Jones’s AKA David Bowie’s age mentioned and made reference to the theme of his last work, I also believed it was another staged event. Of course, most can’t fathom how.why this could/would ever happen. And I have no intention of working through the explanation. If they’ve been sleeping that long, then they have a lot of catch-up work to do.

          • :lol: Israël obtains the release of the spy Jonathan Pollard :lol:

            24 November 2015

            Jonathan Pollard, of double nationality Israeli-US, was released on the 20th November 2015, and placed under « house arrest ». Caught in 1986 for espionnage for the profit of Israël, he had been sentenced to life imprisonment.

            He is said to have transmitted to the Mossad an impressive quantity of US documents, sometimes concerning the Near East, but particularly concerning the surveillance methods used by the US to spy on the Soviet Union.

            Tel-Aviv later sold some of these documents to Moscow, particularly NSA codes, in exchange for the immigration of a Million Soviet Citizens who claimed to be Jewish. [ Bolsheviks to America ] :lol:

            In the space of 30 years, Jonathan Pollard has become a hero in Israël, and the major subject of contention between Tel-Aviv and Washington.

            US military directors were strongly opposed to his release.

            Following the 5+1 agreement with Iran, President Obama had secretly accepted to release Pollard in exchange for Tel-Aviv’s acceptance of the reconciliation between Washington and Teheran.

            A legal commission had then declared that Pollard could be released for « good behaviour ».

          • Cant wait. When you’re old, and you die, someone will be calling it a “staged event.” :twisted:

      • No, Obama’s money will not be enought to pay for it, especially if he is sent to jail for treason by our new President in 2017. He is looking for a safe haven right now.

    • Homeowner Of Record



      • Dude, you ought a post that here on BIN. Stuff like this is happening all over the US. Illinois pensions are corrupt and out of hand.

        • Homeowner Of Record

          Thanks Kane, Feel free to repost it on any website.

          I give permission for anyone to repost or send it out.

      • How old are you, 8?
        scroll down for the truth about the porn-loving admiral who was caught with his hand in his pants.

        • Homeowner Of Record

          TRY 58 DOG SHI$


          I wrote articles on BIN for 1 year & got 750,000 readers.
          How many would take the time if you wrote?

          I have never written or spoken a word that was not only factual, I had the docs, tapes & other evidence to back it up. That is called covering your a$$ with the subject of judicial corruption. :lol: Have your mom help you change your screen name & try acting grown up. You might be taken more seriously. :wink:

          • I wrote real stories–not fake ones like those appearing here–using FACTS , not rumor, innuendo or plain lies and twisted truth a la Herr Josef Goebbels– for 40 years and got paid over $1million. Care to compare more? :lol:

        • “doggy do

          I wrote real stories–not fake ones like those appearing here–using FACTS , not rumor, innuendo or plain lies and twisted truth a la Herr Josef Goebbels– for 40 years and got paid over $1million. Care to compare more? ”

          Not many can compare with a statement like your.
          Clearly, you did a good job for your puppet masters :lol:

          • And who pulls your strings, eh?
            Reverting to name calling suggests that you are defensive, and therefore, find my opinion valid.

        • “doggy do

          I wrote real stories–not fake ones like those appearing here–using FACTS , not rumor, innuendo or plain lies and twisted truth a la Herr Josef Goebbels– for 40 years and got paid over $1million. Care to compare more? ”

          Can you at least do a link back to your own post as some form of proof?
          Can you at least pay someone to collaborate?
          You could write an article tell everyone how great you are, and link to it as proof, Right?
          At least write it on some bathroom wall and take a picture, then post it for proof.Ehhhhh, You think? :razz: :eek: :idea:

          • And you, sir, have no idea what you’re talking about.

            Reverting to name calling suggests that you are defensive, and therefore, find my opinion valid.

          • FYI i do not post “stories” here. If i did everything i would say would be either a lie or faked by my tinfoil-covered brain. I do not call what is posted here on BIN “stories.” Fairytales, more like it.

          • If you’re answering my earnest, not Ernest–request for more comparisons/proof of your expertise, I have seen none. Just a bunch of BIN BIS that translates to a sorry attempt to degrade. Too bad. That’s no way to win any constructive argument. No proofs–perhaps you’ve heard of those in a Logic 101 class. But, perhaps you’ve never taken one! :lol:

      • I think I’m being censored by bin what can I do to get my stories posted?

