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Fleeing ISIS Into Exile, Syriac Christians Sing the Oldest Music on Earth

Thursday, April 16, 2015 10:35
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WIBR/WARN Radio and Internet ministry is “an Prophetic end time, teaching, preaching, and warning agency”. Our shows are heard via Satellite, Warn Radio network, and world wide via the Internet.

Syriac Christians

The Apostles went into Syria and all the surrounding area’s. The whole of the Middle east was turned upside down and the gospel spread throughout the empire of the Romans. Today, it hardly seems like the same place; except in some places where ancient lines of Christianity still hold it’s place. That is until ISIS and it’s counterparts in the middle east; radical Islamic fighters who see it as their job to murder, rape, pillage, and behead their way across large swathes of Libya, Syria, and Iraq. Just like Genghis Khan who bore down in the far east with his hordes of monguls putting the devil and the fear of darkness into the souls of those who feared his armies; Islamic fighters of ISIS and others do the same. Put fear, slaughter in the name of your God, and don’t stop till your dead.
But in all this, the truth of the Living and True God comes out in the hearts of his believers.
Today one of the most celebrated music are the songs and voices of the monks who sing long, deep, and varied songs.  This article is about the Syriac Christians fleeing the persecution and about the oldest music in the world; it is Syriac liturgical music. Below is an excerpt from the British Library where this is being held.

The recordings in this collection were made in 2011 by Nathaniel Daudrich and George Richards in Syriac Orthodox monasteries in south-east Turkey.

The part of Turkey where these recordings were made is called Tur Abdin – the Mountains of the Servants of God – and the two monasteries, Deyrulzafaran and Mor Gabriel, are among the very last islands of the Syriac people in Turkey. The recordings document Syriac language and one of the oldest existing forms of song, liturgical chant, which is similar to the Western tradition of plainsong.

I love music, love it’s sounds; classical, liturgical, and I do like this; Music is for the soul and heart and when sung by someone whose heart is full of a song; it can be breath taking! Music is Gods gift, but man has abused it and the Devil perverted it!
WIBR/WARN Radio commentary on Syriac Christians and the persecution
Fleeing ISIS Into Exile, Syriac Christians Sing the Oldest Music on Earth

The last time they came along the road to the monastery of Mar Mattai in northern Iraq, it was September. Then, there was a queue of cars stretching back to Mosul. There were little girls in white dresses with curly hair tied up in ribbons. Mothers carried sponge-cakes in boxes on their knees. Their husbands, moustaches…

WIBR/WARN Radio is an endtime, preaching, teaching, and warning agency heralding in the second coming of Jesus Christ to this earth. We publish this information for the Believers in Christ Jesus to pray, be informed, support, and help those brethren in Christ overseas who are persecuted. We also recommend you support those agencies who directly work and or support these persecuted believers.

The WIBR/WARN Radio network and the Remnant

Many years ago we started out in college broadcasting over our college transmitter. Then we broadcast into 150 nations over World Harvest Shortwave Radio and World Wide Christian Radio

Today, we are still moving forward with the gospel. We are the Watchman Institute of Biblical Research and the Watchman Alert Radio network.

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The Teachings of the Watchman Dana G Smith

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Dana G Smith is the Watchman of the WIBR and the WARN Radio and Online Ministries. Here you will find teachings, resources, news and much more. The Watchman can be heard each week over the Blogtalkradio network, Vimeo, and Warn network listen live page.

The Watchman declares according to Isaiah 21:6 “let the watchman declare what he see’s”. D Day For America; Living Waters; One Truth, One Salvation; and many other E Books. In addition many websites have over the years published his articles, research, and warning.

We use all our resources; i.e. media and websites in our ability to warn, exhort, teach, and prepare people for what is coming. The of Glory is Coming, he is Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Massiach, the only begotten Son of God, Adonai, our Father. The Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is “Alpha and Omega” the beginning and the end, and everything in between. Be ye saved all the ends of the earth, repent all men everywhere.

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