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Jewish Denial of the Holocaust

Thursday, April 16, 2015 7:48
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If the Holocaust were really as significant as the Jews (boringly) insist that it is every year on Holocaust Remembrance Day, then it is only natural to assume that the Jews themselves would be seriously interested in both knowing and understanding, clearly and in detail, the theological origins of those horrors.
In order, of course, to prevent their re-occurrence.
But, if any attempt at all is made to explain to them that the Holocaust originated in the desperate efforts of Paul to preserve the ‘god of the dead’ (Chapter 20, verse 38 of the Gospel of Luke), “leaven of the Pharisees”, “synagogue of Satan” doctrine of “the resurrection” as the physical raising of a dead body from the grave…
If any attempt at all is made to explain to them that the function of the doctrine of “vicarious atonement” (and the “monstrous blasphemy” that Jesus is ‘God’) is to shift the responsibility for the crucifixion from the Jewish priesthood to “the Jews” as a whole; and, thereby, to preserve the wealth and power of the Jewish priesthood
They are, incredibly, utterly and completely uninterested.
When told the theological origin of the Holocaust, they simply DO NOT CARE.
They are simply too busy whining about how much the Jews suffered in Nazi Europe to pay any attention at all to the theological origins of that suffering…
At least suggesting that even they do not really believe that it happened at all.
Meanwhile, Christian theology after the Holocaust’ is fundamentally NO different (or maybe even worse) than Christian theology before the Holocaust:
Jesus is still ‘God’.
Jesus was still ‘sacrificed’ as a “vicarious atonement” for the ‘sins of men’.
Belief in the ‘blood atonement’ of the crucifixion is still required for admission into the (non-existent) Christian metaphysical ‘heaven’.
Jesus still did NOT teach “the resurrection” as a Doctrine of ‘Rebirth’.
And “the Jews”, rather than the Jewish priesthood, are STILL responsible for the crucifixion.
Thus, the phenomenon known as “Christian Zionism” is much more ephemeral than either the Zionist Jews or the anti-Zionist Jews assume.
Something which is NOT without political implications upon the Zionist state of Israel itself.
Michael (Chapter 12, verse 1 of the Book of Daniel, Sura 2, verse 98 of the Quran, Column XVII of the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light & Chapter 3, verse 12 of the Revelation of John) and

Sarah–>Elijah–>John the Baptist–>Mohammed–>Elizabeth (Chapter 12, verse 13 of the Book of Daniel and Chapter 11, verse 14 & Chapter17, verses 10-13 of the Gospel of Matthew) for:
Seven Women, Seven Churches and Seven Sisters )

Hagar–>the apostle Mary–>Danielle (1982-1987)

(March, 1987—the

Isaac–>the apostle John–>Robin (1986)

Ishmael–>the apostle Peter–>Cindy (1992)

Jacob–>the apostle Thomas–>Linda (1987-

Esau–>the apostle, Judas–>Susan (1970)

Isaiah’s wife–>the apostle James–>Kimberly (2000-




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