        • tell a whole bunch of lies and made-up stuff that destroys the people you’re talking about with absolutely no facts to back it up. You”ll be a BIN star

      • bbbb……but why shouldn’t Oblahma buy an Eco-Freindly mega-man-made Mansion (built by Indians and Pakistanis) on the massive-man-made Luxury Island of Palm Jumeirah?

        Apparently they don’t get any man-made global warming or rising sea levels over there, that is why they are building a huge new concrete and glass high tech super the desert :wink:

    • Last year he also purchased a 10 million dollar oceanfront home in Hawaii.

      • There is no evidence to link Obam to purchasing a home in Hawaii. yet. Friends of his purchased the home. So we’ll see if he suddenly buys it from friends. See below. Or, look it up.

    • Isn’t California a non-extradition country?

    • Isn’t California a non-extradition country?

      Roaches go in, but they don’t come out. :lol:

  • Boo

    Dubai might extradite. It has had extradition treaties with US in the past 1902 cancelled in the 1920′s and 1959. I’m not sure where the 1959 treaty stands. It looks as if Dubai picks and chooses who they will or will not extradite on a case by case basis. So they may be coerced into it. I wouldn’t bet on it though.

    • “I don’t care what the facts are. It’s what I believe.” :lol:

  • At least in UAE he’d be closer to his King (Saudi Arabia). My feeling is that he will be running the wold as the head of the UN, so he won’t need to be in a non-extradition country. He will be UN-touchable in Geneva.

  • Whatever money Obama needs for the rest of his life the Democratic Party will provide.

  • Either way, he goes down as the worst imposter president in u.s history. That will be his legacy, and Trump will un-do it all and export all the muslims he brought in, hopefully right to Dubai on the doorstep of Obama’s new mansion, which he shouldn’t have even been able to afford like DK says.

  • NM156

    Make them give him up for arrest or nuke the daylights outta em. Tell them the choice is yours. All these illegitimate rothchilds have to be held accountable. Nothing more, nothing less.

  • Is this story for real? If the powers that be or will be in the future wanted to have Barack Obama in their possession, they would not just create a black ops event to go get him, even “illegally”. Do people think that he could hide on planet earth. In a third world country, relatively easy to take him. An Arab country still easy. In Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, ridiculous easy. A Satellite could watch his plane fly around the world and confirm whether he got off at any destination, even if disguised. This is not worth getting fired over, former US Admiral. Is he going to have diplomatic immunity as United Nations chief? Laughable, if those that want him are serious.

    Would China take him in if he had already given to them computer data of US defenses? No. Yes if they knew he had something to give them then at that time. They would not, take him in for monetary bribery. Thereby do not let him leave with paper or computer disc or other computer devices. This is why he cannot be allowed to finish his term. Three days before the next president is sworn in he plans to leave for a vacation in China. Not permitted. Arrest him if he plans to leave near the end of his term. Better yet arrest him now.

    • The problem is…the ones with the power to go and bring him back to this country are his cohorts
      who have protected him his entire term!


  • Do the Math – what is the definition of WORTHLESS ?

    A U.S. Navy Seal Team is on video embedded in an FBI operation in Oregon to assault Americans because the BLM is demanding they give up their ranch lands, while the Commander and Chief conspires to destroy America by arming our enemies, setting free ruthless terrorists in Gitmo for an Army traitor, spending America into bankruptcy, illegally immigrating tens of thousands of unvetted persons into our country, changing the Military to be a girlish automaton that has no moral compass whatsoever, and has been committing unconstitutional acts against America using a corrupt Secretary of State, and still can buy a mansion in a Muslim country which he will fly to the morning he leaves office.

    Welcome to the “NEW” United States Government and its Military – with their “New” patches – “In Corporations We Trust – To Hell With Anyone Else”

    • um, what? proof, please. Put it all, right here. Names, places, times, links to your sources, if credible, or perhaps it’s the local gas station cashier. Otherwise, it’s total BS

      • Still waiting. :lol: Funny how, when someone asks for actual evidence, the posters all run away.

        • Thou must live in a cave – :lol: :lol: :lol:

          • So that’s what you offer as proof of the above statement?

        • Still waiting.

        • Why, what a great Trumipian technique! Or was that ol’ Adolph? :lol:

          • Still waiting. What are you afraid of? where’s the proof I requested? Still waiting. For the second day.

          • Still waiting. Apparently your proof is lying about things. To quote the synopsis of all on BIN: “I don’t care what the facts are. It’s what I believe.” A direct quote, by the way.

