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Palestinian/ Israeli update 5/15/2016..Nakba (Catastrophe)

Sunday, May 15, 2016 16:25
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Palestinians mark 68th Nakba day

Palestinians on Sunday marked the 68th anniversary of Nakba (Catastrophe), the day when the Israelis displaced Palestinians of their homeland.

Several demonstrations took place across West Bank and Gaza Strip, with Palestinians demanding their right of return, Al Manar reported.

As a symbolic demonstration of this right, “Return Train” traveled through part of the occupied West Bank district of Bethlehem.

The train embarked from al-Duheisha refugee camp, heading towards Bethlehem, where it drove past the separation wall. Organizers of the demonstration chanted the names of villages whose inhabitants were forcibly expelled or massacred in 1948.

Several hundred Palestinians, many of them children, marched alongside the train waving Palestinian flags.

Near the separation wall, Israeli forces fired two rounds of tear gas at demonstrators.

Meanwhile in Gaza, Palestinians took to streets in several areas across the city. A crowded march took place in al-Jundi Square in Gaza city.

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