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Trump Picks Price for Department of Health and Human Services

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 8:01
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(Before It's News)


President-elect Donald Trump announced in a statement, early Tuesday, that he plans to nominate Georgia Representative Tom Price, an ardent critic of ObamaCare, to head the Department of Health and Human Services. Trump also named Seema Verma, a health care consultant who designed Indiana’s Medicaid program, as the administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The agency administers ObamaCare.

As we reported Monday, one of Price’s top priorities as health secretary will be to dismantle ObamaCare.

Price chairs the House Budget Committee and has long criticized ObamaCare as a threat to quality and affordable health care. Price has said the purpose of health reform should be to advance accessibility, affordability, quality, responsiveness, and innovation — none of these are improved by the Affordable Care Act.

The nomination is subject to confirmation by the Senate. Democrats were quick to attack it.

Before entering politics, Price spent nearly 20 years in private practice as an orthopedic surgeon. He also served as medical director of the orthopedic clinic at Grady Memorial Hospital and as an assistant professor at Emory University’s School of Medicine

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