  • Yes, the negro will live out his life like Idi Amin did. Vile Negroes getting away with murder and mayhem yet getting to live a life of ease and luxury.

    • Pink slime birth date: 1853

      • 1963 – Why I Do Not Call Negroes “Black”

        Negro is the proper description. Black is not a race but rather a derogatory description of the negro. If you look up the word “black” in a dictionary you will see that it is one of the MOST negative adjective in the -English language.

        I REFUSE to use the ethnic lieberal slur term of “black”, and the dictionary has a much more elegant definition of “negro”.

        Well, who thought of calling Negroes “black” then?

        Naturally another negro:
        It was a mulatto or a semi-negro from the Caribbeans I think. A liberal negro who decided to use that term and for a good reason. Black means something very negative and this was his idea for the “black movement” back in the 60′s to supercharge the negative of the negro. Remember how they like to use the term “black power”?

        For instance we have:

        Black plague,
        Black market,
        Black eye,
        Black Pope,
        Black mark,
        Black mail,
        Black magic,
        Black prince,
        Black hole,
        Black out,
        Uhh, black power.
        Black Mamba (one of the most poisonous snakes in the world next to oBama), and now we have,

        BLACK PEOPLE!!!

        Since we have been calling them that haven’t you notice they have gone downhill and actually are becoming like the term? Words have POWER you know…..

        If you don’t believe me start calling your lady or wife “b*tch!” Believe you me if thought she was b*tch then keep calling her that!

        Some definitions of BLACK:

        adj. Marked by anger or resentment.
        adj. Extremely dark.
        adj. Soiled with dirt or soot.
        adj. Having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences.
        adj. Offering little or no hope.
        adj. Distributed or sold illicitly.
        adj. Deliberately misleading.
        adj. Harshly ironic or sinister.
        noun. Absent of light.

        Doesn’t “negro” sound more humanistic and conciliatory? Perhaps if we called them negro again they might become tame? But no they put a sinister label on themselves. The pure adjective applied like a choke hold.

        And Black Power? How about ordinary Negro Power? :lol:

  • UAE MADE a fortune on Iran. Obama may have a receipt for a house purchase but he did not pay for it. In my opinion.

  • We three kings of BIN crap are….. :lol:

  • The house in question that everyone except those trusted souls in the Kremlin who the writer apparently trusts, is in Hawaii.

  • So, why should someone reading this be trusting something from an unnamed source in the Kremlin, of all places. And, why is the poster talking to the kremlin? And why would anyone be reading this trust the poster who gets his information from the kremlin? Unless you all believe the kremlin…. :lol:

    • This article impresses me as being a Sorcha Faal article because of its construction. Very little of Sorcha Faal, which is really CIA operative David Booth, not a bunch of Irish nuns, is true. If this is true, it would likely have been paid for by CIA black money since Obama´s grandparents, mother, and he himself worked for the CIA. See where one of 4 bits therein documents that Obama worked for the CIA.


      Arlene Johnson
      To access the rest of my work, click on the icon that says Magazine.

      • This paid ad brought to you by the site above. please click on it so she can make more money from her ads. :lol:

  • He can be shot there just as easy as here…. the long reach of justice does not stop at the water….

    • Are you intimating that someone be shot? Hmm. You’d better be careful of your answer.

      • The negro is not bullet proof. He is not g*d. Maybe G*d-damned if he splits Israel into two. :twisted:

        • Care to say what you’re really saying?

    • Now now, Pinky. Remember who runs this site: probably the NSA to snare crazies and keep track of them. Be careful of your answer! :lol:

  • Let’s see. You’re trusting a guy wearing a tin foil hat. who spreads a FALSE story.
    EXAMPLE: [Collected via e-mail, January 2016]

    Obama ordered Rear Adm. Rick Williams fired for questioning Obama’s purchase of a mansion in Dubai — then put out that the admiral was fired for viewing pornography on his government computer.

    ORIGIN:On 9 January 2016, Stars and Stripes published an article reporting that Rear Adm. Rick Williams had been relieved of duty just six months after command of Carrier Strike Group 15:

    The commander of the Navy’s Carrier Strike Group 15 based in San Diego was relieved of his duties, the Navy said in a release.

    Rear Adm. Rick Williams was removed from his position due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command, the release said.

    The Navy’s Third Fleet Commander Vice Adm. Nora Tyson relieved Williams based on the results of an investigation into allegations of misuse of government computer equipment.

