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Christianity under siege [above featured image “Defining the End of Days” find it here!
The past year has seen unprecedented attempts to diminish, discredit and suppress a Christian world-view in law, medicine and academia. That was the message from Christian leaders a few weeks ago in Ottawa. At the same time three politicians, all Christians, were publicly condemned as ignorant and unscientific for daring to disagree with an intolerant fundamentalist…
The Watchman declares according to Isaiah 21:6 “let the watchman declare what he see’s”. D Day For America; Living Waters; One Truth, One Salvation; and many other E Books. In addition many websites have over the years published his articles, research, and warning.
We use all our resources; i.e. media and websites in our ability to warn, exhort, teach, and prepare people for what is coming. The of Glory is Coming, he is Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Massiach, the only begotten Son of God, Adonai, our Father. The Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is “Alpha and Omega” the beginning and the end, and everything in between. Be ye saved all the ends of the earth, repent all men everywhere.
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The complete series in one place
Anti-Christ Shadows of Nations
Blood and Blood guilt Murderer’s Row
Dunamis of Acts series Exegesis
“Held in Contempt of the Lords Court”
Prophecy Defining the End of Days
The High, Exalted One and His People
Colossians “Centricity of Christ”
Revelation Series Exegesis page where we have the complete volume of teachings pertaining to the “Time is at Hand”
Deuteronomy Series Exogesis In 14 parts for the Remnant
Patriarch Remnant Series selection of teachings on Israel, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Judah, Roots Remnant
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“The past year has seen unprecedented attempts to diminish, discredit and suppress a Christian world-view in law, medicine and academia.”
Not difficult, Christians couldn’t tell the truth or live decently if their lives depended on it, evidenced by their over representation as convicted criminals, and in fact it’s easy to debunk the book of dark age fables, because it’s one big oxymoron from start to end.
Medicine has nothing to do with it, seeing as your book of fables has none, academia can prove it’s a dark age plagiarisation of pagan mystery cult, and Christian law is barbaric, would reduce 50% of the global population (women), back to owned property with zero rights. That’s not justice, it’s draconian, squashed penis/Pharisee’s invented business law,.. women are compassionate, compassion is bad for profit.
If the laws in your book of fables were allowed to dominate, based on Christian principles, we’d be back to burning people alive for disagreeing in the blink of an eye.
So no thanks, the world has so moved on from burn the witch, kill the dissenter, and stone all unmarried non virgin women to death.
Christianity is not under siege, the traditions of men ARE as well they should be.
Too much drama in modern christianity, too many fame seekers, and too much fear mongering and twisting of scripture…this all should be under siege because of the damage it has done to people.
Religious mind control MUST be ended, and will be when creation itself is set free from bondage and corruption. Modern christianity only cares about the money and the size of their buildings, although there are a few that truly do serve and help others, this is becoming rare.