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Palestinian/ Israeli update 8/28/2016..Palestinian forces say they shoot down Israeli drone over the city of Beit Hanun

Sunday, August 28, 2016 16:57
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Palestinian forces say they shoot down Israeli drone over the city of Beit Hanun

Why has BDS become so strong and frightening to Israel?

The enlightened leftist settle

The leftist settler.
So-called liberal Zionists have been settlers in the Kibbutzim, literally living on top of Palestinian villages, since the very foundation of the State of Israel. A couple of decades later the settler movement was initiated by the liberal Zionists of the Labor Party.
Nowadays they seek to remove these West Bank settlers because of demographic concerns which have absolutely nothing to do with Palestinians or the respect for Palestinian rights. They are opposed to the settlements that they themselves created due to their need to protect an ethnic-supremacist entity inside ’48 (aka “Israel proper”).
But then, once in a while, comes some leftist settler in the West Bank and exposes the lie of liberal Zionism

Palestinians react to Israel’s efforts to stem violence in East Jerusalem

Kerry leaves Israel after meetings with Israeli, Palestinian officials


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