    A 9 January 2016 Navy Times article elaborated that the disciplinary action taken against Williams stemmed from his use of government computers to view pornography:

    During a routine inspection, Williams was found to have looked at pornographic images on his government computer, violating Navy rules, said a Navy source familiar with the incident. The misuse of the computer did not involve any classified material and the investigation is ongoing, the source added.

    “They have enough information to say it wasn’t just a mistake,” the source said. “It was extensive enough that they knew it was not just an error.”

    On 10 January 2016, disreputable web site published an article (“Top US Admiral Fired for Questioning Obama Purchase of Mansion in Dubai”) that spun Williams’ story as one in which he was relieved of command for “questioning Obama’s purchase of mansion in Dubai”:

    A stunning new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that one of the United States Navy’s top commanders was relieved of his command a few hours ago after he sent out an “email/posting” revealing that President Barack Obama was in the process of purchasing a multi-million dollar seaside luxury villa in the United Arab Emirates city (UAE) of Dubai.

    According to this report, the Commander of the US Navy’s Carrier Strike Group 15, Rear Admiral Rick Williams, posted a “pointed” query on 8 January [since deleted] to the US Naval Institute’s “Readiness Kill Chain” “recipients/responders” list as to why Navy security and intelligence personal had been dispatched from Naval Support Facility Thurmont (aka Camp David) to Dubai on what he termed an “Obama house hunting mission”.

    None of latter version of the tale was true. It originated with a fake news source, the political conspiracy site, described by RationalWiki as follows:

    Sorcha Faal is the alleged author of an ongoing series of “reports” published at, whose work is of such quality that even other conspiracy nutters don’t think much of it.

    Each report resembles a news story in its style, but usually includes a sensational headline barely related to reality and quotes authoritative high-level Russian sources (such as the Russian Federal Security Service) to support its most outrageous claims. Except for the stuff attributed to unverifiable sources, the reports don’t contain much original material. They are usually based on various news items from the mainstream media and/or whatever the clogosphere is currently hyperventilating about, with each item shoehorned into the conspiracy narrative the report is trying to establish.

    This is not the first time has started rumors with little base in reality. In May 2013, the site started a rumor claiming Russian president Vladimir Putin threatened the U.S. over the Obama administration’s support of Monsanto; in October 2013, the site maintained that President Obama fired several military officers for disobeying his order to destroy Charleston as part of a “false flag” attack; in January 2014, it asserted President Obama planned to displace thousands of people in Montana in order to give their land to Native Americans.

    The image used to illustrate President Obama’s purported mansion in Dubai appears to have been plucked at random from widely-available real estate listings in the UAE (seen below, labeled in subsequent iterations of the rumor).

    Conclusion: you people are sooooo gullible, or stupid, or both. :lol:

    • And, obviously can’t handle the truth, as jack nicholson famously said.

  • So in other words, the poster here, The Voice of Reason, STOLE the information posted here from someone else, or continues spreading slanderous statements against the good admiral. Puke.

  • Or, should we say, the good porn-loving admiral :twisted:

  • “To if Saudi Arabia itself is behind the purchase of this luxury seaside villa in Dubai for President Obama this report doesn’t state”

    Therefore it could be a bribe, but then anyone who evens thinks that it may be a bribe is probably considered a terrorist and may legally disappear somewhere against their will.

    Although you’re probably liable to disappear anyway by being on this site. If you breathe, you are considered a terrorist.

    • IWO, you still believe this crap, posted by a guy wearing a tin foil hat to protect himself against government or alien light beams, eh? :???:

  • Yeah you’re nutz dude…. I have multiple properties outside of the US. Your beloved Mitch Mcconnell has cocaine shipments leaving South America… And where did you find this Read Admiral inside of your pooper?

  • Obama, purchased a house in the Ghetto of New Orleans….next door to Lil Wayne…
    video here…. :

    • Nawhomes shoot. He bought a house next to Ice Cube’s in South Central. I heard it fom da ga who sold me huh powball tick :lol:

  • Illiterates.

    • The story:
      The commander of the Navy’s Carrier Strike Group 15 based in San Diego was relieved of his duties Friday, the Navy said in a release on Saturday.

      Rear Adm. Rick Williams was removed from his position due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command, the release said.

      The Navy’s Third Fleet Commander Vice Adm. Nora Tyson relieved Williams based on the results of an investigation into allegations of misuse of government computer equipment.

      Williams took command of Carrier Strike Group 15 in July 2015. He has been administratively reassigned, the release said, to the staff of Commander, U.S. Third Fleet.

