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6 Case Studies That Point to a Massive Child Pedophile Ring at the Highest Levels of Power

Monday, January 2, 2017 16:03
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(Before It's News)

January 3rd, 2016

Via The Last American Vagabond

With all the speculation surrounding the Clintons and the allegations that they are intimately tied to a massive child pedophilia ring that is interconnected with occult practices, we at The Last American Vagabond wanted to present the following case studies to show that the idea of a massive child pedophilia ring at the highest levels of power is not only possible but very real, and needs to be addressed. This is not a joke and something people should not take lightly.


To present the research, we would like to showcase a brilliant write-up by a fellow redditor which explains the detail of six cases that point to this being more than mere separate incidents or isolated events. (Thank you for your incredible courage to do the research and present it for all to see. Your work and time is much appreciated by those in the Truth community.) Each case is heavily researched with a plethora of links, both within the article and in the sources section below, for all to do their own personal investigation, as we so often advocate. Each conscientious truth seeker out there must not resign to simply take our word for it, or anyone else’s; each must seek their own conclusions. Please read this with an open mind and take the time to get educated because this issue is of the utmost importance.


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