      Until a permanent relief is identified, Williams will be replaced by Capt. Chris Barnes who will serve as the interim commander.

      The primary mission of the San Diego-based Strike Group is to train Pacific Fleet Carrier Strike Groups, Amphibious Ready Groups, and independently deploying surface ships prior to deployment.

      According to his Navy biography, Williams was commissioned through an ROTC program in 1984.

      He commanded Navy Region Hawaii and Naval Surface Group Middle Pacific from 2013 through 2015, before taking command of Carrier Strike Group 15.

      His military awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal (two awards) Legion of Merit (five awards), Meritorious Service Medal (two awards), Joint Commendation Medal, Navy Commendation Medal (four awards), Army Commendation Medal, and Navy Achievement Medal (three awards).

      [email protected]

      Um, does this say ANYTHING about what you stole to allege impropriety? do you know what that word is? do you know i’m reading your thoughts through your tin hat because you bought lightweight aluminum foil rather than heavy? :lol:

    • I know you are but what am i? That statement makes about as much sense and is as literate as what you have STOLEN and posted here, herr Goebbels.

    • I know you are but what am I? That’s about as literate as the garbage you’ve posted here, tinfoil man aka Herr Goebbels. :cool:

  • hey y’all when I go to BIN and the main page opens up there isn’t a scroll bar at the right. So all I could do was click on this article at the very top. What’s up?

    • WELCOME to the always lying BIN

      • Hot steaming pile of “dingle berry dog do” – “Fearporn” is for real men and women. If you can’t handle the heat…Get out of he kitchen.

        • EQ said:

          ““Fearporn” is for real men and women.”

          Uhh… what?

          • hahahahah dog dodoo hahahah yer funnyEqualizer i like you

            What is dingle berrys?

            “If you can’t handle the heat…Get out of he kitchen.”

            You are corect. As uncle ricoh said you have to preheat the ovan befor you stik in the turky

            I’m not supossed to watch porn.

            I’m David!

  • Hey Foil Hat man, read this. you might learn something! :twisted:
    First, how can you people continue to believe, much less read, this crap? Everything, it seems according to all who fill BIN with BIS, is either under control of aliens from Niburu or planet X, Obama and the illuminati, Obama or the illuminati, Putin, or Obama, the devil, the pope, the pope and the devil, Obama working with Putin and G. Soros, and/or the illuminati—whom no one EVER identifies specifically–everything and everyone knowing EVERYTHING, but little ol YOU. So, you wind up being afraid of EVERYTHING. No wonder you’re addicted. Addicted to the rush of pure, adulterated fearporn. Can’t get enough of fearporn crack. Because you’re so afraid, because you’re overwhelmed by the 24-hour news cycle, the onrush of everything new from LED TV to the concept of life on other planets, to manned space flight to Mars, you feel powerless. So, you wallow in FEAR. You LOVE FEARPORN. Probably wank a bone or two over it. So, let’s review: CAN YOU SAY TYPICAL NAZI FASCIST TACTIC—TELL A LIE AND HOPE IT TURNS INTO THE TRUTH?

    We’re now being afflicted with at least three BIS “the world will end” fearporn reports, thus earning the posters enough money to buy more Powerball tickets that another fearporn artist has posted to say that the Powerball is an illuminati trick even though another poster had earlier posted that ‘all the illuminati have gone to Planet X’ fearporn even though they haven’t, and it’s usually some factory worker shoprat who wins any lottery.
    We’ve gone through the 17 people shot in new Orleans and no media covered it even though media across the country covered it’ fearporn.
    We’re now enduring the latest belch of bullcrap, that the United Nations will take over the U.S.’ fearporn, even though they CONSIST OF 97,000 troops that ALSO INCLUDES 35 U.S. TROOPS (Look up the TRUTH here: ) She continues to be savvy in earning money from posting BS at this site that appeals only to fear’ fearporn. With I’m sure owners of many of the 300 million guns in America reading this, Why Do some of You People Continue To Believe This, And HER? Gotta Love that false flag fearporn!!
    We’ve gone through the ‘Putin, the devil incarnate (true), will start WW III,’ and ‘Putin, an angel of god (false, in fact, false flag), will prevent WW III’ double-dip fearporns.
    Former CIA—yeah right—agent says Obama’s a crook’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ‘Obama’s going to be impeached’ fearporn. Yeah, right.
    We’ve gone through the ‘Putin will destroy Turkey (false flag)’fearporn.
    We’ve gone through ‘everything that is real is a false flag and that a false flag is a false flag for a false flag, but whatever you say against me saying it’s all a false flag is a false flag because they’ll never be a true flag because I get paid too much to say everything’s a false flag false flag’ fearporn
    We’ve gone through ‘the niburians are coming, the niburians are coming’ fearporn about once every, oh, six weeks, whenever the science fiction writer of this particular line of crap sees his bank account getting low, or wants a good laugh from setting off the usual bunch of yahoos into a fearporn frenzy’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ‘there are thousands of nasty middle-east people who want to kill us all operating in plain view and no one does anything about it even though the only ones who say they exist are fearporn sites’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ‘21st century version of the “yellow peril” about Syrians coming to the U.S. and they’ll all be terrorists and we won’t find out enough about them’ Fearporn. Love their food, by the way. Unless….acchhh!! I’ve… been…acchhh!!…poisoned….’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ‘Nibiru will pass earth in 2017, giving the writer who came up with that bit of fiction plenty of time to fill his checking account with revenue from two years of ad clicks’ fearporn.
    we’ve gone through the ‘Texas will be taken over’ by the country it already is a part of fearporn.
    We’ve recently entered the ‘Alaska will be taken over by the country it already is a part of’ fearporn era. Good choice, since the state is full of paranoids and escapists, both from reality and the law.
    We’ve gone through the ‘military exercises really a takeover of the U.S. by the U.S.’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through ‘texas town taken over by its own army’ ha ha, just kidding’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ”all the school gun murders are false flags to take our guns’–I still have my seven or eight– fearporn. How about YOU?
    We’ve gone through the ‘no one caries a gun like that, must be wrong/fake/an alien/a russian spy take your pick’ fearporn even though if you’ve EVER had any experience carrying an m-16-type weapon, you’d know they were made to be carried almost anyway you want to carry them. So stupid.
    We’ve gone through the ‘Obama’s coming to take my guns’ –I still have mine, by the way, how many of yours has he taken’—fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ‘all school gun murders were done by space aliens’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ‘all school gun murders were fake’ fearporn—try telling that to: the EMS workers, the DOCTORS, the NURSES, the POLICE, the TEACHERS, the MEs, the PROSECUTORS, and most of all, parents of the DEAD all of whom you think had a meeting to whip up a vast conspiracy that your confused, possibly drug-laced little mind has talked you into believing—which makes me want to puke in your face’ fearporn. See NAZI reference above for more puke-invoking crap.
    We’ve gone thru the ‘world will end sept. 25′ fearporn.
    We’ve gone thru ‘the whole world is under the devil’s control—guess that means the writer of the trash who decreed that, too’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through ‘the world will end Oct. 18′ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through ‘well it didn’t end on Sept 25 or Oct. 18 or 20, but it will in November’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through ‘weather chaos will erupt in 500 days, giving the writer enough time to make hundreds of posts, earning him/her lots of money; pretty clever I’d say’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ‘everyone’s an antichrist but me, the real saviour, and if anyone says anything against me, you’re the antichrist too even though i belong in a hospital, or maybe I am in one already’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the “someone’s piloting a comet towards earth, and you can see them inside’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ‘all walmarts are now ready as FEMA prison camps’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ‘there are secret tunnels leading to all Walmarts to turn them into FEMA prison camps overnight and they’re moving thousands of tanks across the nation in these secret tunnels’ fearporn. Yeah, right.
    We’ve gone through the ‘they’re knocking at my door to take my guns—even though I still have mine’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through ‘the stock market will crash in April, June, October/take your pick of dates’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ‘there are FEMA prison camps all over the nation but no one can find them’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ‘city disappears and no one notices’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through ‘the supercollider at CERN is a gateway to the devil because it’s science-based’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ‘supercollider at CERN is permanently closed’ even though it isn’t fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ‘they’re spreading poison in the contrails seen from jets even through they’ve existed since we began flying in the stratosphere’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through, numerous times, that ‘WW III is starting any day’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ‘anyone who disagrees with me is a CIA operative troll, hey what a good way to discredit someone, just fling out an accusation with absolutely no proof, just like Joe Mccarthy in the 50s, a great ‘when did you stop beating your wife statement’’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ‘anyone who disagrees with me is a govt. operative…hey that’s a great way to discredit anyone, with ‘proof’ that someone made up 15 minutes ago, or presenting absolutely no proof at all, just say it anyway because the people who believe that aliens are living in their basements will definitely believe this’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through the ‘I’m so important, the government has assigned one person to each of us on BIN to monitor me and tell us that no, there is no second moon orbiting the earth, that UFOs are not hiding in the earth’s core, that there is no ‘man in the Mars’ staring at us from that planet even though we, in our current state of dementia, know that there is so I’d better put on my aluminum foil hat now’ fearporn.
    We’ve gone through ‘the moon will be hit by an asteroid—maybe’ fearporn.
    Who wants to add more here? I’m betting very few are, because so many of you are living in a fantasy world that is the internet.
    What you should be asking yourselves is, why do i enjoy being afraid of the boogeyman so much? It’s not Halloween for another year, so why?
    Does anyone reading this crap with enough sense to climb out of their ‘build your end of the world shelter now fearporn’ plans even see ANY kind of pattern here with the crap that is posted on BIN?
    I know batboy would. But he’s retired and living in a cave, unless he’s infected with white nose syndrome.
    I’m adding to this list constantly, because the writers of this stuff lost their jobs at Weekly World News or The Enquirer and now make money this way, writing fearporn while locked in their little apartments, because ‘I’m too afraid to speak to anyone for fear they’re an alien, or a government agent, Obama or Putin spy who, apparently out of your own twisted sense of clinical narcissistic disorder, think I’m the most important person in the world and therefore worthy of being spied on, or…take your pick, but mostly because I make lots of money doing it’ fearporn.
    It’s to MAKE THE POSTERS OF THIS CRAP MONEY, people. Nothing more. They feed on your fear. YOU feed on their delusions.
    Will you be joining the ranks of ‘the guy who shot his friend during a zombie movie marathon because he was so crapped he thought his friend was turning into a zombie even though there is no such thing’ fearporn?
    And what does that say about YOU?

    • wow…….why do you even waste your time on this site if you can only find worthless dribble ? There IS a lot of BS to filter through, I will agree with you there, however all information is useful information if used properly.

      A lot of folks here are just ordinary everyday average John or Jane Does trying to add what they see going on around them from their perspective, to the info pool. Most of us are bright enough to know that BIN is not the final, “end of the search for truth” web site. I think most of us see this site as one of many sites that are a useful starting point for investigating any given subject. It’s not the place that defines the “end of the story, slam dunk stick a fork in’er, she’s done” , “end of investigation, nothing more to learn on this subject”, final conclusion.

      BIN is a good place to start an information gathering journey. Sorry that you can’t see it as such.

      • Ted

        Hourly job?

      • Well said Knarlydawg!! Has anyone considered this Admiral might have been opposed to sending the Fleet to antagonize the Chinese in the South China Seas/Spratley Is area?
        He may have been opposed to providing an escort to that “mysterious” SBX-1 hurricane/earthquake making oil rig that is secretly chugging around the Pacific?
        He may have been opposed to “dumping at sea” the MH370 fuselage?

        This is exactly the trouble Doggy Doo, who can we trust anymore?….We are all just trying to find the Truth hidden in alternative sites because we KNOW we cant trust the MSM Rot…..

      • Agreed. Information is good to have. However, which would you rather have? Information that the moon is green cheese, and the sun revolves around the earth, or the truth? :lol:

      • Cuz it’s so much fun to see what crazy people wearing tinfoil hats are saying! Great entertainment! I’m sure the boys at the NSA are enjoying all of it! :lol:

  • Can’t take it, eh, foil man? :lol: Time for your evening meds.

  • Only a disgusting lesbian would fire a patriotic admiral for the brave thing he did.

    • Let’s examine that statement, shall we? The poster of this “article”, a guy wearing a tinfoil hat, falsely quotes an article from Stars & Stripes, which I wrote for, by the way, that the good admiral was fired for some made-up crap about Obama. I posted the REAL article above. How many of you bothered to notice? It says NOTHING about what tinfoil man claims it does. If you do a simple two-minute search of the internet, it reveals that the good admiral was using his govt. computer onboard ship to watch porn. No problem with watching porn. Even admirals get lonely/horny at sea. Problem is, he used a government computer. So, who here would say that a worker in a school, or at your own city hall, using the computer YOU help buy with your taxes, is okay with a worker using their computer to look at porn, rather than going home and doing it on their own machine?
      Ok, second, I also posted something showing there is absolutely NO evidence–NONE–that our black prezadent bought a house in dubai. The post uses a photo a a house pulled off of a real estate search spot like zillow and falsely linked it to Obama. Now, if you’d been following closely, I pointed out rumors of a house in Hawaii being purchased by “friends” of Obama, the same one that was used on the 80s detective show Magnum PI. That may, or may not, be where obam will “retire” to, however who here cares about facts. All they want is fearporn. And it’s so much fun for me to read, knowing that this site is probably monitored by the NSA or FBI to look for nuts who might do harm, including ol’ Pinky.

  • Obama has several billion dollars stashed away and can buy lots of Homes
    but does he have a BIRTH CERTIFICATE? ….asked a Libertarian elder :twisted:

    • Does Ted Cruz have one? I mean, he has a problem, and he’d better go to court and have a declamatory statement filed!
      How’d you like that, issued by one D. Trump, who said, I like Cruz, he’s my buddy VEEP prospect, but I just don’t know… burying him while praising him, a la marcus Antonious. Oops, sorry, used a reference hardly any of you probably know. :lol:

      • I mean, a lot of people are saying it. Not me, mind you. A lot of people! :twisted:

  • An actual tinfoil hat. Amazing.

  • First Time in U.S. History 7 Generals got Fired!
    by neweffectmedia , Published on Oct 12, 2013

    4-Star Admiral Slams Obama: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrated All Of Our National Security Agencies
    by Newzvids , Published on Jan 28, 2015

    4-Star Admiral Accuses Barack Obama Of Treason
    by Newzvids , Published on Apr 26, 2015

    • The Clucker

      WRONG! They volunteerily descided to “EARLY RETIRE” rather then be reassigned to a LOWER POSITION WITH THE SAME PAY! Do you can them a “HERO” for that? LETS SEE ANY OF THESE BOGUS HIGH TREASENUS GENERALS DISCHARGE PAPERS AND CHARGES? Yeah – not one of them can provide them because THEY ARE LYING!

      As a War Vet, I look forward to peeingn on each of these Cowardly Dishonorable High Treasenus Officers. I do it in the name of the 10+ million of soldiers who lost their lives, when not one officer today can do the right thing to change our nation. Not one Officer has given up their life for our nation since Vietnam. And todays Generals, Admirals and Officers can’t even say No and lose a rank, get thrown in the brig for standing up to the criminals. yeah – they are real men alright. They thought joining the military was one big daisy chain of holding hands, and sleeping with other soliders of the same sex is more important then their job. To give their life to protect our nation.

  • This story is completely plausible. It confirms my story for BIN not long ago: “World headquarters may not be where you thought. Israel tranfers operations to Saudi Arabia by 2018″ /alternative/2014/08/world-headquarters-may-not-be-where-you-thought-israel-tranfers-operations-to-saudi-arabia-by-2018-3004584.html

  • Who is doggy doo? What could be more obvious.

    • Doggy do be me. That ol’ gun-carryin’ CPL totin’ lib journalist. IWO, most of yourn’s worst nightmare. :lol:

    • Btw, i urge you to read the post by yours truly above, in reference to the old fearporn defense: If you can’t deny what he says, just say or imply that the poster is a gummint operative, a la tailgunner Joe McCarthy. That way, you don’t need to present ANY proof. Just call him or her the nasty thing. That’s all you got???

    • doggy do seems to have a burr up his/her rectal orifice and is creating quite a doggy do do whirl wind of a mess in this article’s comments. Something or somebody is tracking doggy do do all over the place. What a mess. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • “doggy do” seems to have a wild burr up his/her rectal orifice and is creating quite a doggy do do whirl wind of a mess in this article’s comments. Who stepped in it ? Something or somebody is tracking/spreading doggy do do all over the place. What a mess. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      • this is not the intended location for this comment…..kind of nice how it just ends up any ole place.

        oh well !! :lol: :lol:

      • ha! I love it! Again, tinfoil man has me growling. :lol: His credo: “I don’t care about the facts. It’s what I believe!.” :lol:

  • Here we go again. The poster is lying. Stars and Stripes DID NOT report this. This is the egregiously slanderous posting of a guy who wears a tinfoil hat at his computer so the government can’t read his mind. Stars and Stripes, which I worked for, reports that the admiral was relieved for watching porn on his government computer, instead of his own, personal computer. The REAL story, posted by me somewhere below, provides details. This guy poster, whom i’ve nicknamed tinfoil man, is obviously in need of help. :mad:

  • I think obama is running scared and thinks Dubai may be a safe place for him to retire. He will be looking over his back for as long as he lives because of the things he has done to America and the American People.

    • Another example of the BIN words to live by: “I don’t care about the facts. It’s what i believe.”

  • That hat is out of fashion this is the real “spook” hat for you:

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